Hell's Heir Returns/C14 You All Know Me
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Hell's Heir Returns/C14 You All Know Me
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C14 You All Know Me

Lin Chen let out a sigh filled with emotion before tenderly extending his arms to embrace Su Qingxue's jade-like back, gently pressing her soft and delicate body against his chest.

The two, having narrowly escaped death, clung to each other in the deserted, chaotic neighborhood, savoring a rare moment of bliss.

In that instant, Su Qingxue grasped the preciousness of life. She would willingly forsake all her wealth and riches to safeguard their lives; the well-being of those close to her was all that mattered.

The embrace seemed to stretch on endlessly, a peculiar sensation, yet inexplicably, neither wanted to release the other.

Lin Chen caressed her back, noticing she had gone still in his arms. Looking down, he first thought she had fallen asleep, but the persistent pallor on her face signaled that something was amiss.

"Are you alright?" Lin Chen asked, his voice laced with concern as he shook off any lingering desires.

"My head is throbbing. They sprayed me with something that knocked me out. I feel completely drained!" her voice was faint.

"We need to get you to a hospital, now!" Lin Chen's brow furrowed in anger at the thought of the cruelty of their assailants. If it weren't for the impending arrival of the police, he would have exacted his revenge on them all.

Su Qingxue nodded in agreement. "How did you find me?"

Before Lin Chen could respond, the sound of sirens filled the air. He glanced around and said, "We should leave. We don't know who's behind this, and it's best not to get tangled up with the police."

Su Qingxue cast a worried glance at the downed assailant, but urgency took over, and she quickly departed the scene with Lin Chen.

At the hospital, the prognosis wasn't good; Su Qingxue needed at least two days of rest. As she lay weak during the infusion, she mentioned that she would need him to take her to the Phoenix Group later.

Puzzled, Lin Chen inquired, "What's going on? You're so weak right now. Can't you take a break?"

"There's an important meeting at the company this evening. I must be there to lead it," she sighed.

"What meeting could possibly be more important than your health? You need to rest. I'll handle the company's business for you!" Lin Chen insisted as he gently guided her to the bed.

Su Qingxue was taken aback and seemed about to protest, but the resolute look on his face left her without a comeback.

Without another word, he turned, closed the door behind him, and headed downstairs. Lin Chen understood all too well that Su Qingxue was a workaholic, but he couldn't just stand by and watch her work herself sick. He had married a wife, not a work machine, after all!

Driving to the Phoenix Group, Lin Chen pondered who could be behind this latest scheme. It was clear that the Dragonspire Conclave was involved. He regretted showing leniency to the Zhou family; it was like releasing a tiger back into the wild.

But now, he sensed a deeper plot at play, one that surely extended beyond the Dragonspire Conclave. Once he uncovered it, he vowed to exact a severe retribution in his own way.

Upon arriving at the Phoenix Group's parking area, Lin Chen pulled up in Su Qingxue's executive car. The security guards recognized the vehicle and promptly directed him to a parking spot.

Stepping out of the car, Lin Chen surveyed his wife's company with a hint of anticipation. Phoenix Group, known for its daily-use cosmetics, might not be the most formidable company, but it was renowned for its attractive workforce.

At that moment, a stylish woman in a business suit hurried over, peering respectfully into the car. It was Su Qingxue's executive assistant, Ye Xin, who appeared to be awaiting the arrival of someone important, completely overlooking Lin Chen.

Standing to the side, Lin Chen casually lit a cigarette and admired her poised stance and elegant attire. He couldn't resist teasing, "Stop waiting; your CEO isn't coming. I'm here to oversee her duties today!"

"What? You... What happened to the CEO?"

Ye Xin certainly recognized Lin Chen. She, along with many others from the company, had been present at Su Qingxue's wedding and had seen Lin Chen escorted away by the police.

"Qingxue is unwell. Come on, today I'm here to lead the meeting," Lin Chen said, exhaling a plume of smoke as his gaze remained fixed intently ahead.

Ye Xin's eyes widened in disbelief when she saw him. "The CEO actually sent you to chair the meeting? You're kidding, right?"

"What's so hard to believe?" Lin Chen asked, taking a drag on a cigarette laced with a woman's perfume. "Come on, let's head to the meeting. Hand me a copy of the documents."

Ye Xin, still in disbelief, peppered him with questions as she followed. "How could the CEO be sick? She wouldn't ask you to run the meeting, would she? You're just an undergrad. How could you possibly...?"

Lin Chen just smiled. His reputation among the employees at Su Qingxue's company wasn't great, but what could he do? He was arrested on his wedding day, after all.

As expected, when Ye Xin handed Lin Chen the speech draft and they entered the meeting room, everyone stared in shock. It was Lin Chen's first appearance, after all.

"Is that the CEO's husband? The one involved with drugs?"

"Ah, the CEO is such a wonderful woman. Why would she marry him? She must be suffering!"

"I heard he's still a student, and the Lin family's abandoned illegitimate son, no less. He's not fit for our CEO!"

"Being an illegitimate son is one thing, but frequenting nightclubs and doing drugs? Who could accept that?"

"Regardless, he's just terrible!"

"Our Ms. Su is so stunning and capable, yet she ended up marrying such a deadbeat!"

Faced with the skepticism, contempt, and even anger in their eyes, the old Lin Chen would have been petrified, his face flushed and his neck tense, without the courage to preside over a meeting.

But now, having inherited the mantle of the Netherlord, his heart was as unshakable as a mountain, his understanding and abilities vastly improved. He was ready to weather any storm or life-altering event.

So, what was there to fear?

In the conference room, there were over thirty executives, predominantly women, all dressed in the height of fashion. It was, after all, the beauty industry, where the love of looking good was especially prevalent.

Lin Chen flashed a satisfied smile and took his place at the head of the table. "There's no need for introductions, as you all know who I am. Qingxue isn't feeling well today, so I'll be stepping in to chair the meeting on her behalf. I trust there are no objections?"

Being Su Qingxue's husband, Lin Chen's presence surely meant he had her approval. Yet, the room was filled with skepticism.

Silent frowns creased the foreheads of those gathered. A few high-ranking executives, leaning on their status and close ties with Ms. Su, began to challenge Lin Chen openly.

"Why weren't we notified earlier about the CEO's illness?"

"With all due respect, you're not cut out to lead this meeting. You haven't even completed your college education, lack work experience, and are unfamiliar with our company's operations. How do you expect to manage this?"

"Exactly. Perhaps it's best to postpone the meeting until tomorrow, or we could even discuss matters in a group chat. Anything is better than trying to conduct serious business with someone ill-equipped at the helm."


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