Her Personal Soldier King/C6 Presumptuous
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Her Personal Soldier King/C6 Presumptuous
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C6 Presumptuous

The BMW driver's courage and self-confidence were much worse than Zhang Youbin's. Zhang Youbin told him several times and soon, the driver was nowhere to be seen.

Seated on the passenger seat, Chen Yan's heart was beating like a drum as she looked at the scene outside the window that seemed to be even a phantom image as it whizzed past!

Seeing Zhang Youbin not slowing down at all, the pale Chen Yan looked at Zhang Youbin helplessly and pleaded, "Zhang Youbin, hurry and stop the car, I'm begging you!"

Zhang Youbin looked at the rearview mirror and said lightly: "Although I can't see the M6, but just in case, I'll still leave him alone for a bit."

Chen Yan quickly begged for mercy, "Please stop the car, I have a heart attack!"

Zhang Youbin was a bit surprised. A heart attack isn't a joke, someone might even die.

As a result, he lowered the speed of the car to 60. Chen Yan calmed down and sat on her seat, breathing heavily.

Zhang Youbin couldn't help but ask, "Boss, you can't possibly have a heart attack, right?"

Chen Yan looked at Zhang Youbin with anger. After a long while, she finally calmed down and said angrily, "If I'm not lying, can you slow down?"

Zhang Youbin knew he was tricked, so he shook his head helplessly. Luckily, the BMW M6 was long gone.

As soon as Zhang Youbin parked the car, Chen Yan finally felt relieved and asked, "What do you want to eat for lunch?" I'll treat you to a meal as thanks. "

Zhang Youbin waved his hand and said, "No need, I'll find a subway station and stop the car. You can leave."

Chen Yan returned to her usual indifference. "How can that be? Since I've said that I'll treat you to a meal, I must fulfill my promise. Go and get it, I'll wait for you here."

Zhang Youbin wanted to refuse and said: "Really, no need. I'll just eat whatever I want."

Chen Yan impatiently interrupted her, "I, Chen Yan, have spoken and spoken. You decide for yourself."

Zhang Youbin shrugged his shoulders and said calmly, "Alright, you're the boss, you have the final say."

Chen Yan then said, "Alright, let's exchange places. I'll drive."

Zhang Youbin nodded. He still wanted to change seats intimately with Chen Yan, but she glared at him before pushing open the car door and stepping out.

Zhang Youbin was helpless. He could only open the door and get off the car to change to the passenger seat.

Chen Yan drove the car silently in the passenger seat. Zhang Youbin took out his phone and opened his email. He felt warm in his heart when he saw a bunch of messages from his brothers and sisters.

The Blood-colored Mercenaries were like a large family, with a dozen or so core members that were even more intimate than real siblings.

In just a short while, Chen Yan had already arrived at a restaurant. She stopped the car and walked in with Zhang Youbin. It was a Xiang restaurant. Although it didn't look like much on the outside, the interior decorations were very stylish.

Chen Yan firmly refused the waiter's question about whether she wanted a room. She sat in the hall with Zhang Youbin. There were a lot of people in the hall and it was noisy, but the two of them disagreed with this.

Chen Yan asked Zhang Youbin to order dishes, but Zhang Youbin refused. Thus, she just randomly ordered some dishes and they didn't say a word to each other until the dishes were served.

Chen Yan, who was eating, suddenly thought of something and asked, "Zhang Youbin, I saw your ID card, you should be a local, right? "Since you're a local, why are you still living in the employee dormitory?"

Zhang Youbin didn't try to hide it and said calmly, "I'm from here, but I just came back from somewhere else. I don't have family, money, or a place to live …"

In Chen Yan's eyes, Zhang Youbin's explanation was simply a lie.

As far as she was concerned, a carefree young man dressed in extremely expensive luxury goods would have no money at all. Who would believe it?

Chen Yan, who was deeply deceived, just stared at Zhang Youbin and ignored him. That expression and gaze made Zhang Youbin a bit unhappy and he just ignored everyone else.

However, Chen Yan noticed that ever since she asked the question about her family, Zhang Youbin's silence was replaced with a hint of loneliness.

Actually, Zhang Youbin had family members in Yanjing.

When he was eight years old, his father became a diplomat and brought him and his mother to the Middle East. However, when he was ten years old, his parents died on the spot due to a terrorist attack in the Middle East.

The terrorists took away the young Zhang Youbin as a hostage, and finally it was the Chinese born Lei Ming who saved him.

After all these years, Zhang Youbin's grandfather's family and his grandfather's family were both searching for his whereabouts. When Lei Ming just saved him, he was also prepared to send him back to his family, but in order to personally avenge his parents, Zhang Youbin forced himself to stay by Lei Ming's side. And this stay, was 14 years.

Fourteen years, that little boy who was hiding under his parents' dead body, shivering, has already grown to become the world's strongest soldier king. Mercenaries all over the world worship him as a god, and he was given the nickname King of War, King-Of-War.

Zhang Youbin's real name was Zhang Jing. Lei Ming felt that this name was too quiet for a boy, so he changed it to Zhang Youbin.

Thinking about that, Zhang Youbin laughed at himself.

Now, even though he was under the influence of Yanjing, his grandfather and grandfather had already grown up into two large families, and even when he was in the Middle East, he had often heard of their reputations.

In terms of family background, Zhang Youbin's family background was not simple. Grandfather was already a general level officer of China, moreover, he was the head of a certain military region.

Grandfather also has in his hands a top ranked commercial empire in the country, with assets exceeding ten billion already!

However, Zhang Youbin felt that all of this had nothing to do with him. Fourteen years ago, they thought he had already died, and after fourteen years, he had no reason to disturb their lives.

Thinking of this, Zhang Youbin felt a little depressed.

As for Chen Yan, who sat opposite of him, she spent most of her time trying to figure out Zhang Youbin's real origins. As a result, the two of them had a tacit understanding.

In the end, Chen Yan paid the bill and walked out of the restaurant with Zhang Youbin. She then said to Zhang Youbin with her usual cold and arrogant expression, "I still have things to do, so I won't send you off."

Zhang Youbin was annoyed by her attitude of moving forward without moving forward, but he didn't say anything.

Then Chen Yan got into the driver's seat and drove away from the hotel with a burst of choking exhaust.

Zhang Youbin secretly swore in his heart as he stood on the spot enjoying the exhaust: "One day, I will get this self-righteous woman!"

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