Heavenly Strike/C5 The Sudden Throbbing of His Heart(1)
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Heavenly Strike/C5 The Sudden Throbbing of His Heart(1)
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C5 The Sudden Throbbing of His Heart(1)

The garrison held the guests of Ping Mountain City in high regard, bordering on reverence. This was evident when Sunn Cheng arrived at the Prefecture Yamen and saw the esteemed garrison lord, Lin Zheng, standing before the main hall, with the captain of the guards, known as Blackbeard, right behind him.

Lin Zheng, with his fair complexion and slightly portly build, was clad in an ornate military robe. The black tiger emblem on his chest signified his rank as a county military official within the Great Qin bureaucracy.

A scholar and warrior, Lin Zheng radiated a sense of cultured elegance. The calluses on his hands were a testament to his dedication to continuous martial training.

Although it was their first encounter, the young hunter from Mouth Connecting Town and the garrison lord were already familiar with each other's reputations. Lin Zheng was well-known throughout Azure Sun County, and it would have been odd for the locals not to recognize him.

Lin Zheng's knowledge of Sunn Cheng, an otherwise obscure figure, came from mentions by his daughter and the young man's role as the guide at Soul Breaking Cliff, a title that carried a certain gravitas. This prompted Lin Zheng to take note of him.

Sunn Cheng, observing Lin Zheng with hands clasped behind his back as if waiting for him, was taken aback by the honor. He responded with a warm, friendly smile and approached briskly, greeting Lin Zheng with the enthusiasm of long-lost friends.

However, when Lin Zheng's expression turned cold and he scrutinized Sunn Cheng with a critical eye, Sunn Cheng quickly realized his mistake. Any hint of embarrassment vanished as he smoothly transitioned to a respectful bow, his greeting to Sir Lin slightly awkward.

Lin Zheng, after a brief glance at Lin Xi, confirmed that the disheveled, grinning young man before him was indeed the person he was seeking. After a moment of hesitation, he addressed Sunn Cheng with a stern voice, "The guest's status is prestigious. Be mindful not to speak out of turn. Should you offend the guest, there will be no one to shield you. Do you understand?"

It became clear that Lord Lin had been waiting to offer this cautionary advice. Sunn Cheng blinked in acknowledgment, nodding and feigning a demeanor of earnest fear.

Lin Zheng cast a meaningful glance at Sunn Cheng before turning and leading them into the grand and luminous main hall of the Prefecture Yamen. Blackbeard made to follow, but Lin Zheng fixed him with a stern look and commanded, "Stand guard at the door!" Chastened, Blackbeard nodded submissively and shot Sunn Cheng an irritated look before dutifully taking up his post outside the hall.

Inside, the hall was not as Sunn Cheng had anticipated. Instead of guards armed to the teeth lining the walls, ready to force anyone who disagreed to their knees with their hefty clubs, there were merely three individuals present. Yet, Sunn Cheng couldn't help the chill that ran down his spine.

Upon entering, he immediately sensed two piercing auras overwhelming him from all sides. Had it not been for the fact that he was in the garrison residence, flanked by the Garrison Commander and facing three enigmatic dignitaries, Sunn Cheng's instincts would have had him fleeing as far as his legs could carry him. These auras were formidable, placing them in a league that Sunn Cheng knew he couldn't possibly contend with.

"Young Master, I have brought the person you were seeking," Lin Zheng announced, stepping forward with a respectful bow and a smile. He gestured toward Sunn Cheng and continued, "This is Sunn Cheng, who enjoys a modest reputation among the hunters of Azure Sun. If you have any questions for him, please proceed."

With Lin Zheng's words, the oppressive auras around Sunn Cheng receded like the tide, and he breathed a sigh of relief, lifting his gaze to the figures before him. His eyes met another's—a pair that shone with an intensity that startled him slightly.

Seated comfortably in a grand armchair was a young master, clad in a white robe adorned with intricate patterns, his head crowned with a winged hat. His features were striking, with rosy lips and pearly teeth, and his long eyebrows slanted boldly across his temples. He radiated a subtle, gentle presence that, while understated, commanded the room's attention effortlessly.

Two guards stood flanking him, one on each side, the source of the two auras that had just been felt. Both guards wore stern expressions and kept their eyes fixed on Sunn Cheng, yet their distinctive features were unmistakable. The guard on the left gripped his saber, while the other had his hands hidden behind his back, his sleeves so wide and long they brushed his knees.

Sunn Cheng took a quick inventory of their appearances and attire, a flicker of curiosity showing through his half-lowered eyelids. The young master offered a smile to Lin Zheng and his daughter, gesturing for them to take a seat to the side. Sunn Cheng glanced around, finding himself the only one standing alone, and cast an envious look at the vacant chairs.

Noticing Sunn Cheng's subtle longing, the young master let out a soft laugh and gestured for him to join the others in sitting. With a grateful smile and a respectful bow, Sunn Cheng took his place on the right-hand chair, settling in with a twist and a turn, his face beaming with contentment.

Having endured a painful two-hour ride on a large green horse, Sunn Cheng's backside was sore. If not for the need to maintain the decorum expected of Azure Sun's citizens in the presence of Ping Mountain City's esteemed guests, he would have given in to the urge to soothe his aching posterior.

Sunn Cheng's slouched, legs-extended posture earned disapproving frowns from Lin Zheng and his daughter. Lin Xi was about to rise and reprimand him, but Lin Zheng silenced her with a cautionary glance. Sensing the collective attention, Sunn Cheng cleared his throat and adjusted to sit more upright, emulating the young master's poise.

"Is the young gentleman's name Sunn Cheng?" inquired the young master, his voice warm and resonant, filling the hall. "A name that suggests lofty aspirations indeed!"

Feeling slightly awkward with the immediate praise, Sunn Cheng touched his nose and replied with a sheepish grin, "You flatter me, young master. Truth be told, I had considered choosing a name with more grandeur and might, but alas... it's no matter. I doubt it would resonate with many."

With a shrug conveying his resignation, Sunn Cheng was met with the young master's light-hearted chuckle. The conversation shifted as the young master gracefully interlocked his fingers and introduced himself, "I am Su, a resident of Ping Mountain City. I've heard tales of rare Barbarian Beasts at Soul Breaking Cliff, and with time on my hands, I thought to take my servants and try our luck. Learning that Mr. Sunn has previously ventured to Soul Breaking Cliff, I took the liberty of asking Miss Lin to extend an invitation. The aim is to enlist Mr. Sunn's expertise as our guide for a time."

Young Master Su calmly detailed the purpose of their journey. Casting a glance at the silent Sunn Cheng, he smiled and said, "Naturally, I wouldn't expect Mr. Sunn to make this trip without proper compensation. Consider these ten taels of gold as payment for your efforts. Does that sound agreeable to you, Mr. Sunn?"

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