Heavenly Strike/C20 In the Name of My Father!
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Heavenly Strike/C20 In the Name of My Father!
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C20 In the Name of My Father!

Inside the medical center of Azure Sun County, Muh Yi lay on the bed, obediently extending an arm for Doctor Huang to take her pulse. Her wide eyes roamed about with curiosity.

Sunn Cheng watched Doctor Huang's increasingly furrowed brow without blinking, a sense of dread settling in his heart.

Doctor Huang was Azure Sun's finest physician. Whenever Old Madam Luo Fu suffered from minor ailments like headaches or fevers, Sunn Cheng would send for him to visit Mouth Connecting Town. Doctor Huang, known for his kindness, had become quite familiar with Sunn Cheng over time.

"Ah... Oh... Hmm..." Doctor Huang's face was a tapestry of expressions as he held Muh Yi's pulse and stroked his graying beard, emitting periodic sighs of contemplation that left Sunn Cheng on edge.

"Doctor Huang! Could you please not keep sighing? If there's something to say, just say it!" Sunn Cheng implored, scratching his head with a wry smile. The old doctor's slow pace was enough to drive anyone to distraction.

With an apologetic smile, Doctor Huang glanced at Muh Yi and paused to think before addressing Sunn Cheng, "Sunn Cheng, this young lady is extremely frail. Her pulse is quite peculiar, unlike anything typical. I regret to say that it's beyond my ability to treat... However, based on my experience, she's likely been poisoned. There's no need for immediate concern; the poison isn't lethal at present. It does, however, block the major acupoints and meridians, allowing the toxin to blend with her bloodstream and leave her utterly weak..."

Sunn Cheng, his brow creased, voiced his concern, "Dr. Huang, are you certain there's no immediate threat to her life? I sense that Muh Yi's vital energy is waning rapidly."

Though not versed in medical knowledge, Sunn Cheng, as a practitioner whose cultivation had reached the Qi Gathering Realm, had a heightened sensitivity to the life force and Heaven Earth Spiritual Energy.

Taken aback by Sunn Cheng's observation, Doctor Huang re-examined Muh Yi's complexion and pulse. He then spoke gravely, "It appears you're correct. Sunn Cheng, I urge you to take the young lady to Ping Mountain City without delay and seek a physician at the Hundred Herb Garden. That's the only place in Phoenix Soaring County with the potential to heal her."

Sunn Cheng nodded with concern, while Muh Yi offered him a sweet, yet weary smile.

Dr. Huang lent Sunn Cheng a carriage from the clinic to see them off. Pausing briefly, Dr. Huang spoke softly, "There's something else. I heard that Wang Yue, the Wang family's second young master, visited Mouth Connecting Town yesterday. Upon his return, the Wang family's home was adorned with lanterns and streamers, as if they're preparing for a celebration... You're aware of Second Young Master Wang's past actions. The only person in Mouth Connecting Town who could catch his eye is Xiaonuo... I'm worried... Well, it's best you prepare yourself!"

Sunn Cheng was taken aback by Dr. Huang's words, his anger flaring up. The very thing he feared most had happened in his absence!

Why had Wang Yue suddenly gone to Mouth Connecting Town? Had Lin Xi broken her promise?

Sunn Cheng's complexion turned steely, his eyes radiating a fierce chill. He managed to contain his rage, gave Dr. Huang a respectful bow, and lifted Muh Yi into the carriage. They departed swiftly amid Dr. Huang's sighs.

They reached Mouth Connecting Town at dusk, Sunn Cheng carrying Muh Yi home in the fading glow of the sunset.

From a distance, Sunn Cheng noticed the courtyard abuzz with villagers. His heart raced as he quickly brought Muh Yi inside.

Perhaps overwhelmed by the sudden crowd, Muh Yi insisted on walking on her own. Sunn Cheng supported her as they took small steps toward the yard.

The din of the courtyard was pierced by Aunt Li's sharp voice, "Sunn Cheng, that rascal, is back!" Her call silenced the crowd, and after a moment of stunned silence, they erupted into joyful cheers, swarming around Sunn Cheng with warm concern.

From the crowd, a figure dashed towards Sunn Cheng and embraced him tightly.

Sunn Cheng affectionately patted Xiaonuo's head, relieved to see her safe and sound. Now, he could finally breathe easy.

"Brother... Uncle Old Bear... Uncle Old Bear is hurt!" Xiaonuo's lips quivered as she began to cry, seemingly overwhelmed by the situation.

Sunn Cheng's expression grew serious as he softly consoled her. Clearly, something had gone wrong at home; otherwise, the villagers wouldn't have all come running.

As the gathered crowd parted, Old Madam Luo Fu, leaning on her wooden cane, made her way forward with the support of two farmwives. With a composed demeanor, she surveyed Sunn Cheng from head to toe, nodded, and whispered, "It's good to have you back!"

Releasing Xiaonuo, Sunn Cheng clenched his lips, stepped forward, and took his grandmother's cool, frail hands in his. Bending down, he gently embraced Old Madam Luo Fu, looking into her eyes with a smile, "Grandma, your grandson has returned!"

The shared smile between them was laden with a mutual understanding that encompassed an eight-year separation.

Their parting had been silent on the matter, but both Sunn Cheng and Old Madam Luo Fu knew that it could have been a farewell for eternity.

Now, their reunion signified a new beginning after the long absence.

Old Madam Luo Fu's usually serene heart was now visibly moved, her eyes brimming with emotion. She chuckled with relief, casually wiping her tears before affectionately patting Sunn Cheng on the head, "Alright, go see Old Bear. If it hadn't been for him yesterday, we might have been facing a real disaster!"

Sunn Cheng nodded and entered the house to find Old Bear lying on his bed, his torso bare and bandaged with cotton cloth stained with fresh blood.

Old Bear's wife tended to him with tearful eyes, while a local healer from Mouth Connecting Town administered his treatment. The sight of two deep gashes on Old Bear's chest was etched into Sunn Cheng's memory. He clenched his fist and forced a grateful smile at the dazed Old Bear, "Old Bear, you're still as courageous as ever! Thank you!"

Old Bear, looking worn and staring blankly at the ceiling, turned his head and gave Sunn Cheng a weak, cough-ridden smile, "I haven't seen you in days... I've missed your stories... Heh..."

Sunn Cheng had already learned from the villagers what had transpired.

The day before, Wang Yue, the despised playboy and second son of the Wang family from Azure Sun County, arrived in Mouth Connecting Town with a retinue of servants and stormed into the Sunn family home.

The person who led Wang Yue there was none other than the captain of the guard, Blackbeard.

By chance, Old Bear, who hadn't seen Sunn Cheng at the butcher shop for several days, thought Sunn Cheng might be at home and naively went to check on him, only to stumble upon Wang Yue, Blackbeard, and their entourage.

Though not as quick-witted as he once was, Old Bear could still recognize the townsfolk from strangers. Having watched Sunn Cheng and Xiaonuo grow up, he was intimately familiar with the Sunn family.

Upon seeing Xiaonuo in distress and nearly being harassed, Old Bear stutteringly confronted Wang Yue and Blackbeard. The simple-minded Old Bear became the butt of their jokes, as they mocked and toyed with him, taking advantage of his honest nature and current simplicity.

True to his reputation for debauchery, Wang Yue brazenly attempted to abduct Xiaonuo, intending to take her back to Azure Sun. During the confrontation, Old Bear and Blackbeard came to blows, resulting in Old Bear sustaining two knife wounds to his chest.

Thankfully, the vigilant villagers sensed trouble at the Sunn residence and came to the rescue, armed with clubs. They saved Old Bear's life, safeguarding both Xiaonuo and Old Madam Luo.

Wang Yue, undeterred by the commoners, was keen to avoid a major scandal. He issued a threat that the Wang family would return in two days to claim Xiaonuo as a bride. Should the Sunn family resist, they would find no peace in Azure Sun.

Sunn Cheng glanced at the toppled fence, the disarrayed courtyard, and the dried bloodstains on the ground, his fists shaking with emotion.

"Fellow villagers!" Sunn Cheng called out with a steely expression. "I am deeply grateful for your assistance. Now that I have returned, I will await Young Master Wang's proposal tomorrow. Rest assured, the elders of Mouth Connecting Town will not stand idly by while we are wronged!"

Everyone was shouting with righteous indignation. After a period of discussion, they slowly began to disperse.

Before leaving, Aunt Li caught sight of Muh Yi, who had returned with Sunn Cheng. She couldn't help but exclaim loudly, bombarding Sunn Cheng with questions about where he had found such a beautiful girl. She lamented that her own daughter, Erya, would now only be considered the third most beautiful girl in Mouth Connecting Town.

Muh Yi, who had never before encountered so many people from the secular world, felt a mix of nervousness and joy. She could sense their sincerity and kindness from the warmth in their eyes and smiles.

Sunn Cheng introduced Muh Yi to Old Madam Luo, saying cheerfully, "This is my grandmother. You can call her 'grandmother' too!"

Old Madam Luo Fu listened to Sunn Cheng's account with a kindly smile. With her keen insight, she could see that although the girl appeared somewhat frail, she radiated an extraordinary ethereal aura, clearly not of ordinary lineage.

The old lady warmly took Muh Yi's hand, and the young girl, blinking, softly called her "grandmother," delighting the old woman.

Xiaonuo took an immediate liking to her new younger sister. The two girls quickly bonded, chattering away endlessly.

While the girls went to the inner room to share secrets, Sunn Cheng assisted Old Madam Luo to a seat in the main hall.

Old Madam Luo sighed and asked Sunn Cheng, "Sheng, do you resent me for not warning you about the dangers of your journey?"

Sunn Cheng reassured her with a smile, "Grandma, how could I? The conflict between the Celestial Punishment Court and the Divine Guard Army in Phoenix Soaring County was foreseeable. However, the Divine Guard Army's secret presence at Soul Breaking Cliff and Giant Tree Lake was beyond anyone's expectations. Their schemes were far more elaborate than we could have guessed."

Old Madam Luo Fu nodded gravely, then looked at Sunn Cheng with a mix of self-reproach and worry. She was relieved that he had returned safely that day, knowing she would have been at a loss if anything had happened to him.

Despite her resolve to set Sunn Cheng on a path to confront the Divine Guard Army, Old Madam Luo Fu was well aware of the perils involved. Given another chance, she might have chosen to prevent Sunn Cheng from taking the trip with Su Mo.

What Old Madam Luo didn't realize was that even if Su Mo's journey had nothing to do with the Divine Guard Army, Sunn Cheng would still choose to accompany her, all for the chance that a Spirit Pill might offer him a breakthrough in his cultivation.

Sunn Cheng was willing to gamble with his life for that faint glimmer of hope.

He had been waiting for eight years and couldn't wait any longer.

"Also, we should take Muh Yi to Ping Mountain City for her illness as soon as possible. However, I fear we may not be able to come back," Luo Fu mused, leaning on her cane.

Sunn Cheng flashed a smile and with a playful glint in his eye, he said, "Grandma, are you suggesting that once we go to Ping Mountain City, we can't keep our secrets hidden any longer?"

Old Madam Luo heaved a long sigh, her voice tinged with melancholy, "Indeed. Seventeen years have passed. I wonder how many in Great Qin still remember us. I'm afraid that when we step back into the public eye, we'll be met with more scorn and derision than anything else..."

Sunn Cheng shrugged nonchalantly, the smile still on his face. He scratched his head and stood up, "Grandma, get some rest. We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow."

He then stepped out the door, pausing momentarily to look back with a sincere smile, "Grandma, I assure you, by the end of tonight, the renown of the Army Destroying Mad Blade of the Profound Armor Army will be restored in Great Qin!"

Turning on his heel, Sunn Cheng left the house and headed towards the forest where he usually trained. The darkness of the night swallowed his figure, with only the pale moonlight reflecting off the meat knife in his hand.

Old Madam Luo stood trembling by the door, her cloudy eyes gazing into the darkness as she whispered to herself, "The Army Destroying Mad Blade... it's time for its return..."

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