Hell's Heir Returns/C19 Saving People Is Against the Law!
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Hell's Heir Returns/C19 Saving People Is Against the Law!
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C19 Saving People Is Against the Law!

The police officers were taken aback when they learned that Su Qingxue and Lin Chen were in a marriage of convenience and didn't even know each other!

Captain Wu Gang offered a faint smile and remarked, "Since those individuals were all found dead, killed by a powerful firearm, I'm led to believe he might possess some illegal firearms."

"Lin Chen doesn't own a gun, and when we left, they were merely unconscious, not gunned down!" Su Qingxue protested, her brow furrowed as she sensed a plot brewing. She glanced at Lin Chen, who was nonchalantly enjoying his breakfast.

"Given that you're Lin Chen's partner, we'll take your account into consideration. However, we have grounds to suspect Lin Chen's involvement. The story you've recounted seems far-fetched, and we're familiar with Lin Chen's history. He's the Lin family's castoff, a mere pawn without significant power," Wu Gang stated with gravity.

"So, you're suggesting that Lin Chen's attempt to rescue me is now a crime? Instead of pursuing the real culprits, you're after my husband?" Su Qingxue's frustration was palpable, faced with such an unjust situation.

"Please, don't worry. We're not ignoring the villains, but we need to delve deeper with you and Lin Chen. We're not rushing to judgment. If you come across any new information, feel free to contact me. And yes, it's possible, as you mentioned, that they were silenced after you left," Wu Gang clarified.

"It must have been their own people covering their tracks. Lin Chen didn't kill them; it was their schemer who did. You should be investigating the Zhou family of the Dragonspire Conclave, not interrogating me!" Su Qingxue countered.

"Miss Su, try to remain calm. We're primarily here to piece together the events you've experienced. We've taken note of your statement and may need your cooperation moving forward. We must base our actions on evidence. I apologize for the intrusion today…"

With that, Wu Gang rose to his feet, leading the four officers out the door.

Throughout the entire ordeal, Lin Chen remained silent, not uttering a single word, bewilderingly caught in the web of suspicion.

"Oh no, why are they investigating our son-in-law again?" Liu Ranmong hurriedly closed the door, her voice laden with worry.

Su Qingxue glared at Lin Chen, her anger palpable. "It's all because those criminals killed someone and pinned it on Lin Chen!"

Lin Chen let out a belch and spoke with deliberate calm, "Let them investigate. We'll cooperate fully. If you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to fear. They can probe as much as they like!"

He was actually feeling down. Why were the police after him not for the drug incident last time, but for this recent event? Maybe his last encounter hadn't been recorded, and the police from the other department were unaware of it.

"Anyway, our son-in-law has really been put through the wringer this time. It must be divine providence that you two got married. It's fate!" Liu Ranmong quickly tried to lighten the mood.

Su Qingxue shot Lin Chen a disgruntled look. "Regardless, I won't let you be wrongfully accused. I'm going to find a lawyer right now. I refuse to believe that justice won't prevail!"

Lin Chen laughed softly. "Qingxue, your concern moves me deeply. Knowing you feel this way makes everything worthwhile—even jail!"

"What about me if you end up in jail? Don't even think about it. Let the company handle things your way; I'm going to sort out this kidnapping mess first!"

With those words, Su Qingxue stormed out, handbag in tow.

Lin Chen watched her leave, her figure swaying enticingly. It was a rare sight to see the usually stoic woman so flustered over him. This kidnapping incident might have been a blessing in disguise!


For Lin Chen, this was merely a minor episode. He remained unfazed by the enemy's schemes.

That morning, Lin Chen revisited Antique Street but found nothing imbued with cosmic energy. The street was filled with crafts, true works of art were scarce, and those with spiritual essence were non-existent.

Cosmic energy, antiques, pills—he wasn't versed in concocting herbal remedies, making that path virtually impossible.

His physical training was nearing its zenith, just shy of advancing to Qi Training. He needed to make that breakthrough soon. Once in the Qi Training phase, his adversaries would leave no trace at all.

Upon arriving at the company around noon, I noticed several individuals dressed in black being halted by the security team at the entrance. The security captain, Ouyang Jing, was wielding an electric baton and was blocking the doorway with an air of arrogance, shouting at the group to leave immediately or face the police.

Approaching the commotion, I recognized Jin Kun among the crowd. These persistent individuals were still seeking to stir up trouble?

"Mr. Lin has arrived!" the group at the door exclaimed with excitement.

"Have you come to seek revenge?" Lin Chen asked, a playful smirk crossing his face.

With an obsequious grin, Jin Kun bowed to Lin Chen and said, "You are a cultivator; we wouldn't dare to trouble you. We've come to offer our apologies to Mr. Lin today!"

Together, they all bowed to Lin Chen, their heads nodding and bodies bending, expressing their regret for past grievances and hoping for his forgiveness.

These were members of the Tiger Shark organization. Lin Chen had clashed with them shortly after his rebirth when he left the hospital. He knew they were no saints. With a look of skepticism, he said, "For an underground force like yours to simply submit to me is unlikely. What's the real reason you're here?"

"Mr. Lin, Ms. Hongyan wishes to meet with you. She has prepared a sumptuous feast and awaits your company," Jin Kun revealed.

Ms. Hongyan? Lin Chen's brow furrowed. The leader of Tiger Shark was a woman?

At the mention of "Ms. Hongyan," Ouyang Jing's expression turned to one of alarm. Clearly, this was not a name associated with benevolence, yet Lin Chen had never heard of her.

Ouyang Jing, unable to hide her concern, advised, "Lin Chen, it would be best not to go. This woman is bad news; it's likely a trap!"

Jin Kun, anxious that Lin Chen might decline the invitation, quickly interjected, "It's not a trap, Mr. Lin. Rest assured, Ms. Hongyan's invitation is genuine. She simply wishes to dine with you and have a conversation."

"Moreover, Ms. Hongyan is a cultivator herself. She seeks to engage with you for a meaningful exchange. Mr. Lin, you have no reason to fear any deception."

Lin Chen scoffed to himself. In the past, he would have hesitated, but now, having received the legacy of the Netherlord, why should he consider an underground organization in Agosmouth a threat?

Curious about the woman's intentions, he nodded in agreement. "Alright, I'll accompany you."

"Fantastic, Mr. Lin is so decisive! The car's over here. Quickly, open the door for Mr. Lin!" Jin Kun burst into an excited laugh, seemingly proud as if he had accomplished something remarkable, the memory of his previous embarrassment seemingly erased.

Watching Lin Chen trot off after the group toward the car, the head of security, Ouyang Jingyu, stamped her foot in frustration and cursed, "Jerk! Is he just eager to see if she's pretty? Having dinner and a chat alone with her, I truly feel the CEO deserves better. What a jerk..."

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