Hell's Heir Returns/C17 He Was Very Powerful!
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Hell's Heir Returns/C17 He Was Very Powerful!
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C17 He Was Very Powerful!

"Jin Feng, what's the matter?"

The men in black suits quickly closed in around him, and the large conference room fell into a hushed silence. All eyes were fixed on Lin Chen in astonishment.

They were not only shocked but also incredulous. No one expected Lin Chen to send Jin Feng sprawling to the floor with a single punch, seemingly breaking bones in the process!

What kind of strength and reflexes did he possess?

Jin Kun, the middle-aged man leading the group, had his menacing smile freeze into an expression of terror. His heart churned with anxiety as he exclaimed, "Are you a cultivator?"

Many people trained in martial arts, typically at the body refinement stage. But a cultivator at the Qi Training stage possessed extraordinary strength, far surpassing that of an average martial artist!

If Lin Chen wasn't a cultivator, how could he have floored Jin Feng with just one punch? Their Tiger Claw technique was highly sought after in Agosmouth, with many joining their ranks just to master it.

Lin Chen, unapologetic, stood alone and defiant in the center, his voice icy, "You're all welcome to try your luck against me!"

"You've proven your point; we concede," Jin Kun gestured to his men to make a hasty retreat, not daring to further provoke a cultivator.

"Hold on, I didn't say you could leave," Lin Chen called out sharply.

At his words, they were thrown into a panic, their faces turning pale as they faced Lin Chen, uncertain of his intentions.

"Do you think you can swagger in here, cause a scene, and then strut out as if nothing happened? Do you take the Phoenix Group for a common marketplace?"

Lin Chen advanced towards Jin Kun and his associates, exuding a chilling presence that sapped their will to resist.

"Kneel down!" Lin Chen commanded.

His voice, laden with authority and menace, was enough to shake the soul. Jin Kun felt a coldness envelop him, his courage and pride dissipating as he helplessly collapsed to his knees.

"If you come looking for trouble again, it won't end with just kneeling. Understand?"

"Understood... understood!" Jin Kun stammered, his forehead beaded with cold sweat, overwhelmed by the oppressive force.

"You can all get out now!"

Lin Chen didn't want to cause a scene in the conference room; it was neither the time nor the place for a commotion, and shedding blood was considered a bad omen. So, he decided to let them off just this once.

Ironically, Jin Kun and his cohorts completely misinterpreted Lin Chen's words and comically rolled out the door like tumbleweeds.

The onlookers were left in utter disbelief. Moments ago, these brash thugs were now rolling out like subdued prisoners.

Wei Tong and the rest finally breathed a sigh of relief, exchanging glances. They had been ridiculing Lin Chen earlier, accusing him of being a kept man, but they hadn't expected him to be so formidable. He was far from the image of a pushover they had painted.

"It's a minor issue. Let's all take our seats and proceed with the meeting," Lin Chen commanded with a stern voice, his earlier display of authority prompting everyone to quickly resume their seats.

The women in particular were astonished. Without witnessing that burst of violence firsthand, they couldn't have imagined Lin Chen's domineering side. They shuddered to think what might have happened without him there, feeling a mix of shock and fear.

"Loong Shiya, could you update us on the company's current predicament?" Lin Chen asked, turning his attention to a short-haired beauty with a serious tone.

"In the marketing department, thanks to the recent capital infusion, we planned to acquire Rainbow Beautification. But we've just learned that Rainbow Beautification has already agreed to a buyout from Iron Claw Holdings, putting us at a significant disadvantage," the short-haired woman reported.

"Rainbow Beautification is facing financial difficulties and is on the brink of bankruptcy. Acquiring them would provide our products with a much-needed boost in sales channels. However, Iron Claw Holdings is primarily a real estate firm, and their sudden interest is puzzling. I suspect foul play in the form of hostile competition."

Lin Chen nodded in understanding. His marriage to Su Qingxue had brought in the investment funds that were vital for their company's survival. Expanding their sales channels was crucial for generating revenue, and it was clear that Rainbow Beautification was a key player in this strategy.

The Xie family's interference seemed intentional and malicious. Lin Chen felt a surge of anger at the thought. He wondered how Su Qingxue would react to the news, suspecting she would be seething with resentment towards the Xie family. They were pushing them into a corner.

"Moreover, the acquisition of Rainbow Beautification faced staunch opposition from two veteran board members, making the process exceedingly challenging. The president's illness has nearly made negotiations impossible!"

The short-haired woman concluded, and her colleagues chimed in, all brimming with righteous indignation. They sympathized with Su Qingxue and were increasingly frustrated with the company's old board members.

Lin Chen clearly understood the situation. The so-called board members were none other than Su Qingxue's uncles.

In his view, they were negligible. They never managed the company; they were only interested in dividends, in getting their share of the money. They even harbored hopes of selling off the Phoenix Group to enrich themselves and grow their own businesses!

After pondering for a moment and reviewing the information before him, Lin Chen spoke with authority, "It's apparent that Iron Claw Holdings isn't genuinely interested in acquiring Rainbow Beautification—they simply want to thwart our efforts. I need a new acquisition strategy and negotiation plan within the next two days. Also, get more media coverage on this. There's no need to take this plan to the board—just consult Qingxue and me directly!"

"A new acquisition plan? In just two days? Do you even understand how business works?" Wei Tong scoffed at Lin Chen.

"You're not involved in this, Loong Shiya. You'll liaise directly with me, and no one else needs to be part of this. And make sure the name of the new company remains confidential. Understood?" Lin Chen completely disregarded Wei Tong.

Ignored by Lin Chen, Wei Tong's face turned a shade of iron. Lin Chen was unreasonable, and being Su Qingxue's partner, Wei Tong could only swallow his grievances. He knew he was no match for Lin Chen and was left to simmer in silent frustration.

The other female executives noticed Wei Tong's earlier bravado in speaking with Lin Chen and how it had backfired, leaving him isolated and disgruntled. With this in mind, they held their tongues, fearing they might be the next to face repercussions.

"Understood, Mr. Lin..." Loong Shiya nodded, deep in thought.

"Meeting adjourned," Lin Chen declared succinctly.


Meanwhile, at a private club on the shores of Emerald Peaks, members of the Zhou family and Xie Shaofeng were enjoying a lakeside drink.

Several female attendants in alluring body-hugging dresses were at their side, pouring wine and attending to their every whim.

"Our plan is truly seamless!" exclaimed Zhou Haide with a sense of wonder.

"Absolutely, Lin Chen would never guess that after he took Su Qingxue away from the demolition site, we eliminated everyone. The cops will surely trace it back to him! Hahaha!" Zhou Cheng burst into laughter.

"Lin Chen probably thinks the cops are on our trail right now. It won't be long before they're knocking on his door. And once he's locked up, what kind of protection could Su Qingxue possibly have left?" Xie Shaofeng chuckled, casually draping his arm around the beauty next to him and giving her ample figure a playful squeeze.

"Regardless, we stick to the original plan. You focus on the business gains, Evil Young Master, and we father and son will keep the pressure on Lin Chen. After their downfall, we'll leverage the Su family's internal support to take over the Phoenix Group!" Zhou Haide, the crafty one, was being pampered by two beauties massaging his legs, his gaze sharp with cunning.

"Lin Chen is formidable, but does he really think he can punch his way out of everything? We've had him dancing to our tune. And Su Qingxue would be shocked to learn that her two uncles have struck a deal with us. They think they can acquire Rainbow Beautification to prolong their lives? In their dreams!"

With that, Xie Shaofeng rose to his feet, the cheongsam-clad beauty in tow, and headed towards a private room.

The Zhou father and son shared a knowing smile, basking in their self-satisfaction.

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