Hell's Heir Returns/C16 Arrogant to the Extreme!
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Hell's Heir Returns/C16 Arrogant to the Extreme!
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C16 Arrogant to the Extreme!

The meeting room had escalated from a verbal clash to an outright brawl, and things were spiraling out of control.

Ye Xin cast a worried glance at Lin Chen and whispered, "Should we call the police?"

"No need for the police. I prefer to handle things my own way," Lin Chen reassured her with a smile, rising from his chair.

The female executives, already petrified, were taken aback. To them, Lin Chen seemed overly confident. Without police intervention, did he really think Ouyang Jing could fend off these men?

But Ye Xin saw it differently. Lin Chen's words and assured smile stirred something within her, and she found herself nodding in agreement.

Ouyang Jing, however, was not about to step aside. Her competitive spirit flaring, she retorted, "Back off. I'm the head of security. What business do you have here, freeloader?"

Lin Chen could only offer a wry smile. It seemed the whole company underestimated him, even the head of security.

If she was eager to prove herself, he would let her. Lin Chen stepped back, chuckling, "Well then, Captain Ouyang, give it your all. We're counting on you to protect us!"

"Save your breath!" she snapped.

Jin Feng watched their exchange with a cold chuckle. Turning to his boss, he said, "Boss Jin Kun, wouldn't it be a thrill to take this fiery lady back with us?"

"Bring her along. Tiger Shark could use a woman of her caliber. It's been a while since I've had a good meal, and I do have a taste for someone as spirited as her," the middle-aged man, Jin Kun, said with a leering grin as he eyed Ouyang Jing.

"Despicable lowlifes! I can't believe someone actually chose to work with you. Birds of a feather, indeed!" Ouyang Jing spat out contemptuously.

Jin Kun laughed heartily. "Of course, it was your esteemed General Manager Wei Tong!" he said, pointing at Wei Tong with a sneer.

Cowering in the corner, Wei Tong's face twisted into an expression of utter distaste. He hadn't anticipated being outed by these thugs. All his bravado had evaporated in Lin Chen's presence, leaving him feeling like a guilty man exposed.

Jin Feng beckoned to Ouyang Jing with a crooked finger, "Come here, let's see what the captain of the Beauty Group's security team is made of!"

"Fine, watch as I rip that smirk right off your face!" Ouyang Jing, known for her fiery temperament, could hardly stand the other's ridicule and taunting.

She launched an offensive, taking a swift step forward and aiming a kick at Jin Feng's chin!

Jin Feng raised his hand to intercept, his palm morphing into the shape of an eagle's claw, which he hooked onto the back of Ouyang Jing's foot and squeezed tightly.


Ouyang Jing felt a searing pain shoot through her foot. Glancing down, she saw three bloody scratches on her pale, delicate skin.

"Is this the Tiger Claw Technique?" Ouyang Jing hadn't expected to actually encounter the ancient martial arts techniques she'd only heard about before!

Coming from a special forces background, she was trained in military boxing and various combat and grappling techniques. She had always dismissed ancient martial arts as mere show. But now, having experienced it firsthand, she was taken aback.

Ancient martial arts masters like Lin Chen focused on body refinement followed by Qi Training, supplementing their regimen with martial skills or weaponry for combat. This had been the enduring truth in Oswugro for millennia.

Thus, Ouyang Jing, a female special forces captain, had no choice but to concede when up against an ancient martial arts master like Jin Feng.

"Hehe, even though the Tiger Shark Gang is just a branch in Agosmouth, we're still a force to be reckoned with. If you don't want trouble, pay the remaining amount quietly, or not even the police can help you!" the middle-aged man declared coldly.

Lin Chen was aware that some construction companies were merely fronts for underground organizations, with many such groups engaging in illicit activities behind a corporate facade.

Demanding unpaid dues in such a heavy-handed manner was all too common.

But Captain Ouyang Jing, the bodyguard, wasn't one to back down. Ignoring the pain in her foot, she charged at Jin Feng, unleashing a flurry of punches.

Jin Feng, however, was quick on his feet. He deftly blocked Ouyang Jing's assault and, with a swift and sharp movement, his tiger claw struck towards Ouyang Jing's chest.

Ouyang Jing's eyes widened in shock as she hastily retreated, narrowly avoiding the brazen assault. Despite her quick reaction, the sound of tearing fabric filled the air as her thin uniform was ripped open by the assailant's vicious grasp, revealing the blue fabric of her undergarment beneath.

"How low can you get!" Ouyang Jing shielded her chest with her hands, mortified by the thought that if she hadn't moved so swiftly, her blue undergarment would have been completely exposed.

The Phoenix Group's female audience members furrowed their brows in concern. No one had anticipated the arrival of such a formidable young man, and a wave of anxiety swept through the crowd. They were genuinely worried for Ouyang Jing's safety.

Jin Kun, who was standing nearby, gazed at the tear in Ouyang Jing's uniform and burst into laughter. "Jin Feng, don't be too harsh. Just give her a lesson. We can take the clothes off slowly, in due time!"

Jin Feng brought the torn piece of fabric to his nose, inhaling deeply before smiling with a look of rapture on his face. "Not bad, the scent is quite enticing. A thorny flower like this is exactly the kind of woman I enjoy taming!"

"Shameless!" Ouyang Jing, unable to contain her outrage any longer, kept one hand protectively over her chest while the other formed a fist, poised to strike once more. But before she could, a firm hand grasped her shoulder.

Turning around, Ouyang Jing found herself face-to-face with Lin Chen. She paused, taken aback, but before she could speak, Lin Chen stepped forward, his voice icy as he addressed the aggressor. "I don't care if you're from the Tiger Shark Gang or the Dragonspire Conclave. If you dare to harass a woman at the Phoenix Group, you're signing your own death warrant!"

Jin Feng tossed the fabric to the ground, his fists crackling as he clenched them. He sneered at Lin Chen, "Tiger claws are for dealing with women. To fight you, I prefer my fists. With over 100 kilograms of force behind each punch, crippling you will be no trouble at all!"

Lin Chen simply shook his head, unfazed. "Even if you tripled the strength of your punch, you still wouldn't be a match for me."

"Such arrogance!" Jin Feng, now thoroughly provoked, tightened his fists as his arm muscles tensed. He launched a furious punch, aiming directly for Lin Chen's chest and face with blistering speed.

"Be careful!" Ye Xin couldn't help but let out a sharp scream. The other female executives, gripped by fear, instinctively shut their eyes.

Jin Feng's punch came swiftly, a move that might have seemed formidable to any onlooker. But to Lin Chen, it was hardly a challenge. He countered with a punch of his own, and with a resounding "bang," their fists met in mid-air.


Jin Feng's fist, which had seemed as formidable as a sandbag, fractured instantly. He let out a pained cry and stumbled backwards, crumpling to the ground. Clutching his arm, he writhed in agony, his eyes wide with horror as he stared at Lin Chen.

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