Heavenly Strike/C9 The Separation will be Rebirth
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Heavenly Strike/C9 The Separation will be Rebirth
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C9 The Separation will be Rebirth

On the eve of his departure, Sunn Cheng and his family sat quietly under the waning glow of the sunset, enjoying their dinner as they always did.

After the meal, Sunn Cheng, as was his custom, assisted Old Madam Luo to the inner room, attentively listening to his grandmother's steadfast admonitions. He earnestly assured her that he would follow her guidance to put her mind at ease.

Scratching his head, Sunn Cheng softly called out, "Grandma..."

Old Madam Luo paused her shuffling steps and turned to face Sunn Cheng, a gentle smile gracing her features. Her eyes, though clouded, shone with calm wisdom as she waited for him to continue.

"Grandma, I've accepted a task and will be heading into the mountains tomorrow. I'm not sure when I'll return... Please, take good care of yourself and keep Xiaonuo company... I've left all our money in the cabinet... The payment for this job is substantial; it should sustain you and Xiaonuo for quite some time... I've spoken to the townsfolk; they'll look after you in my absence... If you ever feel lonely, don't hesitate to invite Scholar Tan over for a conversation. He's quite knowledgeable, and it's always enjoyable to chat with him..."

For some reason, Sunn Cheng found himself unusually verbose, his voice trembling slightly. By the end, his eyes had grown moist, and though he felt there was much more to say, the words simply wouldn't come.

Old Madam Luo listened in silence, seemingly oblivious to Sunn Cheng's emotional state. She nodded thoughtfully and said with gravity, "Go, take good care of yourself, and be cautious. Don't fret about home. Once your task is complete, return to us quickly!"

Sunn Cheng sniffled, nodded vigorously, and bowed deeply, affirming, "Yes! I understand, Grandma!"

"Mmm," Old Madam Luo hummed in acknowledgment, then turned to continue her slow walk back to the inner room.

The following morning, after breakfast, Sunn Cheng quickly packed his backpack, securing the meat knife and its leather sheath firmly at his waist, within easy reach.

With Xiaonuo's homemade meat-filled rice balls in tow, Sunn Cheng reminded his sister to look after their grandmother diligently. He strictly instructed her not to venture out of Mouth Connecting Town while he was away, to avoid any mishaps.

After completing his tasks, Sunn Cheng bowed deeply in the direction of his grandmother's quarters before turning on his heel and striding out of the courtyard gate.

Inside the house, Chen Ding stood at the window, watching Sunn Cheng's figure fade into the distance. He sighed deeply and turned to address Old Madam Luo, who was seated on a meditation cushion, prayer beads in hand, her eyes closed in recitation. "Old Madam," he said softly, "Sheng may encounter the Divine Guard Army on his journey. Though he has the company of that girl from the Su family, her cunning is unnerving. I fear for Sheng's safety around her..."

Old Madam Luo remained serene, her eyes shut as she responded with tranquility, "Sheng is far more intelligent than you give him credit for. He's well aware of many things, and the burden he carries is far from the simplicity we perceive. No one can assist him in his cultivation; whether it leads to fortune or adversity is beyond our knowing."

She paused before adding in a more somber tone, "In my life, I, Luo Fu, have stood by three men. In my youth, I watched my husband command troops and pacify the people. In my middle years, I sent my son off to war. Now, in my old age, I do not require my grandson to be constantly by my side. This is their duty, as citizens of Great Qin and men of the Sunn family. Over the years, I've come to realize that each parting may be the last, and every reunion is akin to a rebirth..."

Chen Ding felt a surge of respect listening to Old Madam Luo's calm words. Reflecting further, he sighed, "Old Madam has lived through three dynasties, witnessed the ebb and flow of empires, and the shifting tides of cultivators and their sects... Sheng, despite his precocity, is still a child. He knows the dangers of this journey, that it may very well be a one-way trip. He's aware of your hopes for him, the weight of his obligations... He can face death, but the thought of leaving you and Xiaonuo behind is something he cannot bear."

At his words, Old Madam Luo's hand, moving the prayer beads, stiffened. Her frail form trembled slightly, and a murky tear rolled down from the wrinkled corner of her eye. Though she had long braced herself for the inevitability of parting, the actual moment brought an uncontrollable pang of sorrow to her heart.

The silence in the room lingered for quite some time before Old Madam Luo slowly opened her eyes and whispered, "Ming An, make your way to Ping Mountain City. Regardless of the outcome, it's beyond our control now. The future of the Profound Armor Army ultimately rests on the shoulders of Sheng and his peers!"

Chen Ding nodded mutely, his voice heavy with concern, "The Divine Guard Army's hold on Phoenix Soaring County is too solid. Without a formidable force to challenge them, our efforts may be in vain. The Su family girl is quite ambitious; hopefully, she'll uncover the secrets of the Divine Guard Army and give us the opening we need..."

Old Madam Luo, having steadied her emotions, spoke with renewed calm, "Let the Celestial Punishment Court and the Divine Guard Army clash. The Divine Guard Army is a force to be reckoned with, but the Su family is no easy target. And let's not forget the West Sword Pavilion of the Myriad Sword Sect, County Magistrate Kuan Zhengming, and the myriad of known and unknown powers within Ping Mountain City. If we can stir the waters of Phoenix Soaring County, an opportunity to snatch victory from the chaos could well arise."

Chen Ding nodded, then with a wry smile, he added, "I fear my true identity will no longer be a secret to Sheng. Once he returns safely, we should come clean to him."

Old Madam Luo considered Chen Ding's proposal for a moment before shaking her head, "No, let's stick to our original agreement. We'll reveal everything when Sheng makes a name for himself on the Human Hero Ranking. If he can't achieve that, he's not fit to lead the Profound Armor Army."

Chen Ding nodded in agreement, "I suspect Sheng has nearly pieced it all together, yet he hasn't breathed a word. The boy has an impressive ability to keep his composure, the mark of someone destined for great things. Alas... it's a shame that General Yingyang was once betrothed to the Crown Prince at the Heavenly Pavilion..."

Opening her eyes with a stern look, Old Madam Luo cautioned Chen Ding, "Ming An, such talk must cease from now on! The gap between Sheng and the Crown Prince's daughter is vast. She is our last hope for the rise of the Profound Armor Army. We cannot afford any further complications!"

Chen Ding was fully aware of the gravity of the situation, but his emotions got the better of him, prompting a respectful bow. "I have taken your lesson to heart," he acknowledged. "This afternoon, I'll make haste back to Ping Mountain City and see to it that those lads from Central Capital don't stir up any trouble."

With a bow, Chen Ding departed. The door in the room creaked twice before tranquility was restored.

Old Madam Luo sat kneeling on her prayer cushion, chanting scriptures to safeguard Sunn Cheng. A butterfly fluttered past the window, buffeted by a sudden gust of wind. It struggled to regain its composure, beating its wings vigorously before soaring off into the distance, tracing a beautiful path.

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