Heaven Wrath Arts/C18 Dressed in rags
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Heaven Wrath Arts/C18 Dressed in rags
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C18 Dressed in rags

The old man in tattered clothing looked at the waiter. The waiter had a smiling face that was about to cramp up.

Give me the best dishes and wine in your inn, I want to eat and drink! The raggedy old man said with a smile.

All right, please wait a moment! The waiter walked away smiling.

The ragged old man pursed his lips in satisfaction and looked around.

Just as he had expected, he had already attracted the attention of everyone in the Eastern Emergence Inn.

At this moment, the old man in tattered clothes decided to strike the iron while it was hot. He opened a corner of the embroidered box beside him and spiritual energy suddenly appeared!

The people in the Eastern Emergence Inn regained their spirits. They were all speculating on what exactly was inside the embroidered box beside the old man.

The ragged old man closed the embroidered box again, pretending that nothing had happened.

At this time, the guard commander of the Guangxuan City Ma Family walked to the side of the raggedy old man with his head held high and his chest puffed out.

The Ma family's guard leader cupped his fists and bowed to the old man in tattered clothing, but his expression was very gloomy.

The old man in shabby clothes only glanced at the Ma Clan's Guard Commander and didn't say a word.

The Ma Clan's guard commander was enraged. He drew his saber and held it before the old man's neck.

The blade of the saber gleamed with a cold light. As long as the Ma family's guard commander flicked his right hand, the old man's head would immediately be moved.

Old man, what exactly is in that embroidered box of yours? The Ma Clan's Guard Commander asked in a stern voice.

Humph! You don't have the right to know so much. Hurry up and leave so that you won't have to regret it later! The tattered old man's mouth twitched as he spoke.

Ha! You old man, you have quite the manner of speaking, but I really want to see it! Let's see what you can do to me! As soon as he finished speaking, the Ma Clan's Guard Commander extended his left hand to open the embroidered box.

Unexpectedly, the old man in ragged clothes glared, and the Ma Clan's Guard Commander directly flew out.


After the Ma Clan Guard Commander landed on the ground, he felt a sweet taste in his throat and spat out a mouthful of blood before fainting.

The old man in shabby clothes sneered, as he was used to seeing people like the Ma Clan's guard commander that didn't know his own limits.

Even though the old man in ragged clothes looked like a tough nut to crack, all the forces in the inn were still stirred up.

At this time, the burly master of the Guangxuan City Wang family stood up, and angrily walked to the side of the old man.

The Wang Clan's Young Master narrowed his eyes as he sized up the old man in ragged clothes. Compared to the Ma Clan Guard Commander from before, he was on guard.

The Wang Clan's Young Master's right hand held onto the hilt of his sword, ready to pull it out at any time.

Do you want to know what's in my embroidered box? The raggedy old man raised his head and looked at Wang family's young master's master as he asked this question.

Yes, please don't be stingy! The Wang Clan's Young Master's master said.

Fine, I don't mind letting you have a look! As soon as he finished speaking, the old man in ragged clothes opened the embroidered box.


When all the spiritual energy had dispersed, the world shocking gourd appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Ah!" It turned out to be a world shocking gourd!

The corners of the Wang family's young master's mouth twitched. He immediately extended his hand to grab the world shocking gourd, disregarding everything else.

Ah …

The Wang family's Young Master's master's face was twisted into a scowl. He quickly took a step back and lowered his head to look. His left hand had already been burnt into a deformed shape by the world shocking gourd.

The Wang family's Young Master's master was burning with anger. He unsheathed his sword and thrust it towards the old man's chest.

The old man in ragged clothing glanced at the world shocking gourd. The world shocking gourd understood what he meant. The moment the gourd opened, a flame flew towards the Wang family's master.

The Wang family's master had no time to retreat before he was engulfed in flames.


The sword in Wang family's young master's hand fell to the ground. It was already pitch black, and it was in tatters.


Don't fight with me for it! The Trembling Gourd is mine!

The raggedly dressed old man shook his head. In his opinion, even being able to see such a shocking gourd was already a gift from the heavens.

The world shocking gourd definitely did not belong to them, and similarly, the world shocking gourd did not belong to him.

This time, he brought a shocking gourd with him to the town of Shang Ma specifically to find a fated person.


With a turn of the bottle gourd, several streams of flames surged out, quickly retreating the group of people who were about to pounce on the bottle gourd.

Their eyes were filled with fear. They didn't even have the slightest consciousness to resist.

Ah! Run!

Those who weren't able to retreat in time were devoured by the flames, leaving nothing behind.

The originally bustling Eastern Emergence Inn suddenly became deserted.

The Eastern Emergence Inn was no longer the same place. The burnt tables and chairs were scattered all over the place. There was no trace of its usual elegance.

The innkeeper and waiter had already fainted under the counter, leaving them no time to run outside.

When the old man with tattered clothes stood up, only Li Xie and Sun Pei were left in the Eastern Emergence Inn.

The old man in tattered clothes glanced around, his expression as calm as water.

When he first entered the Eastern Emergence Inn, he had already expected such a result.

Just as the raggedy old man's gaze landed on Li Xie and Sun Pei, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The two of them did not seem to be afraid of the flames spewing out of the world shocking gourd. It was truly interesting.

Young man, hurry up and bring the little girl away from here, this place will soon be razed to the ground! The ragged old man shouted.

Oh, Senior, you mean you want to flatten this place? Li Xie asked.

Right, little fellow, at your age, I can already rule the entire East Qin Kingdom from north to south, and I advise you not to bring suffering upon yourself! The ragged old man said.

Senior, please give me the world shocking gourd! Li Xie said with a stern expression.

The raggedy old man frowned. He had thought that he had misheard.

Just a moment ago, many people wanted to take the Trembling Gourd for themselves, but now, they all fled, and were even burned to death on the spot. The raggedy old man thought to himself, is Li Xie blind? Didn't he see it?

Lad, you are courting death! The raggedy old man said coldly.

Li Xie unsheathed his sword, after that, he walked towards the old man with the Nine Souls Sword in hand.

The raggedly dressed old man squinted his eyes. He saw determination in Li Xie's eyes, an unwavering determination that could destroy everything.

The tattered old man's mouth twitched. Since it was so, he was prepared to personally send Li Xie on his way.

Just then, the old man in tattered clothes looked at the Trembling Gourd and understood what was going on. He then spat out another flame at Li Xie.


Li Xie raised his Nine Souls Sword, and instantly blocked the flames that were rushing towards him!

In a split-second, the flames circled around and rushed back into the world shocking gourd.


The world shocking gourd landed on the table with a loud bang, and the embroidered box disintegrated, turning into ashes.

As the ragged old man watched, he couldn't help but frown.

However, in the blink of an eye, the old man's tattered clothes changed into a gentle face.

The raggedy elderly man bowed to Li Xie like a reunited friend.

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