Hero Reborn/C15 Seeing Men as Dogs
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Hero Reborn/C15 Seeing Men as Dogs
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C15 Seeing Men as Dogs

Shortly after, Xiao Xiaofan was looking completely refreshed. To his surprise, the staff at the shop didn't give him a hard time for his ragged attire.

He realized, considering the number of mercenaries in Sylhasera, it was common for them to return with their gear in less than perfect condition. Who could ensure a safe return after every outing?

His tattered clothes were normal, especially since he wasn't visiting a high-end store, just an ordinary one.

Xiao Xiaofan had always kept himself well-groomed during his time in the Magic Beast Forest, so he still appeared quite clean.

He arrived at the entrance of the Golden Vault, paused to gather his thoughts, and then stepped inside.

He was confident that his pills were of exceptional quality, and he doubted that a regular merchant could offer him the price he desired, or even afford to purchase them at all!

According to the little beggar's memories, the Golden Vault was the most formidable commerce guild in Sylhasera, commanding respect even from the city's mayor.

Upon entering, Xiao Xiaofan was greeted by a spacious interior and neatly arranged shelves. The decor was opulent, each piece exuding luxury, truly befitting the largest commerce guild.

The waitresses attending to the customers were all quite attractive. While not stunning beauties, they were certainly pleasant to look at.

Approaching a counter nonchalantly, he addressed a waitress who was idly playing with her fingers, "Hello, I have some pills I'd like to sell. Could you tell me how to proceed?"

The waitress, Bao Jiaoli, quickly ceased her fidgeting and looked up, her brow furrowing slightly. An old hand at the Golden Vault, she could tell at a glance that Xiao Xiaofan's clothes were of the cheapest sort, and he didn't exude any aura of wealth.

Moreover, he wasn't there to buy, but to sell, which made Bao Jiaoli lose interest. They earned a commission from sales, so Xiao Xiaofan's intent to sell offered them no benefit.

Although there were rewards for acquiring top-quality pills, she didn't believe someone like him would possess such items.

Thus, Bao Jiaoli responded listlessly, "What kind of pills are you selling? Have they reached first grade?"

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Xiaofan spoke softly, "It's a recovery type. As for the grade, I believe it should be first grade."

Alchemists categorize their pills from one to nine grades, with the mythical tenth grade divine pill existing only in legends.

Xiao Xiaofan was aware that his pills were far from ordinary, yet he was uncertain about the true capabilities of a first grade pill, so he refrained from jumping to conclusions.

Upon hearing his words, Bao Jiaoli inwardly scoffed, her expression growing even more impatient.

Just as she suspected, he was nothing more than a country bumpkin!

Recovery type pills? He probably stumbled upon some Qi Recovery Powder or Blood Revival Powder and thought to trade them at the Golden Vault for a quick buck.

For someone dressed like him, it must seem like a fortune!

After all, each of those pills was worth fifty silver coins, enough to afford him several lavish meals!

Xiao Xiaofan's brow furrowed at her attitude, wondering to himself if this was really the level of service at the Golden Vault.

"So, these types of pills are quite common, which means the price..." Bao Jiaoli responded dismissively, but then her attention abruptly shifted past Xiao Xiaofan as she exclaimed with delight, "Young Master Huang! Over here, please!"

Feeling even more displeased, Xiao Xiaofan turned to see a richly dressed man with a few guards approaching.

Huang Tailun arrived and joked, "Well, look at that! Since when did Jiaoli start catering to bumpkins? I'm in a bit of a hurry and came looking for you!"

Despite his words, he made no move to leave, instead watching Bao Jiaoli with a playful gaze.

"Oh, Young Master Huang, you flatter me!" Bao Jiaoli quickly retorted with a flirtatious frown, "This bumpkin is nowhere near as important as you, Young Master Huang. I'll send him on his way immediately!"

"Hey, kid! If you're looking to sell pills, go find someone else to help you. Don't you see I have a guest here?"

For her, Huang Tailun was the esteemed young master of the Huang Family from Sylhasera—a veritable goose that laid golden eggs!

Although the Huang family didn't hold a candle to the three great families, they were still a formidable presence!

In contrast, Xiao Xiaofan was nothing more than a country bumpkin.

Such people usually didn't even register on her radar. What did it matter if he was offended?

Moreover, she was involved with the manager here; this kid couldn't stir up any trouble whatsoever!

Xiao Xiaofan held back his anger and calmly stated, "I believe I was here first. He may be a guest, but doesn't that make me one too?"

"Is this the way Golden Vault is managed?"

"Kid, you've got some nerve!" Huang Tielun interjected with scorn before Bao Jiaoli could react, "But what good is that? Didn't you hear Jiaoli? She's about to entertain me!"

"Golden Vault may be a business hub, but it's not a free-for-all for just anyone!"

"Looking to sell some pills? Fine, there are plenty of lesser commerce guilds outside. Why come here and flaunt your backwater ways?"

Xiao Xiaofan narrowed his eyes at Huang Tielun and retorted without hesitation, "Who are you calling backwater?"

Without thinking, Huang Tielun shot back, "Backwater? That would be you!"

Xiao Xiaofan simply smiled and agreed, "Indeed, backwater."

Huang Tielun was momentarily taken aback, and when the realization dawned on him, he was livid!

He, the scion of the Huang family, had been made a fool of in front of an audience!

Huang Tielun fixed his gaze on Xiao Xiaofan, his teeth clenched in fury, "You're looking for trouble!"

His bodyguards stepped forward, clearly ready to throw down at a moment's notice.

Xiao Xiaofan, sensing the Battle Aura emanating from the trio, smirked. They were mere four-star Warmasters. Although he was at the same level, taking them on was child's play to him!

He then casually remarked, "Young Master Huang, you must be delusional, puffing yourself up like that!"

"You think you can take me down? You and your slightly larger lackeys think you're up to the task?"

Upon hearing this, Huang Tielun's face flushed a deeper shade of red, and with a furious glare, he bellowed at Xiao Xiaofan, "You're digging your own grave! Attack him!"

The three guards sprang into action and lunged at Xiao Xiaofan!

It all unfolded too quickly. Bao Jiaoli tried to intervene but couldn't react in time!

Xiao Xiaofan let out a scornful laugh and advanced instead of retreating, boldly confronting them!

Three loud thuds echoed as Huang Tailun's guards were sent flying through the air!

Huang Tailun stood there, dumbfounded, his face a mask of shock. His fury was doused as if by a bucket of ice water.

Bao Jiaoli gasped, her hand covering her mouth, her eyes wide with astonishment. She could hardly believe that the man she had dismissed as insignificant was so powerful!

Three four-star Warmasters, each dispatched with a single punch!

Xiao Xiaofan coolly withdrew his fist and fixed his gaze on Huang Tailun, saying, "Your guards are subpar. Who do you have left to count on?"

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