Hell's Heir Returns/C6 Beautiful Wife
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Hell's Heir Returns/C6 Beautiful Wife
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C6 Beautiful Wife

Inside the Zhou Mansion, Zhou Cheng's harrowing screams echoed like the howls of wolves at midnight, slicing through the silence with a pain that reverberated throughout the estate.

Lin Chen watched as the man was so overwhelmed by agony that he passed out, realizing that his injury was nearly beyond repair. After turning off the recording on his phone, Lin Chen turned to the woman shivering on the bed, offering a smile that was deceptively benign. "Don't be scared, I won't kill you, but I won't save you either."

With those words, Lin Chen slammed the door behind him and strode out. He had barely reached the second floor when he was met by a surge of people, all clad in uniformed attire similar to the bodyguards at the entrance, each armed with an array of weapons from explosive batons to electric sticks and steel knives, their faces twisted with aggression.

Lin Chen knew that the Zhou Mansion wasn't without firearms, but in Oswugro, gun control was stringent, and not every henchman had access to them. The real gun-toting elite were likely lying in wait for him further on.

Yet, confronted by these knife-wielding adversaries, Lin Chen felt a rush of excitement. It was an excellent opportunity to test his skills against these twenty or so opponents.

As the bodyguards encircled him in the hallway, their menacing presence was palpable, but they couldn't lay a finger on the agile young man before them. Lin Chen's movements were lightning-fast, his figure blurring with each dodge, making it nearly impossible for the eye to follow. His every maneuver skillfully evaded the onslaught of attacks, and his calculated pauses allowed him to strike at their vulnerabilities with precision.

In a display of martial prowess, Lin Chen left the fierce bodyguards sprawled across the floor, some with broken limbs, others unconscious from the force of his blows. His swift, ghost-like movements left the corridor littered with the fallen, their cries of pain echoing through the Zhou Mansion.

Only four remained, sprawled out and writhing in agony, too pained to even consider standing. Lin Chen watched them with a smirk, tauntingly inquiring, "Can any of you even stand up to fight me now?"

The individuals with minor injuries shook their heads in terror instantaneously. Witnessing Lin Chen's movements, swift and specter-like, they forced smiles more grotesque than if they had been weeping.

Killing didn't weigh on Lin Chen's conscience, but now was not the time for a bloodbath. He wondered if the police would investigate him again. If that day came, his recording could exonerate him.

He hadn't crossed paths with Zhou Haide tonight, which meant one less complication. After dealing with his son, Lin Chen figured the old man wouldn't let this slide. Yet, Lin Chen felt no fear. He sped away from the Zhou Mansion and arrived back at the villa he shared with Su Qingxue by midnight.

Lin Chen looked up to see the living room lights still on and thought his wife might be waiting up for him, a thought that brought him a secret joy. However, as he ascended the stairs, he discovered this was not the case. Su Qingxue had left the living room lights on, but the bedroom lights were off. Whether she left the lights on for him or out of habit to keep the house lit was unclear. He discarded his blood-stained clothes in the trash and quickly showered before stealthily slipping into the bedroom.

There, in the tranquility of the air-conditioned room, Su Qingxue lay on the bed, her delicate form concealed beneath the blankets, stirring the imagination. From this angle, her profile was stunningly beautiful, with a sharp chin and a pert nose. Her hair cascaded behind her, adding to her allure of effortless grace.

Standing at the bedside, Lin Chen hesitated to disturb such a peaceful scene. Yet, it was their wedding night, and after a day of turmoil, he yearned to hold his wife as they slept, seeking the comfort of her embrace.

Lifting the blanket, Lin Chen's gaze fell upon Su Qingxue in her nightgown, igniting a warmth within him. Her long, exposed legs and the blush-colored bedding complemented each other, accentuating her fair skin. The nightgown's loose neckline revealed a glimpse of her bosom, tempting Lin Chen's touch. Though he refrained, the thought of their softness and resilience lingered in his mind.

His newlywed wife was breathtakingly beautiful!

He couldn't bear to disrupt such a moment, choosing instead to watch her in silence. Upon closer inspection, her bare-faced beauty was not diminished but rather enhanced with an added sense of intimacy and innocence. She was stunning, the epitome of the real Su Qingxue.

Typically, she was seen as the untouchable CEO, an icy beauty who married the Lin family's exiled heir for the sake of her family's business. To many, she was an emotionless creature, a domineering businesswoman.

Yet, Lin Chen didn't see his wife as a stranger or a cold-hearted being. Her body was warm, her heart was warm; she simply hadn't yet embraced her innate femininity.

Lin Chen pondered whether he could truly win her over. Theirs was a marriage of convenience, and it would be awkward for two near-strangers to share a life together.

Beyond the bedroom, he wondered how others perceived him. What right did an exiled heir of the Lin family, a mere third-year student, have to a wife of such noble stature and stunning beauty?

Previously, Lin Chen might have been indifferent to others' opinions, living carefree and indulging in life's pleasures. That was his nature. But now, with the legacy of the Infernal Demon Sovereign, he was determined not to squander his potential.

He aspired not only to cultivate but also to use his strength to conquer all and rise to the pinnacle of the world.

As he lay down, quietly observing Su Qingxue lost in thought, she, not yet asleep, opened her eyes groggily and gazed at him. Then she closed them once more, her cheeks tinged with a delicate blush of shyness.

"When did you get back?" she murmured softly.

"Sorry for waking you, my love," Lin Chen apologized, regretting the interruption of such a serene moment.

"Get some rest; we have a busy day tomorrow," Su Qingxue suggested, turning over.

Lin Chen watched her and teased with a mischievous grin, "Feeling shy? There's no need to be so tense when we haven't even been intimate."

"Don't let your mind wander to such things, and certainly don't speak of them!" the woman said, blinking rapidly as her blush deepened even further.

Lin Chen gazed at the woman's demure and captivating demeanor. Bathed in the moonlight streaming through the window, she seemed to him like a celestial fairy from a lunar palace. He swallowed hard, his heart racing with the urge to act on his desires.

Lying in bed with a woman for the first time, and such a stunning one at that, he felt his excitement surge, nearly reaching its peak, as if it might burst forth at any moment.

"Yeah, I'm being so bad, letting my thoughts run wild. What's there to even say? My wife, I'm coming for you!"

She was his bride, and Lin Chen wouldn't hold back. He embraced Su Qingxue's fragrant form and pressed his lips passionately to hers, which were parted in anticipation.

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