Heavenly Strike/C11 In the End He Was Not a Person of the Same Kind!
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Heavenly Strike/C11 In the End He Was Not a Person of the Same Kind!
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C11 In the End He Was Not a Person of the Same Kind!

In the dead of night, Su Mo ignited a bonfire and unfurled a scroll. Though beautifully crafted, it bore no designs. She studied it intently, a look of contemplation on her face.

Sunn Cheng, who had been stealing glances, caught Su Mo's attention. She lifted her head and passed the scroll to him, saying nonchalantly, "This is the Great Qin's Human Hero Ranking for the first half of the year. Go ahead and take a look if you're interested."

Sunn Cheng accepted the scroll, his mind reeling. This unassuming piece of parchment was the famed Human Hero Ranking. Countless cultivators had met their demise for a chance to etch their names upon it.

"Each year, the Past Knowing Pavilion provides a complimentary copy of the list to those who make it," Su Mo explained. "Anyone else curious about the rankings can only view them on the Records Stone at the Past Knowing Pavilion's branches."

With Su Mo's words, Sunn Cheng came to understand that the Human Hero Ranking was issued by the Past Knowing Pavilion, updated biannually, and included only the top three hundred experts under a hundred years of age from the empire.

"Ying Wenrui... 41 years old... First on the Human Hero Ranking... Mid-stage Profound Leaving Stage... Grade Seven Spirit Vein... Descendant of the Great Qin royal lineage, with exceptionally outstanding cultivation talents..." He looked up at Su Mo in astonishment, speechless at the revelation.

The top name on the Great Qin Human Hero Ranking belonged to the Crown Prince. What astounded Sunn Cheng even more was that Ying Wenrui possessed the mid-stage Profound Leaving Stage cultivation and a rare Grade Seven Spirit Vein.

Reaching the Profound Leaving Stage was nearly the pinnacle for secular cultivators, and even those within sects struggled to attain it. Yet, Ying Wenrui had achieved a level many cultivators could only dream of in their lifetime. Such prodigious talent was truly awe-inspiring.

Even more formidable was the fact that he had formed a Grade Seven Spirit Vein while in the mid-stage of the Profound Leaving Stage.

What did this signify? It indicated that Ying Wenrui's cultivation potential stood at the zenith of the entire Middle Essence Continent.

He has an 80% chance of condensing his Origin Palace and reaching the state of returning to the origin!

Such aptitude would surely captivate even the Nine Great Saints of heaven and earth!

"You must have heard the saying that circulates around the Middle Essence Continent: 'Cultivating the Spirit Reflection to awaken the spirit root is arduous, uniting the body and spirit root to transcend into the Profound Leaving Stage. The nine grades separate gods from mortals, yet all are but reflections in the water, as elusive as the moon!'" Su Mo said with a light smile, her gaze complex as she glanced at Ying Wenrui's name and sighed deeply. "Our Crown Prince, already possessing a Grade Seven Spirit Vein in the mid-stage of the Profound Leaving Stage, has the potential to further improve before breaking through to the Origin Palace Realm. With his talent, he may not be of divine descent, but he is certainly a raw gem among humans!"

"For the multitude of cultivators in the world, to have such a cultivation realm and spirit vein grade embodied in one person is extraordinary. Perhaps this is what it means to be heaven-sent..."

Su Mo mused, her voice tinged with awe. In comparison to the Crown Prince, the luminaries of the Great Qin were mere candlelight against the brilliance of the sun and moon, forever destined to gaze upward.

Sunn Cheng licked his somewhat dry lips and whispered, "Could it be that the Past Knowing Pavilion is exaggerating because of his status as the Crown Prince?"

Su Mo paused, then chuckled and shook her head. "That's absolutely not the case! The Past Knowing Pavilion stands above worldly affairs. They publish the Human Hero Ranking for all the dynasties and the rankings for other cultivators. Behind them lies the immense power of the Cultivation Realm. Do you understand?"

Sunn Cheng nodded knowingly and murmured, "I get it now! It's connected to the Eight Great Sects, right?"

Su Mo gestured noncommittally, encouraging him to keep reading. Sunn Cheng's eyes quickly found Su Mo's name in the 101st spot.

"Su Mo, 18 years old, ranked 101st on the Human Hero Ranking, in the early period of the Spirit Reflection Stage, with a profound family learning tradition. She has sought instruction from renowned masters from a young age, and her talent is exceptional..."

Sunn Cheng read quietly, then looked up at Su Mo with respect. Young Master Su was only two years his senior, yet she was already ranked among the top third of the Human Hero Ranking. Truly impressive!

Su Mo offered a faint smile and shook her head dismissively, her gaze drifting ethereally over the lively dance of the bonfire's sparks.

At the bottom of the Human Hero Ranking, Sunn Cheng noticed Guishou at rank two hundred and eighty-nine and Qianfeng at two hundred and ninety-six, which took him by surprise. The reticent Guishou, whose sleeves hung past his knees, was actually ranked higher than Qianfeng. Despite their lower rankings on the Human Hero Ranking, neither could be considered weak for having earned a place on it.

The fact that such renowned masters were Su Mo's personal bodyguards suggested that her family background was indeed remarkable. "Qianfeng and Guishou have been with the Su family since childhood, training under the same master. Qianfeng excels with the blade, while Guishou's iron claws are bone-crushingly powerful!"

Su Mo seemed to anticipate Sunn Cheng's thoughts, offering a casual explanation before securing the Human Hero Ranking. After a moment of silence, she idly stirred the fire, her words drifting between self-reflection and direct address to Sunn Cheng. "Among the top ten experts on the Human Hero Ranking, six hail from the Divine Guard Army..."

"The Divine Guard Army aims to overshadow Phoenix Soaring County single-handedly, flouting the empire's laws and order. Despite their unrivaled strength in Great Qin, many discerning members of the Imperial Court are discontented..."

"I've received reliable information that the Divine Guard Army is desperately trying to conceal something at Soul Breaking Cliff. This issue is critical to the security of Phoenix Soaring County, which is why I must travel incognito on foot. My goals are twofold: to uncover the secrets of the Divine Guard Army and to test their limits, all in preparation for future strategies..."

Sunn Cheng listened with a puzzled look, scratching his head before asking, "Young Master Su, it seems like you're not really speaking to me, right? Isn't my only task to escort you to Soul Breaking Cliff?"

Sunn Cheng couldn't help but feel that Young Master Su, a person of such high stature, sharing the intricacies of Phoenix Soaring County's elite power struggles with a mere butcher like himself was akin to casting pearls before swine.

Su Mo flashed a silent smile, tilting her head as her pitch-black eyes sparkled with an eerie light, leaving Sunn Cheng feeling somewhat unnerved.

"You might not be aware, but while the Celestial Punishment Court may not match the Divine Guard Army in sheer strength, when it comes to gathering intelligence, the Phoenix Soaring County branch alone commands over 42,000 spies across the region! A single day may seem brief, yet I've managed to collect a substantial amount of information..."

The peculiar glow in Su Mo's eyes intensified, exuding a pressing intensity. She continued in a soft, deliberate tone, "The Celestial Punishment Court is reputed to know everything, but seventeen years is a long time—long enough for many to forget many things..."

The campfire crackled, sending sparks into the air as the crimson glow illuminated their faces, surrounded by the impenetrable darkness of the vast mountains at night.

"I can't judge the events of the past, but after all these years, there are still many who risk their lives for the Profound Armor Army. It's common knowledge that you won't easily concede. Having lost so much, anyone would strive to reclaim what was theirs," Su Mo stated calmly, her gaze fixed on Sunn Cheng before she continued, "Since the bloody conflict at Celestial Yin Mountain seventeen years ago, it was inevitable that the Profound Armor Army and the Divine Guard Army could never coexist. The animosity is etched deep into the marrow of every soldier of the Profound Armor Army! As a descendant of General Yingyang, whether you like it or not, you cannot escape this legacy."

Sunn Cheng's smile gradually faded to a detached expression. He caught Su Mo's intense gaze and swiftly averted his eyes.

"Among the current leaders of the Profound Armor Army, Golden Martial General Soong Guanjie has been restored to his official court position, struggling alongside the Minister of Rites, Kong Chengzu, to maintain a foothold for Ying Wenrui's son, the Former Crown Prince. Meanwhile, Chen Ming'an, known as the foremost scholar from humble beginnings, has retreated to the countryside to live as an impoverished intellectual. These individuals, though not lacking in skill, lack the capacity to steer the overall course. The true linchpin of the Profound Armor Army is likely just one person."

Su Mo's gaze hardened as she spoke in a deep voice, her eyes locked onto Sunn Cheng, "That woman is your grandmother, Luo Fu, the esteemed wife of Rong Country, honored by the previous emperor himself! You probably can't imagine that if it weren't for the bloodshed at Celestial Yin Mountain and the death of the former Crown Prince, even the current Great Qin Emperor would have to respectfully address Old Madam Luo as 'elder sister'!"

Sunn Cheng's eyelids twitched, and he cracked a smile. Turning to Su Mo, he inquired, "Young Master Su, after all that's been said, what is it that you actually want me to do?"

With a charming smile that played at the corners of her mouth, Su Mo replied softly, "It's quite straightforward. As long as you agree to join forces with the Celestial Punishment Court to confront the Divine Guard Army, Old Madam Luo will surely consent as well! The Profound Armor Army may be diminished, but it still holds value."

Scratching his head in a show of indecision, Sunn Cheng asked, "So, you believe we still have some worth to be leveraged?"

Su Mo responded coolly, "Isn't it obvious? Our families are allying and using each other to our mutual benefit. Once we've dismantled the Divine Guard Army, we'll divide their vast legacy and reclaim our esteemed positions within Great Qin. Isn't that your desire?"

"Oh... Hehe..." Sunn Cheng blinked, then let out a chuckle, shaking his head wistfully, "Young Master Su, the prospects you've outlined are indeed alluring, but they're not our true objective! Do you believe that?"

At Su Mo's sneer, Sunn Cheng turned to face her, extending three fingers with a gravity and earnestness he had never before displayed, enunciating each word, "Justice! The people's hearts! Loyalty!"

Without waiting for a response, Sunn Cheng pressed on, "Even at the zenith of the Profound Armor Army's power, when they were unmatched across the continent, not a single general who wielded military power ever committed crimes against the state, manipulated politics for personal gain, or insatiably seized benefits from the court and the common folk. The men of the Profound Armor Army are neither saints nor flawless beings. They are simply the most honorable of soldiers!"

"These are the men who didn't fall in battle but were instead brought down by the treacherous schemes of the empire's legions! This is the justice that the Great Qin Dynasty owes us, and now, we are here to claim it!"

After a brief pause, Sunn Cheng added, "Do you realize that even though the Profound Armor Army was destroyed seventeen years ago, there's not a whisper of gossip or a single disparaging word about them in the Great Qin Country? That's because the loyalty they earned from the people over centuries doesn't just vanish! We can't let down the countless hearts that trust us. We must fight!"

"Moreover, the Profound Armor Army was a brotherhood, united from top to bottom. The five Great Generals were as close as siblings! Those of us who are still alive owe it to those who have passed to offer some kind of closure... Don't we?"

Su Mo listened intently to Sunn Cheng, then lifted her gaze to him and asked, "So, you believe that collaborating with the Celestial Punishment Court would be a betrayal of your so-called noble ideals and brotherly bonds?"

Sunn Cheng gave a nonchalant shrug and a wry smile. "It's not about being noble. But if it's just a scramble for territory and profit, then I'm sorry, we're genuinely not interested! Furthermore... if your goal in taking down the Divine Guard Army is to position the Celestial Punishment Court as the next leading force in the Great Qin Country, and elevate the Su family to the status of a second imperial lineage... then I must regretfully say, we're not cut from the same cloth!"

He rubbed his hands together and went on, "I may never have met the Crown Prince, but my grandmother and father have always spoken of him as a good man, and the same is echoed by many in the Great Qin Dynasty. I trust their judgment. A good man should not meet an unjust end, and the reign of a nation shouldn't change hands so lightly! I, Sunn Cheng, may not be the most fervent patriot, but the Sunn family owes a debt of gratitude to the throne. We share our fate with the Ying royal lineage, and it's my duty to return my family's ancestral tablets to the Central Capital with honor, to rest alongside the ancestors of the Great Qin."

Chewing his lip, Sunn Cheng seemed to have more to say, but after a moment's hesitation, he casually spread his hands and walked away. He strode to a Giant Tree, agilely scaled its trunk, and settled himself on a high branch to lie down.

With a detached expression, Su Mo remained seated by the campfire. In a conversation between two keen minds, there was no need for blunt words; the unspoken truths were understood by both.

However, it was clear that there were fundamental differences in their underlying thoughts. The question of whether their actions were motivated by a quest for power or by the memory of the hundreds of thousands of loyal souls interred on Celestial Yin Mountain remained an eternal topic of debate in the secular world.

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