Hard Road to Hierarch/C18
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Hard Road to Hierarch/C18
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Faang Hui Yuan did not expect to win against this martial uncle, but the situation was such that Shen Shuangfann could not back down. Seeing Faang Hui struggle to attack, suffering from both arms, he immediately moved to the side to avoid Faang Hui's palm. Wu Tie's five palm strikes were all dodged by Shen Shuangfann.

Zou Lee'er stood to the side and watched. Initially, she was worried that Shen Shuangfann had hurt Faang Hui due to his excessive attacks. Now that Faang Hui had obtained the upper hand, she was worried that he had offended her master and caused a disaster. Seeing that Faang Hui was getting ahead of himself, Shen Shuangfann secretly vented his anger in his heart. He wanted to numb his arms and teach this brat a ruthless lesson.

Just as he was thinking, Faang Hui had stopped attacking and took a step back. He cupped his hands and said: "Disciple has nothing to be impressed with disciple's Lightness Skill footwork. Disciple has struggled for dozens of moves during the examination, I beg disciple to calm his anger." While he was cupping his hands, his left arm was at ease, and the numbness in Crooked Chi's acupoints had already been released.

At this moment, the blood vessels on Shen Shuangfann's arms flowed smoothly. He smiled and said, "Sure, sure. The small house's kung fu is really good." He reached out his hand to support Wu Junyi's arm. Faang Hui only felt a strong force coming at him, causing him to be unable to maintain his balance as he cried out, "Ouch!" Only after taking a few steps back did he stand still with the stake.

Shen Shuangfann saw Faang Hui shout and retreat, but he was still acting. Besides, he had just exchanged blows with Faang Hui. The size of his inner strength was not as cold as the Yin Qi, and although it was not as big as Shen Shuangfann's, it was not too far away. Now that he saw Faang Hui feigning retreat, even though he was a little disrespectful, he was still afraid of himself, and the anger in his heart was dispelled. He immediately waved to Zou Lee'er, gesturing for her to come over.

Zou Lee'er was worried. Ever since she had become sensible, she had followed her master's orders and had never defied them. In her haste today, she had retorted that she didn't know how her master would punish her.

Shen Shuangfann looked at Zou Lee'er, then looked at Faang Hui and sighed. He didn't say anything for a long time. Zou Lee'er and Faang Hui looked at each other, not knowing what she meant.

Shen Shuangfann paced back and forth and asked, "Little house, how are Elder Wu and Elder Long doing down the mountain this time?"

Faang Hui's heart trembled as he said, "So, it turns out that Martial Uncle Shen is also familiar with them. Uncle Wu and Martial Uncle Long are well." It's just that I'm getting on in years, and I look quite old this year. "

Shen Shuangfann nodded and continued: "Twenty-two years... Faang Hui, do you know why the competition this year was decided to be the lower generation disciple? "

Faang Hui replied, "Disciple does not know. Sect Leader and Martial Uncle already old, need to study our sect martial arts wholeheartedly, the sect's mundane affairs, want to hand over to the younger generation to take care of. This matter has nothing to do with the small house, and the small house has never coveted the position of a disciple in charge.

Shen Shuangfann nodded. "Faang Hui, you have been smart and smart since you were a child in Jiuhua for twenty-two years. You seem to be lively and outgoing. When you left the mountain this year, I had a talk with your teacher. Originally, I thought that your perception was extremely high and was quite knowledgeable in our sect's martial arts, so if you were to become a deacon disciple in the future, our sect would have great hopes. "

Faang Hui wanted to say something, but Shen Shuangfann waved his hand and stopped him. He continued: "But your identity is different, if you hand Jiuhua Sect over to you in the future, it might bring about a great calamity. In recent years, your martial arts have advanced by leaps and bounds. Although you lost to Zhang Shike last year and said that you were just playing around, in the eyes of our seniors, your martial arts have already broken through the bottleneck. This year, you will be down for two months. With your ice-cold inner strength and the variations of your moves, in less than two years, I'm afraid that no one among the same generation as you will be able to defeat you. Thus … So Senior Brother is going to set up a deacon disciple in this year's competition, do you understand? "

Faang Hui thought to himself. Amongst the senior brothers, most of them were diligent and diligent. Our sect's martial arts are indeed skillful, but in terms of mastery over actual combat, it was lacking, so we remained silent.

Seeing that he did not answer him, Shen Shuangfann knew that he understood, so he said: "Although senior brother Sect Leader has decided to give the Fire Spirit Sword to the disciple, but he hopes that you can obtain the sword in the end. You will have to work hard tomorrow, do you know the reason why?"

Faang Hui's heart was agitated. He knelt down and said, "This small house has received twenty-two years of kindness from the school and is usually naughty and boisterous, but in the depths of my heart, I have always been extremely respectful to my teachers. I had originally hoped to serve them for a long time, but now that it has happened, I feel extremely guilty."

Hearing this, Zou Lee'er was confused, and asked: "Senior brother, Sect Leader, Martial Uncle has hopes of passing you the Fire Spirit Sword, it's a joyous occasion, why are you like this?"

Shen Shuangfann let out a long sigh, "Lee'er, you have a simple personality, unlike him who has experienced many hardships in the martial arts world. Your Shixiong Fang, he, will be leaving his apprenticeship and going down the mountain after this exam. "

Zou Lee'er was shocked and hurriedly said, "Master, I beg of you, please go and beg Sect Leader and Martial Uncle not to rush Shixiong Fang down the mountain!"

Shen Shuangfann didn't answer and instead turned to Faang Hui, "Little house, Lee'er didn't understand the past. It's not that we're heartless, you know that in your heart."

Faang Hui kneeled down and said: "Disciple understands, for twenty-two years, our sect owed us a great debt of blood for the Old Testament Alliance, and now that we have been pardoned, we will bear the grudges of the martial arts world and not implicate our sect anymore. Even if this disciple can't use the name Jiuhua Sect again in the future, this kindness, this small house will forever remember in my heart. "

Zou Lee'er was even more shocked. Listening to what he said, he actually wanted to expel Faang Hui from the sect. Just as he was about to plead for mercy, he saw Shen Shuangfann support Faang Hui with both hands as he said: "Under my Nine Flower Sect, we have also received kindness from the Old Testament Alliance. If it weren't for the two elders, if it wasn't for them …"

Faang Hui Li stood up and saw that his Martial Uncle Shen's eyes were filled with tears. It was unknown what sad memories he had.

Shen Shuangfann turned to Zou Lee'er and said, "Lee'er, I don't know what secrets the two of you have. I think you two have quite a good relationship with each other since you two have a relationship.

Zou Lee'er's current heart was tied to Faang Hui, but after hearing the two of them answering each other, she knew that Faang Hui had no leeway left. She hesitated slightly and was about to speak, but Faang Hui had already opened his mouth.

"Shen Shi Shu Lin, disciple Faang Hui, has been accepted by the Meng Sect for twenty-two years. For all sorts of reasons, Su Ye has been worried about his safety for many years, and never had the time to worry about the affairs of his children. This time, we came down the mountain and coincidentally saved junior sister Zou. Although we got along quite well, disciple has never had any presumptuous thoughts, junior sister Zou was intelligent, I … "I …" Faang Hui was momentarily at a loss for words.

Shen Shuangfann's expression was grave as he looked at the two of them lovingly. It was as if he was reminiscing about many things that had happened in the past.

Faang Hui saluted and left. He didn't look back and actually made up his mind.

Watching Faang Hui's back gradually fade into the darkness, Zou Lee'er could no longer hold back her tears. Shen Shuangfann gently caressed his back. This disciple was brought up by him, so he loved her dearly. How could she not know what he was feeling right now? Back then, he had consoled her with warm words, but she had muttered to herself, "This little house is quite decisive. If only … Just like back then … "He …"

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