Her Personal Soldier King/C2 Bearing Insult
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Her Personal Soldier King/C2 Bearing Insult
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C2 Bearing Insult

A few minutes later, a woman quickly walked into the bar. The boy standing in the bar hastily said, "Sister Yan, this mister wants to apply to be one of our waiters."

When Zhang Youbin heard this, he hurriedly turned around and looked. His mood suddenly became extremely depressed.

He had never thought that the owner of this bar would actually be the peerless beauty who had ruined his plans in the bathroom.

Chen Yan didn't expect that not only did the scoundrel who had assaulted her shop's female customer not flee, but instead ran over to apply for her shop's waiter …

Their gazes met, and Chen Yan glared at Zhang Youbin with extreme anger and disdain, making him feel uncomfortable.

However, with such close contact, coupled with the contrast of the bar chandelier, Zhang Youbin had a chance to truly see this woman's appearance. However, with such close contact, coupled with the contrast of the bar chandelier, Zhang Youbin had a chance to truly see this woman's appearance.

Hearing that Zhang Youbin wanted to be hired as a waiter, Chen Yan's face showed a trace of sneer as she started to size him up.

Zhang Youbin's physical condition was not bad. He was 1.85m tall, had a well-built build, angular features, and a tough body that gave off a sense of handsomeness and evil aura. He was a type that could make a beauty's eyes light up.

However, when Chen Yan looked at Zhang Youbin, her eyes didn't brighten. On the contrary, she was especially disgusted with Zhang Youbin.

Chen Yan was already very angry. She had just arrived at the bar and was about to go to the bathroom, but she found out that a couple was preparing to do that kind of thing in the bathroom of her bar. Furthermore, from the details of the woman calling him "handsome man", she knew that the two of them didn't know each other.

Furthermore, that woman was obviously drunk. This made Chen Yan instinctively think that Zhang Youbin was taking advantage of her and thus, she was disgusted with Zhang Youbin.

What was even more unexpected to Chen Yan was that not only did this man not leave, he even applied for a waiter of his own shop. He was shameless to the extreme!

Furthermore, Chen Yan saw that Zhang Youbin was wearing a light blue Armani shirt and black Versace slacks, and the Patek Philippe limitless watch on his wrist was worth at least seven digits. There must be something wrong with his motives!

Zhang Youbin felt a little awkward when he saw Chen Yan's eyes looking at the watch on his wrist. It was indeed worth a lot of money, but it was a gift from his brother. Zhang Youbin wouldn't sell the watch even if he was poor and didn't have any money to eat.

After staying silent for a while, Chen Yan decided to find out what the man was up to. She looked at Zhang Youbin and asked coldly, "Why are you here as a waiter?"

Although Zhang Youbin was embarrassed, but since he had already opened his mouth and met the boss again, he was ready to throw caution to the wind. He nodded and said: "I just arrived at Yanjing, so I don't have a job or a place to stay.

"Recruit." Chen Yan spat the two words coldly before adding, "But we don't attract beasts!"

When Zhang Youbin heard this, he knew that she was prejudiced against him because of what happened just now. He calmed down and explained: "You probably misunderstood what happened just now."

Chen Yan stretched out her hand to interrupt Zhang Youbin's explanation. She maintained her ice-cold expression as she said, "I believe in my eyes."

Zhang Youbin couldn't help but feel a bit angry. This top quality boss was really cold and proud, and she didn't know the truth, yet she targeted him here. It was obviously that drunk woman who seduced him, so how did he become a beast?

Therefore, Zhang Youbin snorted coldly and said: "So what if you believe your own eyes? Do you know of an idiom called "One Leaf Barrier"? "

"What did you say?" Chen Yan got angry instantly and blurted out, "If I hadn't been knocking on the door, I'm afraid you would have violated my customers in my shop and come over here to mess with me?" I've never seen such a shameless man like you in my life! "

Zhang Youbin's expression also gradually turned serious as he said lightly, "No matter what happened between me and that female customer, it's both me and her. I'm willing, and I don't need any interference from a third party, I just want to apply for a job with Waiter, if you think I can, then we can talk about work and treatment. If you think I can't do it, then just say the word and I'll leave immediately."

Chen Yan looked at Zhang Youbin as she began to speculate in her heart. It was obvious that this person wasn't short on money, yet he came to apply for the position of a waiter. What exactly was his intention?

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Yan couldn't help but sort him out with those bored young masters who pursued her.

Chen Yan could not be blamed for putting on an act, but she had experienced this kind of thing too many times.

Just two days ago, she had chased away a waiter, who was just like Zhang Youbin, young and rich. He pretended to tell her that he wanted to experience life, but just after a few days, he had fawningly confessed to her. That person looked exactly the same as the current Zhang Youbin!

Thinking of this, her disgust towards Zhang Youbin increased.

However, she suddenly felt disgusted with Zhang Youbin, and her expression gradually relaxed as she sneered, "We work at 4 PM every day, and we work at 2 AM every day. We can also extend our special circumstances and we don't have any holidays, what do you think?"

Chen Yan was deliberately making things difficult for Zhang Youbin. In her opinion, working ten hours a day without any holidays was too harsh. Even if someone wanted to apply for a job with Waiter, they wouldn't agree, let alone a young master like Zhang Youbin.

However, to Chen Yan's surprise, Zhang Youbin didn't care about the working hours at all. He just asked, "What about the treatment?"

"Treatment?" Chen Yan thought to herself with contempt in her heart, "You're already over a million dressed, and you still want to talk about Waiter's treatment?" You sure are engrossed in the acting! "

Chen Yan then replied coolly, "The base salary is 3000 RMB per month and the bonus will be counted separately."

Regarding the treatment, Zhang Youbin didn't care about the salary, but whether or not he could provide a place to live. Thus, he asked: "Then, do you provide food and shelter here?"

With this question, Chen Yan was completely confused and thought to herself, "Accommodating? Do you want to stay in my employee dormitory? You don't need to put in that much effort, do you? You think you can handle that suffering? "

Thinking about this, Chen Yan said, "We have a dorm, but the living conditions are quite ordinary. The rooms are for the top and bottom, and there's still one bed empty."

"That's good." Zhang Youbin was relieved and asked, "Then I will start working today?"

"What?" Are you serious? " Chen Yan looked at Zhang Youbin in disbelief. She thought he was trying to get close to her on purpose or ask for her number to leave. She never expected him to be so determined to do the job.

Chen Yan thought contemptuously, "Since you're asking for it, I'll grant you that wish. If I don't torture you to the point that you scram on your own accord, I won't be called Chen Yan!"

After making up her mind, Chen Yan said, "If you want to do it, you can start working today."

Zhang Youbin was overjoyed and said, "Alright then, I'll leave it to you to take care of me in the future."

Then, he stretched out his right hand towards her and said, "Hello, my name is Zhang Youbin."

Chen Yan stood up and waved her hand. "I'm not interested in knowing your name."

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