Hard Road to Hierarch/C6
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Hard Road to Hierarch/C6
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It turned out that this girl was none other than Faang Hui's Junior Sister Zou Lee'er. Zou Lee'er's face was flushed red. She was in her pajamas, and her face was still drowsy. It was obvious that she had been startled by the noise of the battle outside. Faang Hui did not have time to answer as he waved his right hand, telling her not to make a sound. With a wave of his left hand, he extinguished the candle flame in the room and took advantage of the opportunity to flip onto the beam.

In the blink of an eye, the people from the Hou clan who were pursuing them arrived at the door and didn't dare enter. They asked at the door, "Is Miss Biao safe?"

Zou Lee'erfu lit the lamp and replied, "Someone just came in and saw that there was someone in the house, so she put out the candle and went up to the house and headed south." The person outside promised and left.

Zou Lee'er paced back and forth in front of the door. After closing it, she waved to Faang Hui on the beam and Faang Hui jumped down. The two of them sat down, facing each other without speaking, not knowing where to start.

Wu Tie knew that the situation outside was chaotic, and it was hard to say who would win. Zou Lee'er had some sort of relationship with Marquis Nanyang, so he couldn't help but ask, "Junior Sister, it's a mess here. Follow me and leave the house."

Zou Lee'er's face reddened as she lowered her head without replying. She fiddled with the corners of her clothes, her voice barely audible. "Shixiong Fang, are you looking for me?"

Knowing that this wasn't the time to explain, Faang Hui nodded and said: "Yes, quickly change your clothes and come with me."

Zou Lee'er didn't know what to do.

Even though Faang Hui was not very old in the sect, he was raised by the sect at the age of four. There was nothing that the entire Jiuhua Sect didn't know, even the younger martial uncles were secretly taken away by him to drink. Faang Hui was always smiling. He was more familiar with older Senior Brothers and Sisters and had been in the sect for a long time. He would often take another route to martial arts and his sword arts inner force was even higher than his peers. Therefore, in the heart of a slightly younger junior brother and sister like Zou Lee'er, Faang Hui was similar to the elder senior brothers and sisters in their thirties. Occasionally, they would play together and Faang Hui would also treat them as children to be coaxed by him.

At this moment, Zou Lee'er could never have imagined that she would see Faang Hui in such a state of mind. She became flustered and stood there without moving.

Faang Hui was anxious as he said, "Sister Zou, since it's an emergency, it's up to you if you don't want to travel with me."

Zou Lee'er blushed again and said in a low voice, "I will naturally listen to Shixiong Fang's instructions. I just want to ask you to temporarily leave for a while. I'll quickly change my clothes and come over."

Faang Hui finally came to his senses. He quickly said, "Brother, please excuse me. We are waiting outside." Zou Lee'er's face was as shy as a piece of red cloth.

The two of them went out and heard the sounds of fighting and cursing coming from the backyard. They leaned against the wall and waited for an opportunity to escape. After waiting for a while, people on the streets were shouting and cheering, and it was the people from the Nanyang Palace Police Office who had arrived.

Fang and Zou took advantage of the darkness to slowly make their way out. When they reached the back garden and hid in a dark corner, they saw that there were lanterns and torches outside the manor, making it impossible for them to get out. There was no one on the left or right. The two of them lay there quietly. Faang Hui whispered next to Zou Lee'er's ears, "Who is Marquis Nanyang to you? How come you have a family member of the great duke's house and are staying at the Jiuhua Mountain to study?"

Zou Lee'er said, "Marquis Nanyang's second wife is my aunt, so she is not very good at the house of the Marquis. My father died early, my mother sent me to Jiuhua to study. When my aunt died of illness and no other relatives were present, she sent me a message. I came down the mountain to report this matter to Master, but that was after Shixiong Fang left the mountain, so Shixiong Yi didn't know about it. "

Faang Hui nodded and said, "As long as it has nothing to do with Marquis Nanyang."

Zou Lee'er asked, "Senior brother, did you specially come to find me? "What the hell is going on?" Before Faang Hui could answer, he suddenly saw a large group of people rushing into the back garden. Luckily, the back garden was very big. Although it was brightly lit, the hiding place of the two was completely dark and no one could see them.

Behind them were two Imperial Guard s, He and Li. Behind them were more than twenty people dressed in purple robes, and they were probably all from Imperial Guard. They were all expressionless, and their clothes and weapons were stained with blood. The people from Nanyang Hall were all scattered far away, and did not dare to approach. Faang Hui nodded to himself. No wonder the Imperial Guard's expression changed when he heard about this. These many Flying Eagle Sect disciples and tens of Marquis Residence guards must have been captured or killed by this group of people dressed in purple.

The Imperial Guard with the surname He dropped his sabre with a clang and said: "Marquis Nanyang, the truth is right in the middle. Lord Li will report it to the higher ups, you have no need to resist anymore. Let Lord Li take you and me. Let's go to the capital to get to know each other. If my surname is He and you are wronged, then I will give my life to you. "

Marquis Nanyang did not reply, and instead turned to the two Flying Eagle Sect disciples and said: "Have you ever regretted losing today?"

No one answered. One of them stepped forward and said, "The imperial court pursued after us after losing several times over the situation. Although the matter was not harmonious, there was still death."

The Imperial Guard with the surname Li nodded and said, "Master Hou, I have actually already investigated you for more than three months. Imperial Guard had already released his giant net and was investigating some of the assassinated old cases, which seemed to be related to Old Testament Alliance. Who would have thought that you would send people to assassinate our spies in the Flying Eagle Sect and steal our name list. At this time, colluding with the Devil Sect to slay the former Han Dynasty and excavate their treasure is a must, right? "

Marquis Nanyang let out a long sigh, "The assassins and the people from Vedic Clan, they were there to assist the Yan Emperor in massacring the sons and heirs of Emperor Hui, their methods were so cruel that it made people's hair stand. If the old faction of the Yan King was still alive, they could still be forgiven. But for these people, if they weren't bribed in the martial world, they would either turn against the enemy, none of them deserved to die. Flying Eagle Sect Sect Leader has followed me for many years, and actually changed sides, swindling the name list into your hands, and I can only silence him. Hehe, good move Imperial Guard! "

Faang Hui thought to himself, this Marquis Nanyang seems to be a friend of Old Testament Alliance. The Old Testament Alliance had already been dissolved, and the only thing that was worth worrying about was the name list. The two elders, Wu Long, were worried that there would be another ruckus on the list, so it seemed that only Marquis Nanyang knew the whereabouts of the name list.

Marquis Nanyang sat down with his eyes closed, and made a flame dance with his hands as he chanted, "Burning my broken body, burning the sacred fire, why should I live, why should I suffer even if I die?" "In order to do good and eliminate evil, there is only light, joy, joy, sorrow, and sorrow, all dust; in order to pity my people, there are many troubles!" The two Eagle Disciples sat at the back and chanted, "Pity the world, there are many troubles!" "Pity the world, there are many troubles!" The sound gradually became softer, until it was barely audible.

The Imperial Guard with the surname He turned pale with fright, and shouted: "Demon Sect's demon, Demon Sect's demon, quickly take him down with me!" Marquis Nanyang took something that looked like a pill and threw it on Ye Zichen's body. He casually flashed the fire piston and pointed it at Ye Zichen, causing his body to explode in flames. There was no fear in the eyes of the two Eagle disciples as they pulled out their Chains and shot themselves.

Imperial Guard could not save him in time, Master Li's face was still gloomy, he ordered everyone to search around for signs of death, to investigate what was happening.

At this time, the sky was turning bright. Faang Hui and Zou Lee'er were located in a large rock garden. They held their breath and dodged the search.

The crowd gradually dispersed as Faang Hui and Zou Lee'er walked out. Although Zou Lee'er's kung fu was not low, she had changed dramatically. She was so nervous that her hands were covered in sweat. When she saw Faang Hui's heavy expression, she did not dare to ask what he wanted to ask.

Faang Hui walked over to Marquis Nanyang's side, at this time the corpse had already been moved away for Imperial Guard. Faang Hui was silent as he knelt down and kowtowed three times.

When he stood up, the sunlight shone down and he suddenly saw a flash of red light in the darkness. Faang Hui was shocked. He bent down and picked up an object. It was only the size of a copper coin and was made into a fiery red color.

Faang Hui saw that this object was in the shape of a Soaring Flame, so he flipped open the manual that he obtained. Indeed, the drawing at the bottom of the first page was exactly the same as this object, and he mumbled: "Isn't this the legendary Ming Cult Ironflame Token?"

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