Heavenly Cultivation/C6 See Buddha after Suffering
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Heavenly Cultivation/C6 See Buddha after Suffering
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C6 See Buddha after Suffering

After the enemy fled, the remaining five men of the Vitality Qi Alliance immediately collapsed to the ground.

After resting for a long time, they recovered some strength and headed towards the house to inspect it. In the largest house, everyone found a group of girls with around a dozen people.

It was only after he asked that he found out that the two of them had recently been kidnapped by the evil sects from all over the world! It was said that he was going to be gifted to a 'living Buddha'.

The men from the righteous alliance looked at each other in dismay.

"Looks like this cult is not simple!" The joy of victory instantly vanished, and the worry for the future caused everyone to frown.

"Don't think about that nonsense. Send these women back. I'll go chase after that leader! " Lee Tianci said calmly.

Everyone was shocked and tried to dissuade him.

Lee Tianci waved his hand and glanced at the five of them from left to right. He nodded and turned around to leave.

"Senior Mu Zi!" The only Innate Ranker remaining, the oldest of the group suddenly shouted, "You are... Are you Marshal Li, the 'King shoulder by shoulder'? "

Lee Tianci's body paused for a moment. He did not turn back as he continued to walk out.

Not mentioning the feelings of the people behind him.

Lee Tianci chased after the leader, and soon found a trace of a special scent in the air that only trained people could smell. It was the special smell of the drug that Lee Tianci used money to beat up the leader.

Back then in the Northern Frontier Battlefield, this drug was also very useful.

That leader was not lightly injured and he did not escape very quickly. However, he was abnormally careful and there were very few traces left behind. The path he chose was also a series of twists and turns. If Lee Tianci hadn't been prepared, he probably would have escaped.

Unfortunately, no matter how cunning the fox was, it couldn't escape from the brilliant hunter. Lee Tianci followed behind him from a distance as he adjusted his breathing while they travelled. By nightfall, he had recovered four levels of power. This made tracking him even easier.

Lee Tianci stood on a big tree and looked at a hidden cave in the distance. The big boss was cleaning up the traces in front of the cave. Not long later, the leader sneaked in. Lee Tianci knew he was going to stay here tonight, so he chose a big tree to stay in the distance.

This chase lasted for two months!

Lee Tianci didn't dare to relax for a bit, especially after the special smell of the drug disappeared, Lee Tianci had to be on high alert. He was worried not only about losing people or being discovered, he also had to be careful of all kinds of poisonous insects and beasts! And after the leader's injuries were healed, the difficulty was even greater!

Fortunately, the suspicion in the leader's heart had disappeared. He never would have thought that Lee Tianci would be so capable and patient! After relaxing his guard, Lee Tianci finally had an opportunity! One could imagine how miserable the journey had been.

On this day, the barbarian-like leader finally arrived at a large village in high spirits.

Lee Tianci didn't expect that there would be such a mortal village in the depths of this dangerous mountain!

It was obvious that this village had very little contact with outsiders. Lee Tianci did not dare to show his face. Moreover, he guessed that there might be cultivators in this seemingly ordinary village!

"This' living Buddha 'is clearly not a good person. If I go directly to him, I will definitely die a miserable death." How can I get the information I want? "

Lee Tianci was in the middle of thinking hard when he suddenly realized that his surroundings had become dead silent. He was shocked and immediately tensed up like a straight spring, ready to erupt with maximum power at any time!

"Not bad, your intuition is very sharp." A deep voice filled with magnetism rang in his ears.

Lee Tianci turned his head and saw a handsome young monk of medium stature behind him. Carefully examining the situation, Zhang Xuan realized that the monk's eyes were sparkling with a peculiar light, and his entire being exuded a demonic aura.

Lee Tianci asked calmly, "You are?"

"Isn't Almsgiver looking for me?" The monk said with a smile.

"You are the 'living Buddha' that they speak of?"

"It is just some ignorant disciples casually calling me by my name. This humble monk's name is Guang Zhi. "

"You're an immortal cultivator?" Lee Tianci stared at the young monk's eyes.

"Sort of. To be exact, I am a monk. " Monk Guang Zhi was stunned and looked at Lee Tianci deeply.

"Are there really deities in this world?" Lee Tianci mumbled to himself.

"Hehe, of course, not only are there immortals, but there are also buddhas, demons, demons, and ghosts." Monk Guang Zhi said happily.

"Immortals, Buddhas, devils, demons, ghosts, the legends are true! Can one truly cultivate, transcend life and death, not enter the cycle of reincarnation, and freely roam between the heavens and earth? " Lee Tianci asked with his eyes shining with a strange light.

"Cultivators can, of course, but to transcend life and death and roam the world is easier said than done!" Monk Guang Zhi sighed and shook his head.

Lee Tianci looked at the monk strangely: "Why are you doing this to me?"

Monk Guang Zhi smiled and said, "This is not the place to talk. Sir, please follow me to Lotus Temple. I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Lee Tianci thought for a while and agreed readily.

Monk Guang Zhi nodded his head in praise. He went up to Lee Tianci and grabbed one of his arms. He shouted, "Let's go!"

Lee Tianci suddenly felt his body lighten. He couldn't help but fly forward along with the pulling force on his arm.

After an unknown period of time, Lee Tianci's body stopped and he staggered. After standing still, he realized that he had arrived in front of a vast temple with the golden words "Lotus Temple" written on the door.

Looking left and right, he discovered that this temple was independent of a tall mountain. Around the mountain, there were also nine slightly tall mountains. Lee Tianci quickly depicted the scene in his mind. It was like an open lotus flower.

Monk Guang Zhi smiled as he waited at the side. Lee Tianci turned around and saluted him.

Monk Guang Zhi nodded, took the lead and walked into the temple. Lee Tianci also followed.

There was only one statue of the Buddha inside the temple. The Great Buddha sat on the lotus throne, his left hand pointing towards the sky, his right hand pointing towards the sky. His face was dignified, his eyebrows were high, his nose was high, his ears were by his ears, and his eyes were bright and spirited, as if he could see through the deepest part of your heart with a glance.

Seeing Lee Tianci looking at the Buddha statue, Monk Guang Zhi introduced, "This is Tathagata Buddha, the head of Buddhism. It has great divine abilities and boundless Dharmic powers."

Lee Tianci bowed towards Tathagata Buddha, then followed Monk Guang Zhi into the meditation room.

After the two sat down, Monk Guang Zhi began to explain the whole thing.

It turned out that Monk Guang Zhi was originally a monk from the Cultivation sect "Bodhi Academy". He was framed because he was from the same sect and was forced to flee. After travelling to this place and discovering the temple, he decided to stay here. He had lived here for nearly a hundred years, and he had taken in quite a few disciples.

Because Monk Guang Zhi cultivates the "Unparalleled Delight Zen Technique", he needs to cultivate with a woman to progress quickly. Among the disciples, there were some who were infatuated with strength and lost their resolve, and thus fell into the demonic path. They actually wanted to kidnap the young girl and perform the demonic technique of 'harvesting Yin and Yang'!

Monk Guang Zhi only found out about it recently. After some investigation, he found the leader and his master, who was also Monk Guang Zhi's thirty-fourth disciple. Actually, the Master of the Big Head had never taught him any skills, he was just using him. At the same time, Monk Guang Zhi also found traces of Lee Tianci.

Because there were no outsiders here and Lee Tianci had followed the leader here, Monk Guang Zhi thought for a while and understood why Lee Tianci had come here.

That was why he was explaining so much to Lee Tianci. After all, Monk Guang Zhi didn't discipline him well enough, which was why such a buddhist scum appeared.

Monk Guang Zhi had even killed the leader and his master in front of Lee Tianci! He also told Lee Tianci that he had already safely sent all the girls back.

Lee Tianci was stunned for a while. Then, his heart lightened and he became excited.

After Monk Guang Zhi dealt with the scum under his sect, it was already late. He arranged for Lee Tianci to stay in the temple, and if there was anything, they could talk about it tomorrow.

Lee Tianci lay on the bed and thought back to what had happened. He had a nagging feeling that something was amiss. Although Monk Guang Zhi had the demeanor of a high monk, and was kind to himself, but Lee Tianci always felt uncomfortable around him, and the treasured sword in his hand was also trembling slightly.

Although Lee Tianci was a little uneasy, he was still very excited to be able to find a true cultivator.

Putting aside the doubts in his mind, Lee Tianci thought about how he should treat Master Guangzhi tomorrow: "Should I directly acknowledge him as my teacher? Or should I ask him about the situation with Cultivation and ask him to guide me to the cultivation grounds? "

Lee Tianci repeated the process and did not fall asleep for the entire night. He recalled the past, daydreamed about what Cultivation looked like, and wondered what he should do after becoming a cultivator …

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