Hell's Heir Returns/C7 The First Time They Met
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Hell's Heir Returns/C7 The First Time They Met
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C7 The First Time They Met

Su Qingxue was startled by Lin Chen's domineering kiss!

Her body trembled slightly, yet she didn't put up a strong resistance. Instead, the unexpected kiss shocked her, and she found herself passively allowing the man to embrace her and engage in a fervent kiss.

Her mind was resistant, but her body reacted with a thrill. Having never been kissed before, she was especially bewildered at the moment.

Moreover, Lin Chen was her new husband, so it seemed natural for him to kiss her.

Of course, the passion was mostly on Lin Chen's part. Su Qingxue was mostly unresponsive, lying there rigidly, unsure of how to react to the man's fervent advances.

Lin Chen passionately kissed his wife's pink lips, savoring the sweetness. Seeing that she didn't push him away, he grew bolder, parting her teeth and entering her mouth!

Su Qingxue felt like she was suffocating and involuntarily let out soft moans. It wasn't that she was enjoying it; the kiss was simply overwhelming!

Yet, it was her moaning that sent a thrill through Lin Chen. The idea of a frosty female CEO moaning under his kiss was exhilarating. He felt like he couldn't contain himself, his adrenaline surging!

Consequently, Lin Chen's hand began to wander.

His mischievous hand moved from Su Qingxue's face, slowly reaching her chest. At that moment, her previously hazy eyes flashed with a hint of alertness.


Su Qingxue forcefully pushed Lin Chen off her, halting their fiery embrace.

She turned her face away, her back to him, breathing heavily, her eyes reflecting a complex mix of emotions. She hadn't anticipated this scenario. It was only because they shared a bed that he found the chance to make a move. Any other time, she would have slapped him already!

He had deliberately misinterpreted her words and forcefully kissed her, which was quite reprehensible.

Lin Chen lay beside her, slightly dumbfounded, nearly pushed off the bed. He had been ready to escalate his amorous pursuit when suddenly, everything came to a halt. It felt like a death sentence to him!

"Honey, for our first intimate moment, is such resistance really necessary?" Lin Chen asked, his face etched with disappointment.

"Don't take liberties with me. I thought you were just going to kiss me..." Su Qingxue gasped for breath, gradually regaining her composure, yet her heart continued to race uncontrollably!

Lying in bed, she exuded a vulnerability that was starkly different from her usual demeanor. In that moment, she was like a lamb to the slaughter, and Lin Chen the looming wolf.

Lin Chen gave a wry smile and said with an awkward chuckle, "A kiss and a touch are pretty normal. You'll need to get used to it eventually. Otherwise, how will we ever get to the main event?"

"Let's just sleep, no more talking!" Su Qingxue turned her back to Lin Chen, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. The Ice Queen had never been in such a situation before and was overwhelmed by the topic at hand, her face aflame.

"Fine, fine. Even if you're a cold machine, once you start up, you'll warm up. I'll wait," Lin Chen said earnestly.

Su Qingxue kept her back to Lin Chen, eyes closed, silent. Her emotions were a tangled mess, filled with both excitement and trepidation about the intimacies of marriage.

Once the room settled into quietude, Lin Chen sat up cross-legged to begin his nightly cultivation.


The following morning, Lin Chen and Su Qingxue awoke almost simultaneously, aware of each other's presence. They opened their eyes to an awkward and complex mix of emotions.

Their marriage was a business alliance between Lin's Group and Phoenix Group, devoid of affection. The previous night's kiss had only added to the awkwardness.

Yet Lin Chen seemed unfazed, as if he had already put the previous night's tenderness behind him, quickly flashing an innocuous smile. "Good morning, honey!" he greeted cheerfully.

Lin Chen's ability to switch between humor and seriousness seemed to be just what Su Qingxue needed. A relationship sustained by coldness alone would never end well.

Su Qingxue, however, paid no heed to Lin Chen's cheerful demeanor. She rose silently and made her way to the bathroom.

Lin Chen couldn't help but purse his lips in resignation. Though his plans for their wedding night had gone awry, life as a married couple must go on. They couldn't afford to let things become too stiff or uncomfortable.

Lin Chen had formulated this idea after spending the night with her. He would elaborate on it later, as he needed to take things one step at a time. Moreover, with the Lin family affairs to attend to, he couldn't fully immerse himself in the emotional world of a woman.

His decision to rejoin the Lin family was influenced by his mother, who claimed it was his late father's dying wish. She also referred to him as the Lin family's secret treasure, though she never clarified why. Curiously, his mother preferred her simple rural life to living with him, which he found quite baffling.

As Lin Chen pondered his role in the Lin family, his marriage to Su Qingxue, and the impending end of summer vacation before his senior year, he felt overwhelmed.

After freshening up, Lin Chen was about to suggest revisiting the nightclub where he had been framed, but Su Qingxue interjected, "Hold on, let's go out for some morning tea!"

"Is this a date? I'm in, haha!" Lin Chen was pleasantly surprised by Su Qingxue's initiative.

"No!" Su Qingxue rolled her eyes in exasperation. "We're going to meet my uncle. He's a director at the Phoenix Group, and there are some matters he needs to discuss with us."

"Oh, that matter!" Lin Chen was taken aback. He had been looking forward to a leisurely morning of tea followed by shopping and a movie, not a family meeting.

As a student, Lin Chen was naturally averse to the formalities of high society. He disliked the rigid protocols among the elite and would rather avoid family obligations altogether. He believed that a simple life with Su Qingxue, away from the complications of a business marriage, would be ideal.

Su Qingxue didn't care to elaborate, and she wasn't keen on taking Lin Chen out, especially since everyone seemed to think they were mismatched.

After enjoying the breakfast prepared by the nanny, they set off together. Soon, they arrived at an upscale teahouse in the commercial district. Upon entering, they discovered not only her uncle but also an assembly of elegantly dressed men and women, both middle-aged and young, all exuding wealth and status.

It was immediately clear that these were relatives of his wife, Su Qingxue, especially with the sizable group of more than ten people gathered in the expansive tea pavilion. As Lin Chen and Su Qingxue entered, the buzz of conversation came to an abrupt halt, and all eyes turned to them.

"Well, well, if it isn't Lin Chen, the discarded son of the Lin family who was raised in the countryside. Weren't you taken away by the police? How did you get out so soon?" jeered a young man clad in red, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

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