Hard Road to Hierarch/C8
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Hard Road to Hierarch/C8
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Faang Hui was shocked and shouted, "Don't hurt my junior sister!" The Longsword had already left its scabbard, and with true essence concentrated in one move, "Worshiping Wen", it pierced straight towards the scholar. The scholar casually waved the folding fan to deflect the Longsword. Faang Hui had already used his full strength, causing the scholar's body to sway twice. Faang Hui took a step back. When Faang Hui struck out with his sword at full strength, he had already thought of his next move. Taking a step forward with his right foot, the Longsword used a "Dazzling Star" move to protect Lili and himself as it shouted, "Junior Sister, pull out your sword!" He concentrated with all his strength, so that he could take advantage of his opponent's moment of sluggishness. When Zou Lee'er pulled out her sword, the situation became more favorable.

However, the scholar did not attack them. Instead, he looked at the Ironflame Token on the ground with excitement, and then raised his head and looked at the two again and again. Faang Hui felt it was strange, from the expression on his face, it was obvious that the scholar and the Ironflame Token had a huge relationship. That kind of happiness was not due to greed, but it was like the feeling of affection between the two brothers in Old Testament Alliance, which was hard to fake.

The scholar bent over and picked up the Ironflame Token, constantly stroking it, and was extremely happy. After a while, he said extremely respectfully, "Miss, please return the favor. Please move aside, I have something to tell you."

Fang and Zou looked at each other, not knowing why the scholar had changed his attitude so quickly. Faang Hui hesitated for a moment before returning the greeting. He did not accept the Ironflame Token and said: "I was just a brother and sister passing by Lu Zhou, and this little toy was unintentionally acquired. If senior is fated to have this thing, please take it."

The scholar was stunned, then he laughed: "You must be joking, at such a young age, Young Hero is already very rare in the martial arts world. Moreover, the tokens were unintentionally obtained by the two of you. Your esteemed self's Ethereal Palm technique can be considered to have followed the example of a gourd. However, the icy inner strength within your body cannot be concealed in the end. "

Faang Hui suddenly realized, in that one sword attack, he had used all his power, and the cold Miasma energy in his body flowed out uncontrollably. Adding on the two moves he had used earlier and the Ironflame Token, no wonder the scholar thought that the two of them had something to do with that Ironflame Token.

The scholar continued to command with both hands, "Tonight at the second fragment of the night, at the temple at the north of the city, I had an appointment with several members of the Temple. I hope that you can come in person. I am delighted." Returning the Ironflame Token, he deeply bowed and turned his head to quickly leave.

Seeing that person walk far away, Zou Lee'er asked, "Senior brother, that person is so powerful. Without you here, I would have been injured by his folding fan in less than three moves. Are we going to go to the second round? "

Faang Hui pondered and did not answer, and said: "Let's find an inn and rest first, we'll think about it."

At the beginning, Zou Lee'er was deep in thought about the lights. She was a girl, and had been spending the last few days together with Faang Hui. When she thought about how she had been too shy that night at the house of the Marquis, Faang Hui had screamed "Don't hurt my Junior Sister!" during the day. He lost himself in his thoughts. While he was lost in thought, he suddenly heard a gentle peeling sound from the window. Faang Hui lowered his voice and said, "Junior Sister, come with me to change into some night clothes. Let's go to the north side of the city."

It turned out that Faang Hui had thought about this for a long time. From the time Marquis Nanyang committed suicide and died generously, to that scholar with the surname Lin who had an excited look on his face and felt that these people were extremely emotional. Although they had been cautious for many years, they still decided to go to the north side of the city for the agreement.

The two of them swapped to black clothes and snuck out of the North Mountain Temple. The moonlight was like water, and the starlight filled the sky. Everything was quiet and very cozy.

As the night approached, he saw two figures running towards him from the east. The two figures were about three to four miles away when a loud cry suddenly came from the south. The sound was quite loud, and it seemed to be a warning cry for help. The two silhouettes from the east immediately stood still. After hesitating for a moment, they turned towards the south.

A moment later, two figures from the north quietly approached the temple. At this time, Fang and Zou were still several kilometers away from the temple. The two flashed for a moment, and four people followed them from behind. It was obvious that they were following them. The squire did not continue to follow, but busied himself on the road. Faang Hui was very close to them, so he could see that they had buried dozens of steel spikes, covering dozens of steps from the front and back of the road. The spikes were exposed for about an inch, and even though the moonlight was bright, if someone was running towards them, they would definitely be trapped under their feet.

He was not more than ten steps away from Faang Hui, and could almost hear his breathing. Fortunately, the long grass had been buried, and Fang and Zou held their breath, but the four of them did not notice. Faang Hui thought to himself, when the restaurant heard that these four people were talking about this, it was obvious that they were afraid of the other party's strength. If it was against an evil person, it would be fine, but it was not fair enough, as it was not compatible with the reputation of the Beggar Gang in the martial arts world. While deep in thought, Faang Hui suddenly heard the sounds of fighting coming from the mountain temple. Faang Hui listened intently and realized that they were chasing after them from all four directions.

Faang Hui's heart leaped to his throat. He didn't know if the person who was running away had the scholar he saw earlier in the day. This person was obviously a person of good nature. If he was in danger, no matter what, he had to save him. Just as they were deep in thought, the person fighting had already moved to the left. The four people who were running away turned around to defend themselves. They were only a few steps away from the spikes on the ground.

Faang Hui looked over carefully. One of the four was in his thirties and was covered in blood. It was obvious that he was severely injured. One of them was lying prone on the ground, and there was a big pool of blood on the ground. Of the remaining two, one of them had a hand on his left chest, some unknown injury, the other was about fifty years old, standing with his hands behind his back, his expression extremely calm, while the scholar surnamed Lin was not among them.

In the blink of an eye, two pursuers, also dressed as beggars, arrived. Each of them held a pair of judges, one of them impressively the one on the wall during the day.

The fleeing old man slowly said: "Ho Laoliu, you have betrayed the church and asked for honor, now you want to become a beggar and kill a member of the church, do you not know shame?"

The man on the wall snickered. "Who saw me disloyal? Today is a clear, beautiful moon, and a cool breeze. I shall send all five of you to the west.

That old man did not reply. He turned around and said to the three of them, "Today's matter is only death. If any of you leave, you must announce this evil thief's despicable actions to the world."

Before the three of them could answer, the man next to them shouted, "Why are you wasting time with him? Wait for me to send this old man back to the West!" The judge made two moves, one for the throat and the other for the abdomen. His actions were like lightning, extremely sharp and forceful.

At this moment, a man in the grass suddenly asked a man beside him in a soft voice, "Brother Feng, where are these two from? How much silver can we get for doing this?"

Another person replied, "The silver won't be short. We won't ask about their grudges or their origins. We'll just ask for money and do things for them."

Their voices were very soft, but Faang Hui was only a few steps away from them, so he could hear their words clearly. He thought to himself, "So these people are so despicable. For some money, they set up a trap and kill people without any reason." Then he thought again, so they were not familiar with each other, and their kung fu skills seemed to be low, so he had a plan.

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