Hell's Heir Returns/C3 Exiled Heir Returned
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Hell's Heir Returns/C3 Exiled Heir Returned
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C3 Exiled Heir Returned

Feng Yuechen was a freshman at Khoiphis University. While working a part-time job, she accidentally spilled drinks on them, and they've been harassing her ever since, even going as far as to have her followed.

"Come on, Ms. Feng, why don't you just come with us? Where do you think you can escape to?" The bald leader sneered coldly, his gaze leering over Yuechen's figure, completely disregarding Lin Chen.

"You monsters, you're inhuman!" Feng Yuechen exclaimed, her voice filled with righteous anger.

The bald man let out a vile laugh. "Since you're calling us beasts, why don't we give you a taste of our beastly behavior?" He burst into a raucous laugh, joined by his cronies who surrounded Feng Yuechen, each sporting a leering, mocking look.

Feng Yuechen trembled with fury at their brazenness and snapped, "Keep this up, and I'm calling the police!"

The bald man's eyes bulged with menace. "You think you can threaten us? By the time the cops show up, you'll be in our bed. We'll make a little video, then see if you're still brave enough to call the cops. Take her!"

With that, they lunged toward her.

At that moment, Feng Yuechen released Lin Chen, not wanting to drag him into trouble with the Tiger Shark Organization, notorious for their vindictiveness.

But she couldn't just give up. Was her twenty years of safeguarding her integrity about to be destroyed in an instant?

Lin Chen, now fully aware of the situation, felt a surge of rage. He recalled being set up by Zhou Cheng and others a month earlier, igniting the fury within him. Having inherited the powers of the Evil God of Hell, he hadn't yet had a chance to use them. Now was the time to test his abilities on these thugs.

They were right outside the hospital – it would be convenient to give them a thrashing and then get them treated right there.

"Hold on, you're way out of line! Kidnapping a woman in broad daylight?" Lin Chen stepped in front of Feng Yuechen, shielding her.

The thugs clenched their teeth in fury, having anticipated Lin Chen's interference. They glared with malevolence, ready to fight.

The bald man, who appeared to be the leader, sneered menacingly, "Kid, ever seen this Tiger Shark tattoo? You've got some nerve interfering with Tiger Shark business. Looking to lose an arm or a leg, are you?"

"Tiger Shark? More like a bottom-feeder catfish from a filthy ditch!" Lin Chen retorted with a cold snort.

"A catfish from a filthy ditch?! Damn it, let's rough him up first!"

Enraged, the bald man signaled, and two men in black lunged at Lin Chen with fists flying and feet flailing.

Lin Chen anticipated their clumsy attack, aiming for his head and sides. His reflexes were sharp, and with a swift pivot, he evaded their blows effortlessly. Misfortune struck the attackers as one's punch landed squarely on his comrade's head, while the kicker's foot found the puncher's face instead.

"Bang! Bang!"


Their cries of pain echoed in unison, one nursing a bruised head, the other flipped over by the force of the kick. The sound alone conveyed the agony they felt.

Without missing a beat, Lin Chen stepped back and delivered a sweeping kick. The thug behind him, attempting a sneak attack, was sent flying with a well-placed kick, his body tracing a harsh arc before crashing to the ground.

The scuffle lasted merely seconds. The onlookers barely registered Lin Chen's moves before the three assailants were sprawled on the pavement.

Feng Yuechen stood in shock, her initial panic replaced by awe. A flicker of hope sparked within her as she realized the raggedy young man possessed such formidable skills.

"Damn, you lot are a disgrace!" the bald man cursed, fixing his glare on Lin Chen. He rolled up his sleeves, revealing his muscular arms, and advanced towards Lin Chen with a menacing gait.

"Brat, you're really asking for it. I'll give you a concussion with just one punch!"

The bald man was a practitioner of the Ancient Art of Eight Limbs, and his punches packed a significant punch. He swung at Lin Chen's head with full force.

Lin Chen, unfazed, watched the fist barrel towards him. With a nimble sidestep, he avoided the blow, leaving the bald man's fist to shatter the window of a nearby car.

With a loud crash, the car window shattered into fragments.

The shards cut his hand, and blood began to flow immediately. He winced in pain and cursed through clenched teeth, "You little punk, you're quick on your feet. If you're a man, stop hiding!"

"Fine, you asked for it. Here I come!" Lin Chen spun around and confronted the bald man, delivering a swift kick to his abdomen.


The bald man doubled over, clutching his stomach and screaming in agony. A wave of unbearable pain surged through him, and he vomited blood, nearly collapsing to his knees.

"Damn it, can't you wait until I'm ready before you hit me?!" The bald man, teeth gritted, swung his bloodied fist at Lin Chen.

But Lin Chen was already one step ahead. With a deft lift of his leg, he caught the bald man under the chin. Another mouthful of blood sprayed out as the man tumbled to the ground.


The three men in black were shocked to see their leader so brutally beaten, completely overpowered. They exclaimed in alarm.

The onlookers were dazzled by the display, unable to believe that someone as young as Lin Chen could possess such formidable skills.

Lin Chen glanced back at the three men in black, who seemed ready to jump in, and flashed a chilling, sinister smile. "The hospital is right across the street. Don't you think you should take him for a checkup? It'd be a shame if something inside was damaged, or if he ended up with a concussion and turned into an idiot."

The trio shuddered at his words, dejectedly helping the bald man to his feet and shakily escorting him toward the hospital.

In that moment, Feng Yuechen breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as though a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. As the threat receded, she realized she was drenched in sweat and gasping for air, her gaze fixed on Lin Chen with a mix of disbelief and admiration.

"Are you okay?" Lin Chen asked the girl with genuine concern after the confrontation had ended.

Coming back to her senses, Feng Yuechen replied with heartfelt gratitude, "Big brother, thank you. I don't know what I would have done without you!"

Suddenly remembering something, Lin Chen asked awkwardly, "It was nothing, really. Just be more careful at your job from now on... Uh, do you happen to have a few dollars to spare?"

"Ah?" Feng Yuechen was taken aback. Lin Chen's shift in conversation was so abrupt—was he really asking her for money?

"Look at me, all dressed up in a suit and leather shoes. The truth is, I don't have any cash on me. Could you spare some money for cab fare?" Lin Chen explained.

"Uh, this is what I earned from my part-time job today. Here, take it..." The girl pulled out fifty dollars from her pocket and handed it to Lin Chen.

"If you need to talk further, you can find me at Phoenix Group. I'm off!" With that, Lin Chen turned and strode away decisively.

Feng Yuechen was left speechless, watching as Lin Chen walked away with such nonchalance. A sense of being cared for and overpowered washed over her—an admiration for the powerful.

She couldn't help but think to herself, "If only I had a boyfriend like that, I'm sure he could help me navigate through tough times!"


As night descended, Su Qingxue gazed at Lin Chen, the fugitive groom who had just escaped from the police station, her expression icy. Her cool eyes betrayed a whirlwind of complex emotions.

"The situation is exactly as I've described. I've been set up, and now I can't go back and clear things up with the police. I have to find evidence to prove my innocence tonight!" Lin Chen's demeanor was composed, his calmness palpable in the tense atmosphere.

"What's your plan? Zhou Cheng won't be easy to handle!" Su Qingxue had thought about persuading Lin Chen to surrender, but she also hoped he could clear his name.

"Just wait for me to return tonight. There's no need for you to worry or get involved," Lin Chen said with gravity.

In this life, Lin Chen, reborn, was determined not to fail his family or his beloved. He would hold on to his grudges, his status as the exiled heir, and the words of the Netherlord. He was committed to his cultivation, striving for the day he would stand at the zenith of cultivators and command the earth.

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