Heavenly Strike/C19 The Whereabouts of the Princess!
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Heavenly Strike/C19 The Whereabouts of the Princess!
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C19 The Whereabouts of the Princess!

In the heart of the Great Qin Central Capital, the imperial drum's thunderous sound echoed throughout the city. Although it wasn't the day for the grand court assembly, the drumbeat signified that the Emperor had urgent matters to discuss with his ministers. Every qualified minister of the Great Qin hastened to the palace from all corners, none daring to delay.

Atop the highest point of the Imperial Palace sat the Supreme Harmony Hall, centrally located and facing south, commanding a view over the Central Capital. Its grandeur and towering presence marked it as the main hall of the Great Qin Imperial Court, the venue for the court assemblies.

The Great Qin Emperor, Ying Hongsheng, now over seventy, had a black beard that reached down to the dragon emblem on his chest. Clad in a black dragon robe and wearing a twelve-bead imperial jade crown, he sat with a commanding presence on the dragon throne, solemnly receiving the homage of his officials.

To the left of the dragon throne was another chair, where a young man sat poised. Dressed in a blue robe with purple-gold trim, the front of his robe was embroidered with a pattern of boundless lightning, while the back featured the Divine Thunder Descending motif. An ancient square seal with the words "Righteous Sun" was stitched onto the left side of his chest.

This man was Xiao Tianzong, the Great Qin National Advisor, Chief Great Disciple of the Righteous Sun Sect, and a leading figure among the younger generation in the Cultivation Realm.

"Greetings, National Advisor!" Following their homage to the Emperor, the officials, led by the Crown Prince, bowed to the National Advisor. Xiao Tianzong's striking features were accented with a slight smile as he leaned forward to acknowledge the ministers.

Standing before the officials was the Crown Prince of Great Qin, Ying Wenrui, resplendent in his regal attire. His tall, slender frame belied his forty years, giving him the appearance of a young man in his twenties. Yet, his distinguished face bore a touch of pallor, hinting at some underlying ailment.

Ying Wenrui looked up at Xiao Tianzong, and they exchanged a smile and a subtle nod, a silent greeting between them. The widespread rumors of a profound friendship between the Crown Prince and the National Advisor appeared to be more than mere speculation.

"Esteemed ministers," the Qin Emperor's deep and aged voice resonated powerfully throughout the grand hall. Every official bowed their heads, directing their gaze beneath the imperial dais, even the National Advisor Xiao Tianzong inclined his body slightly forward. All were silent, attentively listening to the Emperor's address. Such was the authority of the Great Qin Emperor!

The imperial families of the Secular World Empires were acknowledged by the Nine Great Saints as the sovereigns of the human race, wielding unparalleled authority. They were the leaders of humanity, second only to the Saints themselves!

Even Xiao Tianzong, the Great Disciple of the Righteous Sun Sect—one of the Nine Great Saints—was bound to show the utmost respect to the Great Qin Emperor!

As long as he held the Imperial Seal and retained the recognition of the Saints, he was one of the Human Race's Emperors, the supreme ruler of Great Qin!

This status was not about one's cultivation level; it was the mandate of Heaven, the worldly order, an unbreakable law established by the Saints to uphold the rule of the Human Race!

Moreover, the Great Qin Emperor possessed formidable strength in his own right!

"Yesterday, I received a missive from the Great Minster of the Hundred Yue Country. Today, their envoy will arrive for a visit! Therefore, I have summoned you all to prepare for the reception of the Hundred Yue Country's envoy," the Qin Emperor stated calmly, his gaze briefly sweeping over the officials before settling on the Crown Prince.

Ying Wenrui slightly bowed, holding a jade tablet, and with a respectful smile, he said, "The Hundred Yue Country, situated in the South Wilderness, is a theocracy led by the Great Minster. It cannot compare to the orthodox rule of our Great Qin Emperor. It is only proper that they come to pay homage!"

After the Crown Prince spoke, the Minister of Finance, Su Jingzong, stepped forward and bowed, "The Dragon Trapping Hall, despite being one of the Eight Great Sects, has transformed itself into a nation, claiming a vast expanse of the South Wilderness. Although the Hundred Yue Country is under a saint's patronage, it cannot escape the criticism of being somewhat illegitimate..."

Before he could finish, the Minister of Rites, Kong Chengzu, took a step forward and let out a cold huff. Holding up the jade tablet, he declared loudly, "I must disagree with Lord Su's view! The South Wilderness is a frontier region, and the Hundred Yue Country has created order there, bringing prosperity to its human inhabitants. What question is there of legitimacy? Moreover, the Hundred Yue Country is well aware of its slight deviations from ritual propriety. They have no Emperor within their borders, allowing only the Great Minster to wield authority, showing no disrespect to the saints or the various empires."

The two ministers were locked in a heated debate, and the argument seemed to be escalating. Many other officials joined in, though it appeared that Lord Su Jingzong's faction had the upper hand in support.

"Enough!" The Qin Emperor interjected with a hint of displeasure in his voice, and the quarreling officials immediately fell silent.

Casting a glance at the National Advisor, Xiao Tianzong, who sat with his eyes closed, the Qin Emperor spoke sternly, "When speaking of the saint, I urge you all to choose your words carefully! Now, let us ascertain the purpose of the Hundred Yue Country's envoy's visit..."

A brief silence fell upon the hall before the doors swung open. The general of the Royal Guard Army, tasked with protecting the Imperial City, approached to make his report, "Your Majesty, the envoy from the Hundred Yue Country has arrived and is currently above the Imperial City!"

The general's announcement stirred the court into a frenzy. The officials exclaimed in outrage, "The audacity of the Hundred Yue Country knows no bounds! To brazenly intrude upon the Imperial City is to disregard the authority of the Great Qin Emperor and to insult the honor of the Righteous Sun Sect!"

The Qin Emperor's brow furrowed in contemplation, but after a moment, he decided, "Open the gates wide and receive the envoy from the Hundred Yue Country!"

Upon receiving the command, the general of the Royal Guard Army pushed the massive doors open, revealing the expanse of the world beyond.

All the ministers turned to gaze out the door, where a colossal boat was suspended in the sky, slowly making its way toward the hall.

The boat hovered in the heavens, its vast silhouette casting a shadow over the land, a sight of awe-inspiring grandeur.

"The Cloud Sea Ark! Crafted by the Artifact Refining Hall of the Dragon Trapping Hall over several years, it's said to cover thousands of miles in a single day and can carry thousands!" exclaimed the more knowledgeable courtiers, drawing gasps of amazement from the Great Qin officials.

The Cloud Sea Ark was adorned with a multitude of flags, and thousands of the Hundred Yue Country's elite Armor Soldiers stood in solemn formation. At the prow, two armored generals stood watch.

Crown Prince Ying Wenrui, observing the envoy's impressive entourage, subtly signaled to two generals clad in blood-red armor beside him. Understanding the silent command, the generals promptly departed to relay the orders.

In no time, thousands of soldiers from the Divine Guard Army surged into the Central Capital Imperial City, forming a red wave on either side of the Absolute Monarch Palace, ready to receive the visiting envoys from the Hundred Yue Country.

The Cloud Sea Ark came to a halt before the Absolute Monarch Palace. Two generals and a civil official disembarked with solemn, respectful expressions and made their way into the grand hall.

"General Xiuna from the Hundred Yue Country's Northern Command, and General Hwa Yan from the Southern Command, at your service, Your Majesty, the Qin Emperor!" the two envoys greeted with deep bows. General Xiuna had a rugged look, with a robust build and striking features framed by thick eyebrows and large eyes. General Hwa Yan, on the other hand, appeared leaner and more refined, resembling a scholar-warrior.

"Generals, there's no need for formalities," the Qin Emperor said with a slight smile, gesturing for them to rise.

After expressing their gratitude, the two generals turned to the National Advisor and smiled, "Greetings, Senior Brother Xiao!"

Xiao Tianzong stood to return the courtesy. "Ah, it's the esteemed junior brothers known as the Dragon Trapping Twin Stars. Welcome!"

Following a brief exchange of pleasantries, Xiuna and Hwa Yan, in their capacity as generals, paid their respects to the Qin Emperor on behalf of the Hundred Yue Country, while addressing Xiao Tianzong as 'Senior Brother' in representation of the Dragon Trapping Hall.

Despite the Dragon Trapping Hall and the Hundred Yue Country being integrally linked, they were distinct entities. The Dragon Trapping Hall was a sect revered by both heaven and earth, a beacon of the righteous path, while the Hundred Yue Country was a secular state. It was crucial to distinguish between the two to avoid any potential confusion.

Hwa Yan, ever the eloquent speaker, addressed the Qin Emperor with a smile, "Your Majesty, we have specially brought two millennia-old Flood Dragon Pythons as a tribute to you. They are at your command, capable of traversing the heavens, the earth, and the waters with ease."

Accompanied by other officials from the Hundred Yue Country, Hwa Yan presented a scroll of gifts and a trove of treasures.

The Qin Emperor, visibly delighted, chuckled heartily and ordered his attendants to carefully store the gifts. "Convey my thanks to the Great Minster! Upon your return, I shall also send gifts to the Sage and the Great Minster as a token of the enduring friendship between our nations."

After the friendly exchange of gifts, the conversation turned to more pressing matters. The representatives from Great Qin were well aware that the visit from the Hundred Yue Country was about more than just presenting gifts.

Hwa Yan and Xiuna exchanged a knowing look. With a hint of gravity in his tone, Hwa Yan spoke, "The situation is urgent, and I must apologize for our unsanctioned arrival in the Central Capital Imperial City. We seek an audience not only with the Qin Emperor but also with the Righteous Sun Sect."

The serious tone of Hwa Yan's words and his solemn demeanor left the Great Qin ministers exchanging puzzled glances, wondering what matter could be of such grave importance.

"Speak freely," commanded the Qin Emperor, his face a mask of solemnity.

Gathering his thoughts, Hwa Yan continued gravely, "There are two issues at hand. First, Princess Nianyuv of the Hundred Yue Country has vanished in the southwestern region of Great Qin. We believe she may be within the borders of Phoenix Soaring County. We humbly request that the Qin Emperor issue an order to aid in the search for the princess."

"Princess Nianyuv?" The Qin Emperor turned to Xiao Tianzong with a look of confusion.

After a moment's thought, Xiao Tianzong inquired, "Is this the same Junior Sister Muh Yi who, five years ago, was granted access to the Soul Refining Tower by the combined efforts of the eight major sects?"

Hwa Yan nodded in confirmation, bowing respectfully. "Indeed, it is she."

Xiao Tianzong relayed a few words to the Qin Emperor in a low voice, prompting a nod of understanding from the ruler. "Given that the princess has disappeared within our borders, it is Great Qin's undeniable duty to locate her. Rest assured, envoys, I will immediately issue a decree to mobilize the County Magistrate of Phoenix Soaring County, the Commander of the Divine Guard Army, and the Celestial Punishment Court. If Princess Nianyuv is within Phoenix Soaring County, I guarantee we will find her."

Hwa Yan and Xiuna expressed their gratitude profusely. Hwa Yan then produced a jade slip from his palm, saying, "Here is the princess's portrait for reference."

With a decisive gesture, the Qin Emperor declared, "This task shall be entrusted to the Crown Prince. Ensure there are no errors."

"As you command, Father," responded Ying Wenrui, accepting the jade slip and passing it to his aides before promptly initiating the search arrangements.

The Qin Emperor chuckled once more and prompted, "Please, proceed with the second matter."

Hwa Yan's brow furrowed as he nodded gravely, "The second issue requires the assistance of Senior Brother Xiao. Several months ago, an inner disciple from Dragon Trapping Hall absconded with a sacred cultivation technique—the Celestial Devil Blood Fusion Technique—and has since vanished without a trace."

The revelation sent a shockwave through the Great Qin Dynasty's court. Xiao Tianzong, visibly concerned, inquired, "Is that the supreme Devil Dao heart technique we seized from Blood Nether Palace after we crushed the Corpse Refining Sect?"

Before Hwa Yan could respond, Xiuna interjected in a subdued tone, "Indeed, it is that very technique! We are certain that the defector is none other than Chiang Hee, one of the Four Young Masters of the Blood Nether Palace."

The officials of the Great Qin drew sharp breaths. It had been years since the Devil Dao had last surfaced in the world.

The news about the Blood Nether Palace took Xiao Tianzong aback, and his expression grew stern. Matters of the Devil Dao transcended individual sects; they were of concern to the entire Cultivation Realm, and he knew he must notify his sect without delay.

"Given that Princess Nianyuv has disappeared in the southwestern regions of Great Qin, we fear her disappearance may be linked to Chiang Hee or perhaps even the other factions of the Devil Dao. This urgency brought us to seek an audience with the Qin Emperor before hastening to the Righteous Sun Sect to inform the Sect Master of these developments," Hwa Yan explained, bowing respectfully to both Xiao Tianzong and the Qin Emperor.

Xiao Tianzong, with a somber nod, rose to his feet and declared, "We must act immediately. If necessary, our two sects will issue the Immortal Gathering Order, calling upon all the major sects across the heavens."

With a mutual nod of agreement from Hwa Yan and Xiuna, the trio paid their respects to the Qin Emperor before boarding the Cloud Sea Ark and departing together.

The Devil Dao's resurgence was beyond the scope of any secular world empire's capabilities. Only the great sects of the heavens and earth were equipped to handle such matters. The secular world empire's role was to bolster its defenses and promptly report any findings to the sects.

The silence in the hall lingered for a moment before the Minister of Finance, Su Jingzong, bowed and offered a smile. "Your Majesty," he began, "given that the three sects of the Devil Dao have revealed themselves, I believe our priority should be to guard against them. The search for the princess can be postponed..."

Su Jingzong's proposal immediately drew a frown from his longtime adversary, the Minister of Rites, Kong Chengzu, who was about to object when the Qin Emperor raised his hand, halting the impending debate. With a stern look and a deeper frown directed at Su Jingzong, he declared, "This matter is not up for further discussion! The orders must be sent out at once!"

After a brief pause, the Qin Emperor turned to Su Jingzong with a smile that hinted at deeper implications, then addressed the assembly of ministers, "My esteemed ministers, perhaps you are not yet aware, but Princess Nianyuv bears the Mu surname..."

With a light snort and a cryptic smile, the Qin Emperor continued, "Should we fail to locate the princess, it may not be an envoy from the Hundred Yue Country who comes calling, but rather Immortal Master Tao from the Dragon Trapping Hall, or possibly even the Sage himself!"

Casting a glance over the ministers, now silent as if struck by a chill, and the Crown Prince, standing respectfully with his head bowed, the Qin Emperor let out a heavy, cold snort and demanded, "Tell me, who among you has the courage and the wit to endure the wrath of the Sage? Ah!?"

The revelation of Princess Nianyuv's significant lineage sent a ripple of astonishment through the Great Qin Dynasty's court. Su Jingzong, visibly shaken, dared not utter another word. He stole a glance at the stoic Crown Prince and quietly mopped the beads of sweat forming on his brow.

With no further dissent regarding the search for the princess, the Qin Emperor, showing a trace of impatience, waved his hand dismissively and commanded, "Attend to it swiftly! This court is dismissed!"

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