Hero Reborn/C18 Bai Luoxi's Shock
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Hero Reborn/C18 Bai Luoxi's Shock
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C18 Bai Luoxi's Shock

Dong Yang and Tan Nuo furrowed their brows, increasingly puzzled by the young lady's behavior.

They had assumed that since the young lady was personally meeting with him, Xiao Xiaofan must have something unique to offer. Yet, it seemed he was only there to sell some recovery pills.

Moreover, from his attire and demeanor, it was difficult to imagine he had any premium items. They were likely just common, level-one pills.

Bai Luoxi, however, seemed unconcerned. With a smile, she said, "Then please present it for my inspection. I assure you, I'll offer the best possible price!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Xiaofan nodded, retrieved a middle-grade Rejuvenation Pill from his system bag, and handed it to Bai Luoxi, saying, "This pill isn't anything special. I'm afraid it might disappoint you, Miss Bai."

Bai Luoxi smiled, accepting the pill with her delicate fingers. Her attention quickly shifted, though, as she was taken aback that Xiaofan possessed a spatial storage treasure!

Tan Nuo, who had initially appeared dismissive, suddenly had her pupils contract upon seeing the pill. Her voice quivered as she asked, "Miss, may I examine the pill you're holding?"

Caught off guard by the request, Bai Luoxi handed over the pill to Tan Nuo, murmuring, "Of course, Senior Tan, feel free to take a look."

Internally, Bai Luoxi was astonished. Tan Nuo was no ordinary individual; she was a fourth-level alchemist!

For the Golden Vault, a prestigious family business, a fourth-level alchemist was an exceedingly rare asset.

Even at the Golden Vault's flagship store, there was only one fifth-level alchemist in residence.

Tan Nuo had been in Bai Luoxi's company for some time, yet this was the first instance she had witnessed such a reaction from her!

Could it be that there was something extraordinary about this pill that could unsettle Tan Nuo, a seasoned fourth-level alchemist?

Dong Yang's reaction was even more pronounced. Having known Tan Nuo for a much longer period than Bai Luoxi, he was well aware of her character.

Renowned for her arrogance, Tan Nuo seldom regarded ordinary people with any interest. It seemed that only the most exceptional pills could elicit such an emotional response from her.

Curiosity sparked in his gaze as he looked at Xiao Xiaofan. The pill that had excited Tan Nuo was certainly no ordinary concoction!

Xiao Xiaofan, however, was the epitome of ease. He casually picked up the tea prepared for him on the table and took a sip.

His nonchalant demeanor appeared to others as if he had everything under control, which only elevated their opinion of him.

What they didn't realize was that Xiao Xiaofan was completely unaware of Tan Nuo's identity, which explained his lack of nervousness.

Even if he had been aware, he would have been merely surprised at most. He had great confidence in the effectiveness of his pills.

Though they might not be of the highest quality, they certainly wouldn't cause any harm. What could anyone possibly do to him, after all?

Tan Nuo, on the other hand, gingerly accepted the pill and cradled it in her palm, her eyes gleaming as she beheld the middle-grade Spring-Returning Pill before her.

It was as if, to her, the pill was not merely a medicinal item but a rare piece of art.

Her expression oscillated between shock, joy, confusion, and admiration, as if the pill had cast a spell over her.

Bai Luoxi, observing this, couldn't resist asking softly, "Senior Tan, is there an issue with this pill?"

Tan Nuo, momentarily lost in her admiration of the middle-grade Spring-Returning Pill, snapped back to reality and, with a hint of reluctance, handed the pill back to Bai Luoxi. She sighed deeply and said, "Miss, there's absolutely no issue with this pill! In fact, it's the most perfect pill I've ever encountered!"

Bai Luoxi and Dong Yang's hearts missed a beat upon hearing this, and they stared at Tan Nuo in astonishment.

What was so special about this pill that a fourth-level alchemist would praise it so highly?

Tan Nuo, seemingly oblivious to their amazement, continued with a wistful sigh, "This pill has reached the third level, and it even has a pill cloud shimmering within. Its structure is so flawless, it seems as if nature itself crafted it without a single impurity."

"In all my years, I've never known an alchemist capable of achieving such a feat!"

"And throughout history, there's been only one person who could create such a pill!"

"That would be the legendary figure known as the only Divine Alchemist throughout the ages!"

Bai Luoxi's mouth fell open in surprise at these words. The pill she had thought so modest had actually attained a third-level status, whereas she had assumed it was merely a first-level pill!

The most crucial aspect was Tan Nuo's high praise. Although Bai Luoxi lacked knowledge in pill refining, she was well aware of the legendary figure Duantai Boyu, the epitome of every alchemist's aspirations!

The pill before her was one that only Duantai Boyu could craft!

This fact alone could multiply the pill's value several times over!

The burning question was, who actually refined this pill?

Despite Xiao Xiaofan presenting it, Bai Luoxi doubted he was the creator.

She had never heard of such a young, third-level alchemist, especially one who could craft a third-level pill with the prowess of a Warmaster!

Xiao Xiaofan himself was quite taken aback. Even though he was clueless about pill refining, he could tell that his mid-grade Spring-Returning Pill was of a much higher caliber than he had initially thought.

Once Tan Nuo snapped out of her amazement, she eagerly asked Xiao Xiaofan, "Young man, may I inquire who your master is? Did he craft this pill?"

Bai Luoxi's suspicions were confirmed; Xiao Xiaofan was indeed no ordinary individual!

In Lukish, alchemists held esteemed positions, and one could only imagine the power and prestige of an alchemist capable of producing such a pill!

At that moment, Xiao Xiaofan was perceived by Bai Luoxi as the disciple of a reclusive master, undergoing trials in Sylhasera for reasons unknown.

Xiao Xiaofan himself was somewhat bewildered. When had he acquired a master?

Upon reflection, he realized the value of his Middle-Grade Rejuvenation Pill. They found it hard to believe he had crafted it, given his youthful appearance.

Xiao Xiaofan chose not to correct their assumptions. He understood the wisdom in not standing out too much and saw the advantage in cultivating the image of having an elusive master to elevate his stature in their eyes.

With this in mind, Xiao Xiaofan calmly stated, "I regret that I cannot disclose my master's name, but indeed, this pill was casually crafted by him."

"Is that so? If my master prefers to keep it a secret, I won't pry any further." Tan Nuo felt a twinge of disappointment but quickly came to terms with it. It was common knowledge that esteemed masters often chose not to disclose their names. Persisting with questions might only irritate them. She then expressed her curiosity, "I've never encountered this pill before, and I'm not familiar with the Middle-Grade Rejuvenation Pill. Could you tell me about its effects?"

By now, Bai Luoxi was so overwhelmed by shock that she barely reacted to Tan Nuo's lack of knowledge about the pill's powers.

Hearing this, Xiao Xiaofan shook his head and responded with a hint of resignation, "The benefits might let you down, Senior Tan. It merely allows for an instant recovery of twenty-five percent of one's injuries and the depleted Battle Aura, followed by an additional fifteen percent restoration over the next five seconds."

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