Heavenly Strike/C2 He Was Sunn Cheng
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Heavenly Strike/C2 He Was Sunn Cheng
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C2 He Was Sunn Cheng

Mouth Connecting Town sat on the southwestern frontier of Great Qin, nestled up against the Myriad Beast Mountain Range. The majority of its residents made their living by tilling the soil.

One afternoon, the streets buzzed with life as villagers gathered under a pavilion to enjoy the shade and listen to storytellers.

At the forefront of the pavilion stood a modest meat shop, its display teeming with a variety of fresh beast meats. The proprietor was a boy around fifteen or sixteen years of age, clad in a faded gray, sleeveless hemp shirt and a long apron smeared with grease. His black hair, soft and pliant, was neatly tied with a strip of cloth, and his youthful face, framed by innocent eyes, was engaging and approachable.

The same young man, Sunn Cheng, was the one raising his voice in storytelling. He was among the few hunters in the town.

In that moment, Sunn Cheng spoke with fervor, his meat knife spinning deftly in his hand as he chopped. The beast meat on the cutting board was swiftly purchased by the locals, who didn't let his storytelling interfere with their shopping.

"Listen up! Sixteen thousand years back, I was playing chess with the Thunder God Great Monarch by the Thunder Lake in the ancient wilderness. Out of nowhere, this brash kid burst in! The Thunder God was incensed, summoning a bolt of purple lightning to strike the kid down! But at the last second, I noticed the kid had a dash of my own dashing flair, so I stopped the Thunder God's hand and spared the lad's life! In honor of me, the Thunder God then bestowed upon the kid the essence of thunderous power, and thus the kid earned the title of Righteous Sun and founded the Righteous Sun Sect!"

With a resounding 'clack,' Sunn Cheng stood the meat knife upright on the block. He gestured dramatically with his greasy hand as he reached the story's climax.

A muscular man, shirtless and clutching a watermelon, listened in a daze. After wiping his mouth, he squinted his eyes and asked in a slow, doubtful tone, "You're fibbing! If that were true, why does the Righteous Sun Sect only venerate the Thunder God Great Monarch and not you?"

When Sunn Cheng heard his legendary exploits being called into question, he promptly produced a crumpled portrait with a stern expression. He had spent fifty coins to have it fetched from a bookshop in Azure Sun County.

With a snap, Sunn Cheng unfurled the portrait and hoisted it high, proclaiming, "Take a good look, everyone! This is the portrait of the Thunder God Great Monarch and me together!"

The villagers crowded in for a closer look, only to burst into derisive laughter and disperse like startled birds.

Indeed, half of the portrait depicted the widely recognized image of the Thunder God Great Monarch, but the other half was unmistakably a self-portrait of Sunn Cheng, the rascal himself, clearly crafted by the bookshop's artist. The sleaziness was palpable even from a distance.

The neighbors chuckled and jeered as they walked away, but one shirtless man remained, gazing at the portrait with eyes brimming with wonder and reverence.

"Alright, alright, this portrait is yours to keep! And here, take this piece of meat too. Bring it home and have your spouse cook it up for you!" Sunn Cheng cheerfully said to the villagers, handing over the portrait and meat to the muscular man, signaling the end of the day's business.

The shirtless fellow carefully stowed the portrait and eyed the meat, shaking his head with a naive voice, "I didn't bring any coins today, not buying meat!"

Sunn Cheng, still smiling, insisted and placed the meat in his hands, "Keep it! You've forgotten, last time we went up the mountain, I came back empty-handed, and you shared your mountain tiger catch with me. I still owe you for that!"

The burly man stood there, puzzled, scratching his head for a moment before breaking into a broad grin, "Oh, that's right! I would've completely forgotten if you hadn't mentioned it!"

Watching the man joyfully trot off home with the meat, Sunn Cheng chuckled and shook his head as he went back to packing up his stall.

The man, known as Old Xiong, was once a skilled hunter. Six years ago, Sunn Cheng's first hunting trip into the Myriad Beast Mountain Range was under Old Xiong's guidance. That was the only time Sunn Cheng had ever come back from the mountains without a catch.

Old Xiong imparted various hunting skills to Sunn Cheng, enabling him to provide for himself and his family. Tragically, three years ago, Old Xiong encountered a vicious six-toothed leopard in the mountains, sustaining a brain injury that left him simple-minded.

Since then, Old Xiong has been unable to return to the mountains, yet Sunn Cheng has risen to become the finest hunter in all of Azure Sun County.

It has become a daily ritual for Sunn Cheng to leave a cut of meat for Old Xiong's family over the past three years.

It's not just Sunn Cheng; the down-to-earth townsfolk also lend a hand to Old Xiong's household in various ways.

Having tidied up his stall, Sunn Cheng weighed the five taels of silver in his hand, pocketing them with a contented grin. He slid the meat knife into its leather sheath and secured it at his waist, easily accessible with a quick reach.

With a choice cut of pork loin set aside earlier, Sunn Cheng strolled through the streets, humming a tune. He stopped by Aunt Li's sauce shop to have her prepare a savory meat sauce to be delivered to his courtyard later in the day. While there, he playfully teased Aunt Li's plump daughter, inquiring about the black mark on her left buttock, which nearly resulted in Aunt Li chasing him out with a firewood knife.

Next, he visited the Deaf Granny's tavern for a few cups of sweet rice wine. With the wine skin in hand, he meandered toward the forest on the town's western edge, bantering with the locals he encountered without a hint of embarrassment.

As he left the main street and turned onto a narrow dirt path, two burly, armored warriors approached, swords at their sides. One had a dark complexion and a bushy beard, giving him a somewhat fierce appearance.

Caught off guard, Sunn Cheng instinctively thought to sidestep the pair but was halted by the bearded warrior's call.

This black-bearded man was once a mountain bandit from a hill in Azure Sun County, using his third-level Body Tempering skills for nefarious deeds. After being subdued by the county's garrison commander, Lin Zheng, he reformed and was promoted to captain of the garrison's guards.

Unable to avoid the encounter, Sunn Cheng rolled his eyes and turned back, greeting the captain with a warm, familiar smile, "Well, if it isn't the captain himself! What brings you to Mouth Connecting Town for an inspection today?"

Blackbeard watched the smirking rascal before him with an icy stare, unmoved by the kid's obsequious demeanor. He was well aware that falling for this youngster's act would lead to a significant loss.

He would never forget, two years ago, when he had just been appointed as the captain of the garrison guard, he accompanied the garrison commander's daughter on an assignment to Mouth Connecting Town. It was there that he was outwitted by this very brat.

At that time, his cultivation was at the third level of Body Tempering, "Blood Refining," and he was on the verge of breaking through to the first level of Qi Gathering. He had transformed from a notorious bandit who had roamed the mountains of Azure Sun for years into the esteemed captain of the garrison guards. What a turn of fortune that was!

When he learned that Miss Lin had come to this backwater solely to recruit a mere boy, Blackbeard felt nothing but contempt. Following Miss Lin's orders, he tested the then fourteen-year-old Sunn Cheng to gauge his true capabilities.

To his astonishment, a simple probe resulted in Blackbeard being effortlessly defeated by the boy known as the "Guide of Soul Breaking Cliff" in Azure Sun County.

It was beyond belief. Humiliated, Blackbeard flew into a rage and engaged Sunn Cheng with all his might, only to be soundly beaten.

Both of their cultivations were at the third level of Body Tempering, yet Blackbeard, seasoned and renowned, was thoroughly trounced, causing quite a sensation in Azure Sun County.

Despite now having a firm grip on his position as the captain of the guards, the incident remained a deep-seated thorn in Blackbeard's side.

With a hostile look, Blackbeard glared at Sunn Cheng's beaming face, his eyes darting to the meat knife partially visible at his waist. After scrutinizing Sunn Cheng's breathing and physical state, Blackbeard's face twisted into a malevolent grin. He was fairly certain that the kid hadn't improved over the past two years, his cultivation still stagnant at the third level of Body Tempering.

Blackbeard, on the other hand, had practiced the techniques from the garrison's archives and occasionally received elixirs from either the garrison commander or Miss Lin. His cultivation had soared to the peak of the first level of Qi Gathering, leaving him just shy of the second level, the "Meridian Opening" realm.

Blackbeard sensed that this might be his opportunity to reclaim his pride.

"Sunn Cheng, you lucky dog, a VIP has arrived from Ping Mountain City looking for a guide who knows the Myriad Beast Mountain Range. The garrison commander and Miss Lin have personally left the city to greet this person. Miss Lin has ordered you to come back to the county town with us immediately!"

Blackbeard snorted with a sneer, his voice dripping with arrogance as he addressed Sunn Cheng.

Sunn Cheng chuckled, his mind racing as he replied, "Miss Lin might have forgotten, but when she left Mouth Connecting Town that year, she told me not to set foot in the county city, or else she'd have me thrown out of Azure Sun County! Alas, with my elderly grandmother and clueless little sister to care for, I can't afford to ignore Miss Lin's words!"

Blackbeard watched as Sunn Cheng spread his hands and sighed. The guy clearly didn't care about going to Azure Sun County City; he was living the good life out here in the sticks. It was just an excuse.

Blackbeard's eyes bulged as he gripped the handle of his knife and barked, "Cut the crap! The young miss says this is critical, and she'll have you bound and brought there if necessary! Be smart and come with us now, or I'll have to get rough!"

Sunn Cheng pursed his lips, showing a look of resignation. Blackbeard was still a thug at heart, despite years as a captain of the guards and no better at public relations.

"Sorry, Captain, but I'm just a butcher trying to make a living. I really can't afford to get tangled up with the garrison. You'll have to find someone else!"

Sunn Cheng gestured dismissively and stepped aside, attempting to skirt past the two men blocking his path.

The malice in Blackbeard's eyes deepened. Since becoming the garrison's guard captain, everyone in Azure Sun County had shown him respect. He'd enjoyed his status these past few years, but the memory of his defeat to this young man still gnawed at him. Now, facing Sunn Cheng again, he found him just as irritating as ever.

Blackbeard shot a sidelong glance at Sunn Cheng as he passed by, a flash of menace in his eyes. With the swiftness of lightning, his burly hand shot out, gripping Sunn Cheng's arm with an iron-like firmness. He bellowed, "If you can't appreciate a good thing when you see it, don't blame me for not playing nice!"

Sunn Cheng halted in his tracks, turned back, and blinked at Blackbeard, clearly surprised by the force emanating from his arm. He scratched his head and remarked, "Seems like the Captain has really upped his game. I must offer my congratulations!"

A smug grunt escaped Blackbeard as he boasted, "You'd better recognize it! I've been in the Qi Gathering Realm for over half a year now, but you, you little... Eh?"

His taunt was cut short as a sudden surge of overpowering strength from Sunn Cheng's palm violently shook his arm loose. Blackbeard's face, as dark as pitch, registered utter astonishment.

His eyes bulged, seemingly on the verge of popping out from sheer disbelief. He couldn't fathom how this kid, ostensibly at the third level of Body Tempering, could unleash a force he was powerless to resist.

Sunn Cheng spared Blackbeard a glance, then, disregarding his astonishment, stepped forward and continued on his way.

That single look was enough to infuriate Blackbeard. It was the same look Sunn Cheng had given him two years ago when he had been bested by the young upstart.

Blackbeard couldn't accept it. He was at the peak of the first stage of the Qi Gathering Realm, a whole level above this kid. There was no way he should be losing to him!

"Freeze!" he bellowed.

With a metallic ring, Blackbeard drew his saber, ready to close in on Sunn Cheng. He was prepared to defy the young lady's orders if it meant teaching this upstart a lesson today.

But in the very next instant, before Blackbeard could act again, his body seized up completely.

He only caught a glimpse of Sunn Cheng's retreating figure, not even noticing his movements, when a chilling sensation spread across his shoulder and neck.

A broad, hefty meat knife, its blade gleaming with a white light, had somehow found its way onto Blackbeard's shoulder, its edge pressed threateningly against his throat.

Blackbeard could even detect the faint scent of beast meat on the meat knife. He held his long saber aloft with one arm, his tall and sturdy frame standing motionless.

His throat bobbed, and the bone-chilling coldness made his scalp tingle. His life could be snuffed out by that meat knife at any moment!

Sunn Cheng looked at Blackbeard with a complex expression, the meat knife resting on his shoulder. With his left hand, he uncorked his wine sack and took a swig of the icy, sweet rice wine, which was refreshingly satisfying.

"Listen, Blackbeard, it's true that your skills have improved, and it's also true that I'm still at the third level of Body Tempering. But the fact remains, you still can't beat me! These are the facts. As for the reason... well, I can't quite explain it myself!"

Sunn Cheng shook his head, feeling a bit downcast. He stared directly into Blackbeard's frustrated eyes and continued with a sense of resignation, "I made it clear last time. The incident at Soul Breaking Cliff was a fluke. You folks from the Azure Sun County guard have plenty to deal with, so don't waste any more of my time!"

With a smack of his lips and a glance at the shocked and tense guard by Blackbeard's side, Sunn Cheng sighed and with a flick of his wrist, slid the meat knife back into its sheath at his waist. He waved dismissively and strode forward, paying them no further attention.

Blackbeard, breathing heavily, lowered his hand and watched Sunn Cheng's leisurely departure with a mix of resentment and helplessness. He didn't dare make a move but bellowed with fury, "Sunn Cheng! You won't dodge this! Tomorrow, the young lady herself will come looking for you!"

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