Hell's Heir Returns/C15 Not Enough!
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Hell's Heir Returns/C15 Not Enough!
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C15 Not Enough!

In the Phoenix Group's meeting room, Lin Chen was acutely aware of the contempt and murmurs around him. It was clear that he was not held in high regard by his peers.

As the disregarded son of the Lin family, stripped of any real authority and having tarnished Su Qingxue's reputation, Lin Chen understood why their treatment of him was to be expected.

Ye Xin, the CEO's assistant, stood by Lin Chen's side, her brow furrowed in disapproval. She thought the executives were being excessively harsh. After all, Lin Chen was Su Qingxue's husband, and their lack of respect seemed quite inappropriate.

Lin Chen observed the group with a serene demeanor, his face betraying no sign of irritation. He remained utterly composed.

Wei Tong, the company's general manager, sensed the collective lack of interest in the meeting. Feeding off their discontent and envy, he adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses, revealing a malevolent glint. "Lin Chen, in the CEO's absence, it falls to me as the general manager and vice president to preside over this meeting."

"I've collaborated with Qingxue for many years. She recruited me from a state-owned enterprise, and it's no secret that it was because of my feelings for her. You're married to her now, and although I'm not happy about it, I've kept quiet. This isn't personal, but frankly, I don't think you're qualified to stand in for her. Do you catch my drift?"

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed. He hadn't anticipated encountering such a challenging figure within the company. He met Wei Tong's gaze sharply and retorted, "Whether I'm qualified or not isn't for you to decide."

"I'm merely considering the company's best interests. You truly aren't qualified. Don't delude yourself into thinking that your connection to the Lin family means you can control the company's affairs. I hope you'll come to terms with reality and drop the act," Wei Tong persisted, his tone biting. The others fell silent, watching the confrontation with a sense of schadenfreude.

"I chose to marry Su Qingxue of my own free will; it has nothing to do with the Lin family! I, Lin Chen, am destined for greatness. I intend to not only take the helm but also to lead Phoenix Group to eclipse Lin's Group in the future!" Lin Chen spoke with a tranquil expression, his voice imbued with unwavering confidence.

"To surpass Lin's Group? Ha, are you setting such a lofty goal because the Lin family cast you aside? Lin's annual profits are dozens of times greater than ours. How do you plan to outdo them? And you talk of dominating the world? Ridiculous!" Wei Tong, looking around at his associates with a mix of scorn and amusement, let out a derisive snort.

The room erupted in laughter, as if they were privy to the world's funniest joke. A mere student, not even a university graduate, had the audacity to make such grandiose claims.

Ye Xin, who had initially felt a twinge of sympathy for Lin Chen, now furrowed her brow in disapproval. His boasting seemed to know no bounds. How could someone so full of hot air be suitable for the CEO?

Just then, the conference room door was flung open with a bang. Several young men in black suits stormed in, scanning the room with a menacing air. "Where is the CEO of Phoenix Group, Su Qingxue?!" they demanded.

The confrontation between Lin Chen and Wei Tong was abruptly halted as everyone turned to the newcomers, their faces etched with fear. The group's ringleader, a middle-aged man with 'Tiger Shark' emblazoned on his neck, locked his steely gaze on Lin Chen.

"Where's Su Qingxue?" he demanded, his voice laced with malice.

"She's my wife. If you have business with her, you deal with me," Lin Chen retorted, aware that these were not men to be trifled with.

"So, you're Su Qingxue's husband? Fine. When are you going to settle the final million yuan for the renovation work?" The middle-aged man's face twisted with anger as he confronted Lin Chen.

Lin Chen glanced at Ye Xin, who immediately launched into a tirade. "You failed to complete the project as per the agreement, delaying the renovation of our Celestia branch for six months. We had to hire others to finish the job, and now you have the audacity to demand the final payment?"

"It doesn't matter. We already informed you verbally that we'd resume work in a month or two. It was you who breached the contract by hiring another company. I'm here to collect what's owed!" the middle-aged man declared. Behind him stood a dashing young man, roughly Lin Chen's age. Though not particularly tall, he was well-built. His eyes roamed over the women in the room with a predatory gleam, as if they were nothing more than objects for his amusement.

Lin Chen was aware that among the group, this man was a formidable expert, certainly someone who had trained in martial arts, which explained his evident confidence.

"Where's security? Get them out of here! We can't allow these thugs to enter!" Wei Tong didn't wait for Lin Chen to speak. He slammed his hand on the table, stood up, and angrily yelled at the bystanders outside the door.

Just then, a female security guard, dressed in her uniform, rushed in, expressing regret, "Mr. Wei, we couldn't stop them in time. The guards on the first floor were knocked out by them!"

"Ouyang Jing, you're the head of the security department. What's going on in your monitoring room?!" Wei Tong glared at the uniformed woman before him and rebuked her harshly.

Ouyang Jing, the security guard in question, fixed her cold gaze on the middle-aged man and his entourage, her voice tinged with indignation, "Get out, all of you!"

The middle-aged man's temper flared as if he owned the place, and he bellowed back, "You're the one who should leave. Come on, throw this wretched woman out!"

"Right away!" Two black-clad bodyguards immediately stepped forward from behind the man and lunged at Ouyang Jing.

Ouyang Jing clenched her jaw and launched a flying kick, sending one of the bodyguards crashing into the wall with a loud thud.

The other bodyguard swung a fist at her, but she swiftly sidestepped, slipped behind him, and with a deft martial arts move, hurled him through the air!

Ouyang Jing's swift action brought a collective sigh of relief from the onlookers, who seemed to have a newfound respect for her abilities.

Lin Chen, seated comfortably, watched her with admiration. The female bodyguard appeared to be skilled in combat techniques like military boxing and grappling, though she didn't have the upper hand in strength. It was clear she was technically proficient, but it was a tough fight for her.

Putting aside her combat prowess, she was undeniably attractive. Her features were refined, and her short hair accentuated her beauty, conjuring images of a 'thorny rose' or a 'fiery chili'—a stunning woman who was not to be provoked.

The middle-aged man, unfazed by the quick dispatch of his men, turned to the young man beside him and instructed, "Jin Feng, give them a lesson they won't forget, or we'll never get a word in edgewise!"

"A female security guard thinks she can stop us? Since you're so full of yourself, I'll just have to put you in your place!" Jin Feng, the young man, stepped forward, his gaze fixated on Ouyang Jing's chest, taking in her elegant form. His eyes, dark and sinister, flickered incessantly.

Lin Chen's attention was also on the young man, a glimmer of realization crossing his expression as he slightly furrowed his brow.

Ouyang Jing, it seemed, was likely no match for this sleazebag.

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