Her Personal Soldier King/C14 Cucurbita Vulgaris Schneid
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Her Personal Soldier King/C14 Cucurbita Vulgaris Schneid
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C14 Cucurbita Vulgaris Schneid

At this moment, Chen Yan was completely shocked.

Growing up in a greenhouse, she had never seen such a scene.

Zhang Youbin was too ruthless. He directly broke the opponent's hand. What kind of man was he exactly …

However, although Chen Yan was astonished, she suddenly felt that she was no longer afraid even though she was standing behind Zhang Youbin.

At this time, Lee Biao was rolling around crazily on the ground, the severe pain made him faint. Looking at his brothers who were still motionlessly beside him, he cursed, "Did you guys turn f * cking dumb? Quickly cripple him! "

These people all stood up when he said this, but no one dared to make a move first.

Zhang Youbin instructed Chen Yan, "Stay at the back first. Remember not to call the police."

Chen Yan didn't know why she was so obedient at this moment. She obediently stood behind the bar with the others and stared blankly at Zhang Youbin and the crowd that was causing trouble.

Zhang Youbin sat on the table behind him and sneered: "Which one of you will go first? Or together? "

At this moment, everyone looked at each other. The man furthest from Zhang Youbin attacked first. He grabbed a wooden bench and rushed over.

With the first person to step up, the others also swarmed forward.

Zhang Youbin didn't panic at all. He found a chance to jump up and caught the incoming bench steadily. The next second, that stool had bloomed on that bird's head, hitting it until it was covered in blood.

Zhang Youbin turned around and grabbed the hair of the long-haired bully closest to him. He knocked him lightly on the table and knocked him out.

To be able to deal with an enemy in one move was extremely vicious.

Following that, Zhang Youbin nimbly moved between everyone, and in less than half a minute, everyone was knocked to the ground!

Zhang Youbin's methods were extremely ruthless. Almost everyone who dared to fight him was beaten until they were confused and confused. Their body would definitely have more than one fracture.

All of a sudden, more than half of the hooligans had fainted, and those who were not unconscious were all lying on the ground wailing and rolling around.

Zhang Youbin slowly walked to the side of Lee Biao. His left hand grabbed Lee Biao's collar and lifted him up like a little chick. Then, Zhang Youbin viciously punched Lee Biao's face.

Lee Biao's face bloomed. He couldn't even protect more than half of his teeth and his nose bone was also shattered. He didn't even have time to scream before fainting on the spot.

Zhang Youbin went to the window and closed the curtain. Then, he changed the sign that said "bar is open" to "temporarily closed". Then, he closed the door of the bar, walked to the unconscious Lee Biao and sat down.

Chen Yan and the others were already stupefied. This kind of fighting was like chopping vegetables. Even the TV had never played it before. It was too fast, too ferocious, yet too cool and elegant at the same time.

Zhang Youbin stood up and lightly tapped on the table. He said to the wailing guys on the ground, "From now on, I will tear anyone who makes even the slightest sound!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, this group of gangsters, who were usually arrogant and despotic, immediately shut their mouths obediently.

Zhang Youbin nodded in satisfaction. He picked up the unconscious Lee Biao and poured a glass of lemonade onto his face.

When he woke up, Zhang Youbin asked coldly, "Speak, who told you to come?"

"No one, no one, we're just here to drink." Lee Biao replied in fear.

Lee Biao didn't dare to reveal Liu Zhen's name, otherwise Liu Zhen would definitely fall out with him. At that time, not only would he pay back the 100,000 yuan, but he and his brothers would also be beaten up for nothing.

Furthermore, Liu Zhen's family background was very strong. He was more worried that Liu Zhen would hate him in the future and even take revenge on him.

Therefore, Lee Biao said with a sincere face, "Brother, we really came here to drink. I was blind not to recognize Mt. Tai and offended you. Please forgive us …"

Zhang Youbin sneered, "You won't say anything, right? "Fine, if you don't say it, I will cripple your other hand as well!"

Zhang Youbin's expression was ferocious and cold. When Lee Biao saw this, his face instantly turned ashen!

If both of his hands were crippled, then how would he be able to survive in the underworld in the future? What would he rely on in the future?

If he became a cripple who could not even eat with chopsticks, his life would be over!

After struggling for more than ten seconds, Lee Biao hurriedly cried and begged, "Brother, I'll speak! I say! It's Liu Zhen, he's the one who arranged it all. He said that you made him lose face, so he told us to find fault with you. I've already confessed. Please show mercy, brother! "

Zhang Youbin smiled with satisfaction. However, he used a bit of strength in his hand and easily broke Lee Biao's other hand.

Lee Biao burst into tears and cried, "I already said it, why are you still fighting …"

Zhang Youbin said faintly, "It's too late to say it now. I don't have much patience, but luckily you said it. Otherwise, your two legs wouldn't be able to keep up."

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