Hell's Heir Returns/C1 He Was Framed
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Hell's Heir Returns/C1 He Was Framed
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C1 He Was Framed

At the wedding, all eyes were undoubtedly on the stunning bride.

She was Su Qingxue, the daughter of the Phoenix Group's chairman, clad in a long white bridal gown with her lustrous black hair cascading down to her waist. Her figure was slender yet voluptuous, and her face was breathtakingly beautiful, with a refined and ethereal air about her.

The groom, whom she clung to, appeared a few years her junior, with a handsome, chiseled face that was stoically expressionless. His brows hinted at a mix of resolve and a free-spirited nature.

His presence turned heads, especially among the younger men. As the Lin family's estranged illegitimate son, many believed Su Qingxue's marriage to him was nothing more than a marriage of convenience for business purposes.

The atmosphere reached a fever pitch as they exchanged rings and vows.

But in the midst of the festivities, a jarring siren cut through the joyous din, echoing throughout the wedding hall. Guests watched in shock as police officers hurried out of their vehicles and stormed into the hall.

"Are you Lin Chen from Lin's Group? Please come with us," a square-faced officer commanded, signaling to his colleagues who promptly handcuffed the groom.

"What's happening? Why are you arresting me? What have I done wrong?"

Lin Chen's star-like eyes shone with an indomitable spirit, unable to grasp the unfolding reality.

"You've been reported for using illegal drugs at a nightclub, and are suspected of drug-related offenses. We need you to come with us for questioning," the officer stated gravely.

"Illegal drugs? Drug-related offenses? Impossible!" Lin Chen was a picture of shock and incredulity, overwhelmed by confusion. What on earth was happening?

"Let's discuss this at the station. Talking here won't help," the officer escorting Lin Chen said, leading him away from the cathedral.

The crowd of family and friends erupted into a frenzy. The groom, arrested on his wedding day? Could there be a more scandalous turn of events?

Accused of drug offenses? The guests buzzed with speculation, unable to fathom the reason. Amidst their astonishment, some couldn't help but snicker at the drama unfolding.

The bride, Su Qingxue, dashed after Lin Chen, her expression a mix of bewilderment and concern. "Lin Chen, what's all this about? Explain it to me!"

Lin Chen lifted his handsome face and addressed the bride before him with a grave tone, "If you're asking me, then who should I ask? The wedding is over. Tell everyone to disperse."

With those words, he stepped into the police car, and as the siren wailed, they drove off into the distance.

Su Qingxue stood frozen at the entrance of the cathedral, her eyes brimming with tears and disbelief. Why had this happened?

Why did the wedding she, Su Qingxue, had eagerly anticipated turn into such a disaster? Why was the man she married such a villain? How could she face her friends and family now?

"Haha, I've been waiting for this day. Compete with me for a woman? In your dreams!"

A young man sporting a flashy suit and yellow hair watched the departing police car with a cold gaze, his face twisting into a wicked smirk.

This attractive man was also a scion of wealth, surrounded by countless admirers, yet Su Qingxue's affection eluded him.

It was outrageous that after more than a year of relentless pursuit, after business collaborations and countless gestures of devotion, Su Qingxue had chosen to marry a nobody from the countryside who hadn't even finished college!

He couldn't bear to see his beloved marry such an insignificant man. Zhou Cheng believed he was the one truly deserving of Su Qingxue.

So he had schemed, using Lin Chen's nightclub escapades to set a trap with drugs, framing Lin Chen. Then, on the very day of Lin Chen's wedding to Su Qingxue, he tipped off the police, ensuring Lin Chen's downfall.

"Brother Cheng, it's all taken care of. That guy's finished for good, haha!" A burly sidekick next to him snickered maliciously.

"Damn, keep your voice down, will you?" Zhou Cheng snapped, kicking his lackey's foot, his face twisted with spite.

"Hehe, Brother Cheng, there's Su Qingxue. She's got to be heartbroken. I'll set up a date for you. Tonight, we can have a few drinks, and then you'll have your chance with her!" The sidekick continued with a sly grin.

"Scram! Do I look like I need your advice on how to charm women?" Zhou Cheng scoffed, "Proceed with the next phase of the plan. I want him dead in the police station, got it?!"

"Fine, fine, I'll have someone take care of it. We've already got people in the holding cell, ready to act the moment Lin Chen arrives!"

"Excellent! The unparalleled Su Qingxue, if I can't have her, then no one else will!" Zhou Cheng's icy gaze lingered on Su Qingxue, his face twisted with malice.

At the city branch police station.

Lin Chen was taken straight to the interrogation room. They played back a video of him drinking, and he watched as someone pulled a bag of white powder and several syringes from his pocket while he was intoxicated.

"This isn't mine. I didn't do this! I've been set up!"

Lin Chen shook his head, unable to believe it. He remembered feeling dizzy after just a few drinks, then everything went blank.

"So explain how this drug ended up with you?!" the interrogating officer demanded coldly.

"I don't know... It's a setup, someone must have planted it on me!" Lin Chen insisted, shaking his head vehemently. He was convinced he hadn't committed any crime.

"Lin Chen, you grew up in the countryside with your mother and only recently returned to take your place as the heir to the Lin family. Are you living up to your mother's expectations by falling so low? What's your reason?" another officer asked, trying to reason with him.

"I haven't! I've never used drugs, I've committed no crime!" Lin Chen maintained, unable to confess to acts he hadn't committed.

But the police operate on evidence, and all signs suggested that Lin Chen was involved with drugs, leading to his confinement in a pitch-black detention cell.

It was the shift changeover period at the station, with limited staff on duty. In the cell with Lin Chen were two others who had been detained for brawling.

They looked menacing and dangerous, not the type to be trifled with. Upon seeing Lin Chen, one of them immediately grabbed him.

"Who are you, what do you want..." Lin Chen's muffled struggles were in vain as something was quickly stuffed into his mouth to silence him.

"What do you want? Ha, someone paid for your leg, and you dared to steal their goddess. Time for you to taste some pain!"

A burly man finished his taunt and began to brutally punch and kick Lin Chen.

"It's got to be Zhou Cheng, it has to be!" Lin Chen gritted his teeth against the pain, his mind fixated on the wealthy scion who had always been his adversary.

The saying goes, 'Ill-wishers don't bring good news.' It's either a blessing in disguise or a curse that can't be avoided. But this time, the attack was so severe, he was left with virtually no chance to fight back!

Lost in thought, he suddenly felt a vicious blow to his thigh, and he let out a scream, nearly passing out from the agony.

As he teetered on the edge of unconsciousness, a chilling dark energy surged into his body, rendering him completely immobile.

Am I unconscious?

Why can I still think, and why can I hear that smug laughter ringing in my ears?

But why can't I speak, move, or even open my eyes? And why is there no pain in my legs?

Lin Chen was wracked with pain, yet he found no answers.

"Bang!" Suddenly, the door to the interrogation room burst open, and several police officers charged in, escorting the two hefty men out, while concerned voices filled the air.

"It's me. I haven't passed out. I need to wake up!" Lin Chen attempted to speak, but the officers seemed oblivious to his efforts.

Before long, the ambulance arrived. Lin Chen felt himself being loaded onto the vehicle, surrounded by the blare of sirens and the urgent exchanges between the medics.

"The patient's respiratory and cardiac functions are declining. We need to shock him now!"


No, I haven't died yet!

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