Hard Road to Hierarch/C7
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Hard Road to Hierarch/C7
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Zou Lee'er saw Faang Hui was lost in thought and didn't dare disturb him. After a while, she said in a low voice, "It's really dangerous. I've only been at the house for five or six days, and something like this happened. Many people died. Senior Brother, how did you know that I would encounter danger at the Hou Mansion?

Faang Hui was startled, he thought that since this matter involved Old Testament Alliance, Flying Eagle Sect, and Imperial Guard, his thoughts were all mixed up, and for a moment, he really could not explain it clearly to her. In the blink of an eye, Zhu Zhilin was dead, and the matter on the list ended. Judging from Zhu Zhilin's words, it seemed like the list of names had been swindled away by the Imperial Guard in Flying Eagle Sect, and Zhu Zhilin had tried to retrieve it through silence, so it should have already been destroyed. Then, even if Luh Yanzhuo and his group managed to return to Shaanxi, even if they failed, at the very least Huang Yuan would not be in any serious danger. What was more important now was to send Zou Lee'er back to Jiuhua to settle down. The Old Testament Alliance had already dispersed, and from when he could still remember, the big stone in his heart had already fallen to the ground. He didn't answer Zou Lee'er's question and said, "Come, I'll send you back to your sect."

Zou Lee'er pouted and said, "Senior brother, I rarely go down the mountain. Take me slowly and play for a few more days." Inwardly, he was secretly delighted. He felt that living together with Faang Hui for a period of time was something to be boasted about among his fellow disciples. He raised his head and saw the Ironflame Token in Faang Hui's hands, and said: "This red thing is so funny, give it to me, Marquis Nanyang is my uncle."

Faang Hui was surprised for a moment, and felt that what she said was reasonable. After all, it was Zhu Zhilin's relic, so he handed it to her and said, "Although it is small, it might be related to the Devil Sect. We still need to be careful with it." Zou Lee'er nodded and put it away when she saw the seriousness in his words.

The two of them immediately left the house of the Marquis and returned south. On this day, they arrived at Lu Prefecture. It was already noon. The two of them found a clean inn and took a break. After a few days of interaction, Zou Lee'er felt that her Senior Brother's way of thinking was weird and funny, so she grew courageous. She only asked him about the matters at the house of the Marquis, but Faang Hui just smiled and did not answer.

At the moment, there were not many customers in the shop, so the two casually ordered a few dishes. Faang Hui casually told a story about the martial arts world, but in fact, he himself rarely went down the mountain, and they met each other every three or five years. The stairs were rattling now, and three or five footsteps were coming up.

Faang Hui was talking happily and didn't care much about it at the beginning. After a while, someone at the next table shouted: "Bring us good wine and good dishes, we will hurry on our way when we are full." He could not help but look up and see the four people sitting at the table, dressed like beggars, ordering their dishes with a loud and clear voice. Faang Hui shook his head, thinking to himself, "The Beggar's Gang has been going downhill in recent years. They are becoming more and more unruly, losing the personality of beggars."

Lee'er was overjoyed to hear this. However, when she went upstairs, the four of them did not see her at all. She asked, "Senior brother, quickly tell me, how did that Sister Huang escape danger?"

At this point, Faang Hui heard a beggar say, "Ten Devils, Nine Crazed, did you not hear that Marquis Nanyang entered the demonic path and died there?" The other person followed up, "What Brother Yi said is right. The Devil Sect is formed of many evil monsters. They have appeared as a group of devils for the past few years. We can't not be on guard." Big Brother Yi continued, "According to the rumors in the Jianghu, the majority of the Flying Eagle Sect have fallen and become controlled by the Devil Sect. Although the Devil Sect has been massacred by the martial arts world and the imperial government, they are still insects with hundreds of legs. It is said that the remaining evildoers from the Flying Eagle Sect are also entangled with us on matters this time. "

When Faang Hui heard the words "Flying Eagle Sect", he became interested. However, he could not hear the words that came after that as the volume of his voice got lower and lower.

The four quickly finished their food and drinks before settling the bill and leaving. Faang Hui dragged Zou Lee'er out of the shop and followed her for a few hundred steps. The alley was deserted, and the pedestrians were few. He said to Lee'er, "I want to wait for those people. Find an inn nearby and settle down. I'll come look for you later."

He then heard a chuckle on the wall beside him. One of them said, "Kid, who are you following?" Along with the laughter, a beggar floated down from the wall. Four people who were not far away turned around and encircled him.

Faang Hui cursed in his heart. After all, the martial arts world had only travelled for a short time and lacked experience. They were curious and wanted to follow others, but their opponents found them and put them in danger. He immediately cupped his hands together and said: "My Jiuhua Sect is Faang Hui, and this is Junior Zou, I just heard a few seniors from the Beggar Clan mention Flying Eagle Sect, because I have some seniors who have exchanged blows with Flying Eagle Sect, and suspected that there is some evil demonic martial arts inside, so I was curious and charged at the few seniors, and was lucky to not see anything strange."

Seeing that the two of them were young, the beggar was polite again and waved his hand: "Little baby, quickly go. We don't have much to do with Flying Eagle Sect, it's dangerous and you two shouldn't look around to get yourself into trouble."

Faang Hui saluted and turned around to leave. After walking a few steps, he let out a sigh of relief when he saw that none of them had followed him.

At this moment, a person approached in a hurry and asked, "This young man, have you seen a few beggar-like people pass by here?"

Zou Lee'er hurriedly said, "We did not see it. We did not see it."

This person was dressed like a scholar, with a mustache and a fan in his hand. He immediately said, "I didn't see him. Why is this lady in such a panic?" "She folded the fan and waved it forward. It looked casual, but the point it pointed to was Zou Lee'er's humongous bone cave on her shoulder.

Faang Hui was already suspicious of the scholar's fan in his hand as it had just begun spring. He folded the fan so straight that it was like an iron ruler. He knew that the scholar had kung fu skills, so he stepped forward and said, "I'm anxious, but we really haven't seen anything." His right hand quickly reached out. It didn't seem to be moving, but his index finger was slightly bent. His finger was pointing at the Shenmen acupoint on the scholar's wrist.

The scholar felt a chill in his heart. Seeing that Faang Hui's change was both coincidental and accurate, he took advantage of the situation and hid his intentions. He immediately stopped and laughed mischievously, saying, "I was wrong about that. Little brother is actually an expert. I like young heroes the most. Come, let's have a spar." He immediately stretched out his finger and dashed towards Faang Hui, but he did not know where he was going to grab him. Faang Hui raised his right palm and extended his pinky. No matter where this scholar grabbed at his face, even though his finger had changed, the Lao Gong Acupoint in his palm would still hit.

The scholar took a step forward and opened the folding fan in his hand. The hand holding the fan extended three fingers and pointed at Faang Hui's Qi Sea. Faang Hui turned around and hit him with his left elbow. The scholar shouted, and his left hand suddenly shot out from the bottom of the fan. It was extremely fast, and he forcefully grabbed Faang Hui's left elbow. At this moment, Faang Hui was unable to change his move. Unless his inner force was strong enough to knock the opponent's left palm away with his elbow, he would not be able to use his force within a square inch.

Seeing that he was about to lose, an idea suddenly flashed into Faang Hui's mind. He suddenly straightened his left arm and gently swept his left palm over. At this time, he no longer had time to exert his strength and his palm was like cotton. The scholar's face was suddenly overwhelmed with shock. An absolutely impossible expression appeared on his face. He was forced four or five steps back as if he had seen a ghost. He shrieked, "Who are you to my Ming Cult? How did you learn the Wei Bat King's Frost Hail Palm?"

Faang Hui's successful move was beyond his expectations. Seeing that he was unable to exert any strength and seeing that the situation was critical, Faang Hui used the Green Robed Mentor technique that he had memorized in his head and actually scared his opponent to the point of forcing him to retreat. He then cupped his hands together and said, "I am the disciple of Jiuhua. May I know what king your esteemed self is talking about?"

The scholar could not wait for him to leave. The folding fan suddenly appeared like an iron ruler, bringing with it a strong wind. It was no longer the flippant and playful scene from before. At the same time, his left hand reached out to grab Zou Lee'er.

Faang Hui quickly dodged as his right palm shot out. He knew that the scholar's martial arts were above his own, but he was also very afraid of the Frost Palm, so he continued to pretend to be a cyan robed eccentric person. The scholar did not dare to fight directly, but his left hand was already extremely sharp. Fortunately, Zou Lee'er, who was taught by her diligent teacher, barely avoided two scratches, and the third grab was carried by the scholar into the bag on his shoulder. With a pull, the bag scattered and with a clink, the Ironflame Token fell out.

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