Hell's Heir Returns/C18 I Was too Impulsive!
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Hell's Heir Returns/C18 I Was too Impulsive!
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C18 I Was too Impulsive!

After Lin Chen left the Phoenix Group building, he drove straight home. Su Qingxue had just returned from the hospital and was anxiously waiting for him in the living room, dressed in her pajamas.

Upon seeing Lin Chen's return, she quickly stood up and asked, "My assistant called me about some troublemakers. You're not hurt, are you?"

Lin Chen stripped off his shirt, showcasing his muscular physique, and spun around with a grin. "Your assistant only delivers the bad news. Do I look injured to you?"

Su Qingxue's eyes sparkled at the sight of his toned upper body, and a blush crept onto her cheeks. "I'm relieved. I was worried it might have been a coordinated attack by Zhou Cheng and his crew. I even feared you might have been followed!"

Lin Chen felt a warm surge of affection seeing her earnest concern. "Rest assured, they won't be troubling us again, not anytime soon."

With genuine worry, Su Qingxue said, "Lin Chen, I know you can handle yourself in a fight, but not all problems can be solved with fists. Like when you were taken to the police station on our wedding day, that was all part of someone's plot. Please, don't let your guard down."

Lin Chen looked at her with a teasing smile. "Qingxue, with all this concern, could it be you've fallen for me?"

Her cheeks flushed deeper, Su Qingxue retorted, "Not at all, don't flatter yourself. As your wife, it's only natural for me to worry when you're taking such risks, isn't it?"

"And as a husband, shouldn't you feel a bit of an obligation to reward me?" Lin Chen teased, his hand gently lifting her chin as he gazed into her eyes, waiting for her to speak.

"What kind of obligation..." Su Qingxue stammered, her shyness evident as her heart raced under his intense gaze.

Lin Chen remained silent, having received the answer he sought. He leaned in and passionately kissed her lips.

Chapter 15

In the living room, Lin Chen's kiss sealed Su Qingxue's lips.

"Hmm... Mm..." Su Qingxue felt an odd sensation and struggled to contain her emotions.

She wasn't in the right frame of mind for this, and Lin Chen's sudden kiss had caught her off guard, sending her into a state of panic—especially since she had no prior experience with romantic relationships.

Her breath quickened until she could no longer keep up, and she gently pushed Lin Chen away, gasping for air. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and fear.

In a soft voice, Su Qingxue pleaded, "Lin Chen, please don't do this. Even though we're married, we haven't known each other very long. I'm not ready to be so intimate with you yet..."

Lin Chen, seeing her vulnerability, felt a twinge of guilt. Su Qingxue, untouched by any man before, naturally struggled with such fervent closeness.

In the university, the girls were becoming more liberated, but Su Qingxue, the CEO, was different. She held the matters of the heart in high regard, believing one should not hastily surrender their first time.

"I'm sorry, Qingxue, I got carried away. It won't happen again," Lin Chen said, patting her shoulder with a reassuring smile.

Su Qingxue felt deeply content knowing Lin Chen respected her wishes. It was a sign that he truly cared for her—a true gentleman's gesture.

With a twinkle in her eyes, Su Qingxue spoke in an endearing tone, "If we keep going at our own pace, I believe I'll be yours eventually. Could you give me a little time?"

"Mm..." Lin Chen swallowed hard, touched by her unexpected commitment, feeling a softness spread through him.

Women were complex creatures; despite a poised and cool exterior, they harbored an innate charm that, once unleashed, was overwhelming.

After declaring that she would eventually be Lin Chen's, Su Qingxue blushed, suggesting, "Okay, why don't you go have something to eat? We can discuss the company matters tomorrow."

Lin Chen nodded, suspecting that the lovely assistant Ye Xin had already briefed Su Qingxue. What more could she want to know?

While women retired early to bed, Lin Chen's training persisted. With his legacy at stake, he knew he had to diligently practice his craft, for facing a mightier adversary in the future would come at a great cost.

Enemies were becoming increasingly numerous, and once I joined the Phoenix Group, I knew that only formidable strength would allow me to protect those beautiful women. Moreover, I could serve as a personal bodyguard to my future wife!

"I'm on the verge of a breakthrough in my body refining. I must reach the level of Qi Training to ascend to even higher realms of ability.

"The Spiritual Qi in the city is too sparse, and there's a dire shortage of medicinal resources. It would be so much easier if I could find something imbued with Spiritual Qi!" Lin Chen retracted his fists and murmured to himself.

His cultivation practice was unique compared to that of other cultivators. Even in the realm of body refining, he possessed certain Qi Training attributes, a testament to the superiority of his Netherlord inheritance, unmatched by others.

The following morning, as Lin Chen and Su Qingxue were having breakfast, the doorbell rang. Liu Ranmong, the nanny, checked through the peephole and was visibly taken aback.

"Officers, what brings you here?"

Upon opening the door, four uniformed police officers entered, led by a square-faced man with a crew cut and a stern demeanor. He addressed the nanny, "Is this the residence of Su Qingxue and Lin Chen?"

"Yes, it is. Are you looking for them?" Liu Ranmong inquired, her voice tinged with concern—police visits seldom boded well.

"I'm Wu Gang, captain of the Dawn Branch. There's a case that may involve Miss Su and Lin Chen, so we need to conduct an inquiry. Are they inside?" The square-faced officer peered into the dining area as he spoke.

Without any hint of turmoil, Su Qingxue responded, "Liu Ranmong, please let them in."

Once the officers were seated in the living room with Su Qingxue, Liu Ranmong served them tea, her face etched with worry. Lin Chen, meanwhile, continued to enjoy his breakfast on the living room sofa.

Wu Gang and his colleagues directed their attention to the living room, focusing on Lin Chen, though they didn't summon him. Instead, they turned to Su Qingxue and probed, "Miss Su, how did you manage to return after your kidnapping?"

Su Qingxue was mentally prepared for the question, though she was uncertain whether to disclose the information. After all, Lin Chen had knocked out the assailants and left, and she was concerned about getting entangled with the police.

After a brief pause, she explained, "Lin Chen came to my rescue. There was a scuffle, and then their car broke down. Lin Chen took me away after that."

The four police officers were visibly stunned, looking at the woman with disbelief. With so many adversaries, how could Lin Chen have possibly saved her? It seemed almost miraculous!

"Could you walk us through what happened? We understand you're the victim, and we're investigating the assailant. Your details could really help us," another policewoman asked, smiling encouragingly and signaling for her to be forthcoming.

Su Qingxue recounted the events, explaining that the assailants had been knocked unconscious and that she was unaware of what happened next. She also provided a few suspects for the police to investigate.

The officers were even more astonished upon hearing her account, shaking their heads in disbelief. Wu Gang managed a wry smile and said, "What you're telling us is hard to believe. How did you come to know Lin Chen? Are you aware of why he possesses such formidable abilities?"

With hesitation, Su Qingxue replied, "Our marriage was a business alliance between our families. To be honest, I don't know much about him, and I'm just as curious about his capabilities."

Wu Gang offered a subdued smile and continued, "Since those individuals died and were killed with a powerful firearm, I suspect he might have access to some illegal weapons. We also need to understand the circumstances of their deaths, as this is a matter of legal concern."

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