Hell's Heir Returns/C13 Can I Hug You?
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Hell's Heir Returns/C13 Can I Hug You?
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C13 Can I Hug You?

Inside the dimly lit room.

"Haha, you wretched thing, do you see now? Your last shred of hope has been obliterated. Stop being so obstinate. If you live, there are still good days ahead for you. But if you die, that's it. You won't even leave an heir!"

The one-eyed man watched Su Qingxue's despondent figure, his laughter twisting his features grotesquely.

He was already plotting to claim Su Qingxue's body after she signed the contract, finally settling his long-standing grudge.

At that moment, Su Qingxue was weeping silently, unable to utter a single word. Her eyes blazed with hatred, with a fierce fire that promised she would not give up on life.

"Su Qingxue, have you decided?" the one-eyed man asked icily.

"I'll sign the contract, but only after I see my uncles first. I won't sign anything without reason!" Su Qingxue declared through clenched teeth. If it truly was her uncles, Su Xinhe and Su Zhilong, conspiring against her, then she would concede.

"Haha, fine. I'll take you to them. With Lin Chen gone, you're out of options, and we have nothing to fear!" The one-eyed man lifted Su Qingxue's chin, forcing her to look up with her tear-filled eyes. "You've killed your husband, an expert at that!"

Su Qingxue remained silent, her thoughts drifting to the time she had spent with Lin Chen. He had been decent to her. Although their relationship lacked depth, she felt a profound debt to him.

They soon escorted Su Qingxue to the vehicles below, now equipped with counterfeit license plates. The one-eyed man led the way in the lead car.

Su Qingxue, along with a few thugs, followed closely in the second car. As they were about to leave the community, a sudden explosion rocked the vehicles.

"What happened?" the one-eyed man called out, baffled as their car came to a halt.

"It looks like a blown tire!" The driver stopped the car and, upon inspection, found the rear tire had burst.

"Boss, this is odd. There's nothing like nails on the road. How did it blow out?" exclaimed the driver, stepping out of the car in bewilderment.

The one-eyed man stepped out of the car and took a look around, a sense of realization sending shivers down his spine. It was incredibly surreal to him!

He glanced back at the driver and noticed that the two individuals in the front seats had slumped over, unconscious, their heads having suffered heavy blows.

"What are you looking at? Are you searching for me?"

A deep, sinister voice emanated from behind the one-eyed man. Whirling around, he was met with the sight of Lin Chen, who stood there composedly, holding Su Qingxue in his arms.

The one-eyed man's complexion turned a ghastly pale, as if he had seen a ghost from the depths of hell, and he cried out in terror, "You... you're actually alive!"

Lin Chen, disheveled and with his clothes singed, faced the one-eyed man. Despite the appearance of his attire, there wasn't a single burn or scratch on him; the explosion had merely charred his clothes a bit.

Su Qingxue, cradled in his arms, was in a state of utter bewilderment. She had watched Lin Chen enter the house on the monitor before it exploded into a blaze. Yet here he was, the man she had been so concerned for, miraculously appearing before her and even rescuing her!

Was she dreaming, or was this an illusion? Su Qingxue couldn't make sense of it. Her wide, beautiful eyes fixed on the man before her, his face etched with resilience, and she was utterly spellbound.

With a calm demeanor, Lin Chen gently set down Su Qingxue and tenderly wiped her cheek, erasing the trail of tears and revealing her radiant, stunning visage.

"Honey, I'm sorry for the scare. I'm a bit late," Lin Chen said with a note of apology, as he untied the ropes binding her.

Then, he turned his attention to the would-be escapees in front of them.

Su Qingxue, though relieved, snapped back to reality, her worry mounting. The adversaries still lurked nearby, armed and dangerous.

Clutching Lin Chen's arm, her body trembling, she positioned herself protectively in front of him and implored, "Lin Chen, you go first. I can negotiate with them; they won't harm me!"

Lin Chen couldn't help but be amused. Perhaps she couldn't bear the thought of witnessing his demise once more. Seeing her so fiercely protective of him filled his heart with joy.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to die. How could I?" Lin Chen reassured the woman with a wink. "I did it on purpose, you know. I was aware it was a trap all along, so I had my own way out!"

His method was simply to utilize his exceptional reflexes and speed to make a break for it, but of course, Lin Chen had no intention of revealing his escape tactics to Su Qingxue.

Upon hearing their exchange, the one-eyed man's complexion turned a sickly green. Clenching his teeth, he spat out, "So you're a true cultivator, with such incredible luck!"

"Indeed, I am very lucky, but your luck is about to run out," Lin Chen replied, his eyes glinting with a chilling coldness. They barely had time to react before he was upon them, delivering a crushing punch to the one-eyed man's head, while his other hand went for the man's waist.

The man's body was sent flying, slamming into a car behind him and knocking him out cold.

The rest began to draw their weapons, but Lin Chen was quicker. He snatched the one-eyed man's gun and opened fire, the shots ringing out in quick succession.

At the sound of gunfire, Su Qingxue instinctively covered her eyes and let out a startled scream. But when the noise ceased, an eerie silence enveloped them.

Opening her eyes, Su Qingxue saw only the imposing silhouette of Lin Chen, his expression dark and foreboding, like a demon from the depths of hell. For a moment, she thought she was seeing a different side of Lin Chen.

The thought was fleeting, and her attention quickly shifted to the fallen criminals. She placed a hand over her heart, taking deep breaths to calm herself.

Lin Chen discarded the gun and turned to see Su Qingxue's tear-filled eyes fixed on him. Her lovely face bore signs of weariness. He spoke with firm resolve, "From now on, cut all ties with the Xie family, the Zhou family, and your two uncles."

His words were an unequivocal command, and Su Qingxue offered no resistance, nodding submissively before stepping closer to him.

"May I hug you?" she asked.

"What?" Lin Chen responded, taken aback.

His question was met with Su Qingxue opening her arms and embracing him tightly.

Lin Chen was slightly taken aback as Su Qingxue's cool, silky arms encircled his neck, and the sweet scent of her enveloped him.

His chest registered the woman's nervous tremors, her form both supple and soft.

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