Hard Road to Hierarch/C9 Wilderness-dependent
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Hard Road to Hierarch/C9 Wilderness-dependent
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C9 Wilderness-dependent

Faang Hui whispered to Zou Lee'er: "Watch my hand gestures later. Let's move together. Help me control the beggar on the left side. These people have weak kung fu, you should be able to capture them easily. The key is to not make any noise and be perceived by those people in front." Zou Lee'er nodded in agreement. She was doubtful. Could it be that Senior Martial Brother's martial arts could restrain the other three people at the same time and prevent them from making any sound?

The two gradually got closer and closer. The young man did not even notice them as he lay prone amidst the long grass.

Faang Hui moved a few steps behind the four of them. He gestured to Zou Lee'er and the two of them attacked at the same time. Zou Lee'er had never been in the martial arts world before, but she had a good foundation in martial arts. Her attacks were like the wind as she hit two acupoints on the left side of the beggar's giant bone and Qi Sea. On the other side, Faang Hui pointed at the young man and said in a low voice, "Brother Feng, it's me." The beggar named Feng was stunned. For some unknown reason, he was hiding here. Seeing Faang Hui attack his companions and also seemed to recognize him, he immediately hesitated.

Faang Hui called out to him. What he wanted to argue was this moment of hesitation. With just a flash of his mind, Faang Hui had knocked down the other two servants and returned his hand to restrain Feng. When Zou Lee'er saw her Senior Brother subdue three people with his tricks, yet not let them make the slightest sound, she couldn't help but to admire him from the bottom of her heart.

By now the three runaways had fought the two beggars to their deaths. After a moment, the person who was injured on the left side of his chest was knocked down. The blood-soaked person was stabbed through the chest by the judge's pen and turned into two people who were about to fight the old man. Ho Laoliu continued to ridicule him: "Old Master Lin, I know your Lightness Skill is very high, so I ran away alone. Us brothers can't catch you, but you should just run with your tail between your legs!" At this moment, the old man saw that his three companions had already died. If he escaped, the two of them might not be able to catch up. He was distracted for a moment and then got hit heavily by a judge on his left shoulder. The old man struggled to hold on and kept his palms close, but if they kept fighting, he would be killed by the enemy. Ho Laoliu sneered in his heart. There must be a trap lying in ambush nearby. If the enemy turned around and ran away, he would be attacked as well.

At this time, a person wearing a night attire suddenly stood up from the grass and shouted, "Brother He, I am Brother Feng's man. Force him in front of me!" Ho Laoliu was slightly surprised. With no time to think, he immediately followed the judge and sealed off the other three paths. Step by step, he brought the old man in front of Faang Hui. The Longsword in Faang Hui's hands came out of its scabbard and laughed coldly. The old man clearly knew that it would be dangerous to head towards Liu Tie's direction, but the situation was such that he had no choice but to retreat one step at a time. At this moment, the old man knew that there was only one direction to escape in, and that there must be something strange there.

Seeing the three of them moving towards Faang Hui while fighting, Ho Laoliu was surprised at how the trap did not work. He heard Faang Hui's long howl, and the Longsword was heading straight for his throat. Ho Laoliu had been through hundreds of battles and suddenly saw this change. He was stuck on the left front side with the Cloud Contact Palm Strength and then sealed on the left side with Wu Tie's sword. At that time, his reaction speed was extremely fast. He secretly cursed in his heart, "Not good!" By the time he realized it, it was already too late. His feet were in pain, and by the time he landed, his feet had already been pierced by several steel spikes.

Zou Lee'er and Faang Hui, who were both lying in the grass, had been struck by a sword in their legs before they had landed, and they had fallen on the steel spikes, which made them even more seriously injured. Faang Hui was even more ruthless. The old man also hit Ho Laoliu on the head with his palm. Ho Laoliu spat out blood and even before he died, his eyes were still wide open. He did not know why the trap he set would actually harm him.

He did not say a word as he slapped his palms four times, killing the four people who were suppressed in the grass one by one. Blood also gushed out of his mouth as he fell to the ground; Faang Hui had originally sustained internal injuries and was struggling to hold on, but now he was unable to hold on any longer.

Faang Hui walked forward and asked, "Senior, how should I address you? There is a person in your sect with the surname 'Scholar Lin'. Are you all right?"

Blood gurgled out of the old man's mouth as he stuttered, "This old man's Ming Cult is huge, and he is called Lin Yuanbiao. This scholar is my nephew, and has already been martyred. Young … Young Hero, he once said that Young Hero and that female hero taught me an important Ironflame Token. Can you let this old one have a look? "

Zou Lee'er walked closer, took out the Ironflame Token, and asked: "Please take a look, Senior, are you talking about this?"

Lin Yuanbiao's eyes lit up with joy as he placed the Ironflame Token in his hand and caressed it, saying: "This Ironflame Token is extremely related to my sect. I have heard from my nephew that Young Hero's martial arts is related to the Frozen White Palm, I wonder if he is a disciple that was taught to him by the Wei Bat King back then?"

Faang Hui hesitated and didn't answer. He thought that the Ice Qi in his body was weird. That cyan robed man was sinister and obviously was an enemy not a friend. He didn't know if he was familiar with this old man so he kept quiet.

The old man sighed: "Forget it, Young Hero is unwilling to say it. Twenty years ago, Bat King's disciple Brother Liu died in battle and became a martyr, but he did not accept any disciples. Since Young Hero has a bad fate with him, I have a request to make, please do not refuse it."

Faang Hui remained silent and did not answer. Lin Yuanbiao struggled to get up and kneel, but seeing how this old man was so courageous and courageous, if this old man had listened to Ho Laoliu's words during the battle, his Lightness Skill would have been extraordinary, but because of his severely injured companion, he was unwilling to run for his life. At that time, his blood boiled, and he said: "Senior Lin, do not do this, even if it is blood, I, Faang Hui, will not disappoint you."

Lin Yuanbiao thanked him profusely, took out a map and a dagger from his chest, and said, "This matter concerns the lives of a dozen old and weak women and children, and asked Young Hero to bring these two items to the pawnshop in Nanjing to find a woman named Lee Feng. As he said the formula, he said it was' great mountains and great rivers, great horses' and 'great horses', and she would naturally decipher the words on the map. Faang Hui' heart chilled. It was actually not difficult to know about this matter. This Lin Yuanbiao relied heavily on him because of his loneliness. Clearly, he already knew that death was imminent.

At that moment, Faang Hui stood up and bowed deeply to Lin Yuanbiao, saying, "Senior Lin, I am already extremely impressed by you, my nephew. Although I have only met you once, you must have a very good nature. Senior, what unfulfilled wish do you have? Wu Tie is willing to shoulder it all. "

Lin Yuanbiao spurted blood continuously from his mouth, and slowly said: "It's rare to see Young Hero having heart, if there's free time, please head to Huzhou, the adopted daughter of the Eternal Inn Inn's boss is a person who my old friend Dugu, her name is Zhong Xiaoyan, after I die, although there will be brothers from the sect looking after her, but I still can't relax, sigh, in the end I still have a request of my old friend …"

Faang Hui had yet to speak but he saw him struggle to sit up. Although blood was flowing out of his mouth, his hands were like flames as he muttered: "Burning my broken body, burning the sacred fire; In order to eliminate evil from good, only light … " His voice became softer and softer as he recited it. Finally, he could no longer hear what he said and his eyes closed for a long time.

Seeing that there were a lot of dead people, Faang Hui picked up the firewood and set it on fire. He then kowtowed in front of the fire several times. It had only been a little more than a month, Faang Hui had a huge relationship with Ming Cult, and naturally, he did not do it on purpose. After thinking about it, maybe this Ming Cult really had some sort of fate with him.

After that, Lee'er immediately left for Nanjing with Zou Lee'er. Lee'er was overjoyed to see that she didn't have to return to Jiuhua right away. However, seeing that her senior was a bit hurt, he was no longer laughing like before.

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