Hell's Heir Returns/C9 Internal and External Problems
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Hell's Heir Returns/C9 Internal and External Problems
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C9 Internal and External Problems

Watching someone attempt to touch his wife, Su Qingxue, Lin Chen was not about to stand by and do nothing. In a decisive moment, he swiftly raised his hand and seized the offender's wrist.


A sharp snap echoed as Ding San's wrist broke, followed by his agonized screams.

"Ahhh, kill him! This guy... it's killing me!" Ding San, who had been smirking with satisfaction moments before, was now wailing in torment.

Everyone around was shocked; no one expected Lin Chen to act so fiercely, dislocating Ding San's wrist with such swift precision. It was downright terrifying.

Su Qingxue was equally taken aback, a mix of surprise and complexity flickering in her eyes. After all, Lin Chen was once a carefree student, known for his indulgent lifestyle. Who would have thought he could be so formidable?

Lin Chen rose to his feet, facing the three or four bodyguards with a stern expression. As he turned, Chen Hu and his companions, ready to strike, suddenly froze in their tracks.

"It's you..."

Chen Hu stared at Lin Chen, his shock so profound he looked as if his jaw might drop. This was the same Lin Chen who had fiercely beaten Zhou Cheng of the Dragonspire Conclave and managed to escape their encirclement.

"Yes, indeed. What a pleasure to meet again!" Lin Chen greeted them with a smile. The four men remained rooted to the spot, too intimidated to move.

Seeing his men hesitate, Ding San erupted in fury, "What are you waiting for? Tear his arm off!"

With no other choice, Chen Hu's two bodyguards braced themselves and charged at Lin Chen, fists ready. Skilled fighters in their own right, they had some talent, but to Lin Chen, their attacks were child's play.

In the Body Refining Stage and unable to draw upon his martial skill internal strength, Lin Chen's body was nonetheless transformed to superhuman levels. Anticipating their punches, he feinted left and right, then with a swift double kick, sent both assailants flying through the air.

Another man and Chen Hu lunged at Lin Chen almost simultaneously, but unsurprisingly, Lin Chen swiftly took them down!

"This guy is a demon. He's the one who crippled our young master last time!" Chen Hu, struggling to his feet, was not so easily subdued.

"What? He's the one who stormed into the Zhou Mansion?" Ding San clutched his wrist, his face twisted in agony, panic seizing his heart. He had encountered the very demon that even their boss feared, right here!

In less than ten seconds, Lin Chen had dispatched these four or five men, leaving Su Xinhe, Su Zhilong, and the other Su family relatives with their eyes wide in disbelief. Wasn't he just an ordinary college student? Since when was he so formidable in a fight?

Lin Chen fixed them with a steely gaze and commanded, "Hold it, you owe my wife an apology. Otherwise, no one leaves!"

"Lin Chen, the Dragonspire Conclave is looking for you. Don't get too cocky. You think you can take on a hundred men?" Ding San glared at Lin Chen with venom, convinced that Lin Chen wouldn't dare retaliate.

"Since you're so bold, you've brought this on yourself!" Lin Chen retorted and with a swift motion, his foot flew out, sending Ding San's teeth scattering in a spray of blood.

"Cough, cough, Chen, please, Ding San just didn't realize how tough you are. Let him off just this once!" Chen Hu hurried over, pleading for leniency.

Lin Chen had no desire to be a killer, not at this juncture. He didn't want to stir up too much trouble in front of the Su family, so with a dismissive wave of his hand, he signaled them to scram.

Once the group had scuttled out, the other manager, too afraid to even breathe loudly, offered an awkward smile before closing the door behind him. The Su family relatives remained in the room, staring at Lin Chen as if they had just witnessed one of the world's great wonders.

Swallowing hard, Su Zhilong finally shook his head and said, "Lin Chen, you're a dead man. You've crossed the Dragonspire Conclave, and there will be no good outcome for you!"

Ignoring everyone else, Lin Chen decisively pulled Su Qingxue outside. "Let's go. There's nothing left to discuss!"

Once outside, Su Qingxue was still in a daze, glancing at her hand in his. A sudden rush of protection and security overwhelmed her, filling her with surprise and contentment.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, Lin Chen released her hand, stating, "Your father has given you the shares. You're capable of handling the company's affairs on your own. There's no need to engage with them excessively."

"Mm, I understand, but they are still my family," Su Qingxue replied, her eyes gleaming with happiness. She wasn't upset about the earlier altercation; rather, she was delighted to have seen a different side of Lin Chen.

She realized she didn't know or fully understand Lin Chen, expressing her concern, "The Dragonspire Conclave is not to be underestimated. You beat them so severely today. I'm worried they'll seek revenge, so perhaps you should lay low for a while!"

"There's no need. If you need help with anything, I'm here for you," Lin Chen responded with an easy smile, keeping to himself the fact that he was currently cultivating. What did he have to fear from them?

Seeing Lin Chen's brimming confidence, Su Qingxue furrowed her brow and shook her head, "I can tell you're skilled, but nowadays, fighting isn't just about using your fists. My Su family is targeted because we lack influence. If we had the Lin family's status and support, we wouldn't have to fear anything."

"Are you suggesting I should cozy up to the Lin family? Truth be told, I'm just an exiled heir. By handing me off to you, they've effectively washed their hands of me. The Lin family's future endeavors have nothing to do with me, understand?" Lin Chen explained, aware that his current abilities wouldn't win the Lin family's approval, and he refused to humiliate himself.

"I'm aware the Lin family has discarded me to you as a way to be rid of me. Rest assured, even if you can't return to the Lin family, I won't let you down," Su Qingxue stated with a cool resolve.

A smirk crept onto Lin Chen's lips. He hadn't anticipated his mother's request for him to return, especially after the Lin family had cast him aside. And as for his marriage to Su Qingxue, it seemed it might not last much longer.

In a lavish villa in Agosmouth, a man clad in a sharp suit and polished leather shoes lounged on the living room sofa, eyes glued to a live stock market broadcast. He turned to address a gaunt man with a malevolent look, "Mr. Zhou, I've spoken with Su Xinhe and the others about persuading Su Qingxue. But this will only push her further away from you."

"Hmph, our only option is to band together and take over Su Qingxue's subsidiary, eroding their power bit by bit. Eventually, she will have no choice but to submit to me. If she's willing to marry that exiled heir, Lin Chen, for the sake of her company, then I will take pleasure in bringing her down!" Zhou Cheng declared with a chilling tone.

The suited man nodded in agreement. "Fine, I'll handle the business side of the pressure, and you take care of the personal vendettas. After all, you also have Lin Chen to contend with. If they can't appreciate what's best for them, they can't fault us for our lack of mercy."

"Excellent. With your assistance, everything will be much simpler!" Zhou Cheng's lips twisted into a self-satisfied grin.

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