Heroes In Three Kingdoms/C1 Yang Family Villa
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Heroes In Three Kingdoms/C1 Yang Family Villa
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C1 Yang Family Villa

The snowstorm grew fiercer and fiercer, even the sky seemed to freeze. The entire Little Flood Mountain was covered with a thick silver blanket, and large snowflakes were like catkins dancing in the air, fluttering along with the wind. In the mountains and in the forest, there was nothing but a vast expanse of whiteness. It was a world of silver.

He saw three tall figures slowly walking up the mountain as they formed a shape. They were wearing long, black fur coats, black fur hats, holding long bows in their hands, and long swords hanging from their waists. They were walking on the thick snow, braving the howling wind, searching step by step.

On the hillside, in the snow in front of them, lay a long black shadow. It did not move for a long time, and the snow had almost covered up the shadow. A few hunters approached the black shadow quietly, their arrows already nocked and nocked.

"Slow, he looks like a person."

Suddenly, the middle-aged hunter let go of the bowstring and raised his right hand, stopping the two young hunters. The three of them hesitated for a moment, then put away their bows, drew their long hunting knives from their waists, and slowly walked towards the black shadow.

"It's a person!"

Bei Feng whistled as he carried the snowflakes in his hands and swirled between the mountains. He produced a series of whizzing sounds as he slammed his hands against the windows and doors of the dilapidated houses at the foot of the mountain. In the fire pit of the broken house, a young man lay quietly, a slight smile on his handsome face. Several people stood in front of the crater, surrounding him as they whispered to each other.

"Look at this child. He slept for an entire night, so why isn't he awake yet?"

"It's fine, he's just freezing. His body is still warm and he doesn't have a fever. His breath is fine too. Maybe he'll wake up later."

"Bro, just look at how sturdy he is. Who knows? You might not even be able to beat him."

"Look at his fair and clean skin and tender flesh. He is definitely a young master and doesn't have much strength. But he's quite heavy, and when I carried him yesterday, it was like carrying a stone. "

"Whose child is it that sleeps in the snow in broad daylight?"

In his half asleep state, Yang Lin heard a few people talking, he was agitated for a moment and involuntarily opened his eyes. He immediately saw four tall figures standing in front of him, two middle-aged men and women, and two young men around the age of 20.

They were all dressed in matching outfits, and although there were a few patches on their clothes, they were also clean. They wore beast-skinned overcoats with long hair tied around their heads. Their hands were tucked into their sleeves as they revealed anxious expressions on their faces.

"He's awake."

The youngest boy was the first to notice his movements. He suddenly opened his eyes wide, as if he had discovered a miracle. He pulled his hand out from his sleeve, pointed his finger at him, and uttered a sharp scream.

"Are you better?" Can you get up? "

When the middle-aged man saw that he had opened his eyes, he hurriedly asked with concern. The two young men also came over, their eyes full of surprise and joy. The middle-aged woman looked at Yang Lin with concern, greeting him with a slight smile.

"Are you okay?"

Listening to this family speak, Yang Lin felt a wild joy in his heart, he understood that he had been saved. As he was on a business trip, he finally got back on the plane but was met with a thunderstorm. Before the flight attendants finished reminding him, he heard the sound of thunder. All that was left in his memory was that flash of lightning, and then he didn't know anything.

He hastily pulled his hands from under the covers and looked closely at them. Looking at his familiar hands, not even the patterns on them changed, he was sure that this was him. Oh god, it was still that pair of big white hands. He couldn't help but feel ecstatic. The heavens were not bad to him even though he fell from such a high sky.

"What's the matter with you?"

The middle-aged man asked with concern, his face full of suspicion. He couldn't understand why this young man was looking at him with such a blank expression. Or was his brain having a fever? He gently extended his left hand and touched Yang Lin's forehead.

"I'm fine. "Thank you. Thank you for saving me."

No matter what happened, since he had survived, it would be a miracle that he had survived the plane crash. As for why he was still alive, perhaps only the heavens knew, and he might never understand. Who cares? As long as he was alive, he would be the victor. Yang Lin couldn't help but laugh.

"What's your name?"

His smile was hanging on his face, appearing exceptionally warm and amiable. This was a typical meeting, he wasn't polite to Yang Lin and immediately sat beside him, happily chatting with him.

"My name is Yang Lin, what about you?"

"My name is Yang Bao, this is my brother Yang Hu, and this is my father, and this is my mother."

"Hello, Uncle. Hello, Auntie. Hello, Yang Hu."

The middle-aged man seemed much heavier. He and Yang Hu faintly smiled, and nodded towards Yang Lin as a form of greeting. Yang Hu's mother turned around and left. She walked into the room and took out some clothes from a large wooden chest. She then came back and handed them over to Yang Lin.

"These are the clothes of Yang Hu and Yang Bao. I think you two should be able to wear them. Get dressed and I'll cook for you. After being frozen in the snow for so long, you should be hungry, right? "

"Thank you."

Yang Lin politely started to put on his clothes, but he was immediately stunned. It wasn't that their clothes were complicated, but this ancient style Yang Lin had never seen before. Holding a few pieces of clothes in his hands, he turned them over and over. Yang Bao smiled and took the initiative to help Yang Lin put on his clothes.

While wearing his clothes, Yang Lin specially checked his body in detail. He was extremely familiar with every part of his body. Walking down the hole, he stretched his limbs. He found that all the parts on his body were still in good condition, full of vitality. They seemed to be even more energetic than before. This made him feel very gratified, and his mood immediately improved.

Yang Hu and Yang Bao's physiques were similar to him, so their clothes fit perfectly. Wearing a beast-skin coat, the fluffy feeling made his body quickly warm up. He immediately felt mighty and majestic, and he looked somewhat like a hero honorably walking up the mountain.

He looked around. It was a low house, made of mud, with a reed wall, a thatched roof, and a fire pit also made of mud. It seemed that there were only these rooms, and that their clothes, shoes, hats, pots, and pans were all kept in them. Even the cooking stove was built in the house.

"So poor."

To his surprise, there were several hunting knives and bows and arrows hanging on the mud wall. There were also several bags of arrows made of bamboo, and there were also three long Red Cherry guns leaning against the wall. Yang Lin, who loved knives, took out a few hunting knives out of curiosity and carefully looked at them for a long time. The short hunting knife's edge was around two feet long, and it could be grasped with one hand. The blade was light, so it was good for piercing and cutting. The sharp edge of the long hunting knife was around four feet long. It could be grasped with both hands. The long and narrow blade was conducive to stabbing and hacking, just like a saber.

Yang Hu's mother was rather quick, and soon brought the dishes to the table. There was fish, meat, meat, wine, and rice. Yang Lin did not recognize what kind of fish or meat they were.

"With wine and meat, your lives are pretty good."

"Heh, heh, didn't you come here today? It's been so long since our family has a guest at home, we have to give them a toothpick."

Yang Hu didn't like to speak, so he smiled at Yang Lin and softly said this to him. He made Yang Lin sit down, and the family gathered around the table to drink. Yang Lin's stomach was indeed a little hungry. Without caring about being polite, he picked up the bowl of fish soup and drank a mouthful.

"It tastes so good."

If it weren't for the fact that it was too hot and he didn't dare to drink it too fast, he probably wouldn't have had the chance to taste the delicious fish soup. Yang Lin didn't bother to exchange pleasantries with his family. He drank a few mouthfuls of fish soup and was able to taste the flavor. Only then did he raise his head and praise them.

"What kind of fish is this? The smell is so fresh, and it's even more natural. It's unlike those that were raised by humans; it has a fishy smell."

"What?" What did you say? "

The family clearly didn't understand what Yang Lin was talking about. What was' pure nature '? What artificial breeding? They looked at him with wide, surprised eyes. It was like looking at a monster, and when they were hunting, they would sometimes see a monster as well.

"Do you not understand my Mandarin?"

He had already recognized the family's dialect from the southern parts of Henan Province and the northern part of Anhui Province. How could he not understand the family's language when he was born on the northern border of Henan Province and Hubei Province?

Yang Hu shook his head. He had no idea what Mandarin was, nor did he know what dialect was. Everything this young man said made him feel a sense of novelty. He couldn't help but grin and continue to speak in his dialect.

"I only understand what you said about the fish being delicious. I don't understand anything else. Where are you from? "

"I am from Jingzhou. "What is this place?"

"This is the Yang Family Manor of Zhuang Prefecture in Yuzhou."

"The Fiery Gilt Steel?"

Yang Lin softly whispered, his face full of doubt. There's no such place, just where did I land? No, no, I remember most of the county names in the country. Besides, where is the county now? Yang Lin became more and more confused.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through Yang Lin's mind. 'Should I be crossing time and space to arrive in ancient times?' How could it be okay to fall from that high altitude? Was it the lightning that sent him to ancient times? He hesitated for a moment, a little nervous.

"Uncle, what year is it this year?"

"Light and six years of winter and moon."

"Six years of light?"

Yang Lin was stunned. His guess had been confirmed. So, he had really gone back to the ancient era. However, this light was not very familiar to him. What dynasty was this? If it was a peaceful and prosperous life, then that would be great. It would be a waste to make a fortune in the business, marry a few wives, and have a family of children.

"Uncle, do you know what's going on in Zhuque County?"

"Big matter? What was so important about this mountain? But your words really did remind me, a few days ago when I went to the city to sell some mountain goods, I saw something written in front of the official's door: "The heavens are dead, the sky is dead, the sky is yellow, the age is sixty, the world is great, I don't know what it means."

"Ah …"

At this time, Yang Lin was completely speechless. All the questions from before were clear, no wonder they were all wearing ancient clothes with long hair. So it turns out that I've come to the ancient era, to the beginning of the Three Kingdoms period! "

Yang Lin was quite familiar with Chinese history. Although he did not remember any light or six years, he was also a fan of the Three Kingdoms and was quite familiar with those slogans. In the following year, it was the first year of Zhongping, which was also 184 AD, when a peasant revolt with a yellow scarf on his head broke out.

Heavens, why am I so unlucky! It must have been that bolt of lightning that struck him until ancient times. They say that the probability of being struck by lightning is much less than the probability of winning the lottery, yet I still didn't see it. I didn't even get the chance to win the one hundred yuan prize.

God, I also have elderly parents, gentle wives, and lovely sons. They all cannot leave me. I am the pillar of the family. Without me, would they still have the courage to live?

Suddenly, a wave of unprecedented sorrow flooded Yang Lin's heart, and he couldn't help but tear up. He quickly cupped his face in his hands, bowed his head, and burst into tears.

"Why are you crying? How did I offend you? "

That middle-aged man saw Yang Lin's tears suddenly drop, he was a little confused, I didn't say what did you say, I was just thinking whether you were a fool or not, I also didn't say it out loud, what are you crying for?

Yang Lin found it difficult to suppress the grief in his heart as he cried in grief. When he lost all his loved ones, the pain in his heart could not be expressed in words. Only by relying on his tears could he lighten the pain in his heart.

The family looked at the crying Yang Lin, not knowing what to say. They didn't say anything that made him sad, nor did they do anything that made him sad? He could only sit quietly beside her.

After a long time, Yang Lin finally calmed down. The crying gradually subsided, but his brain was working fast. No matter what, since he was already here, he definitely couldn't go back. He had to think of a way to survive. Since the heavens had given him a chance to be reborn, he must live a better life. He couldn't disappoint the heavens, nor could he give up on himself.

It is too late to be sad. Hurry up and think of a way. Later on, how can I tell them where I come from? Where am I going? Where are my family? Where is my friend? Seeing Yang Lin slowly stop crying, the middle-aged man carefully said to Yang Lin.

"Sorry for making you sad, we didn't do it on purpose."

Yang Lin slowly stopped crying and raised his head. His eyes were filled with determination. The past is past, and all I have now is the future. I don't have any relatives in this world, but they are all in that world. I hope they can live better in that world.

"I don't blame you. I'm sad for myself. In this world, I don't have any relatives. I traveled everywhere to study, and when I walked here, I met a group of robbers. They stole my clothes and clothes, then knocked me out and threw me into the snow. Fortunately, I met you. I really don't know how to thank you. "

As he finished speaking, Yang Lin lowered his head and cried a few more times, but he was no longer as sad as before and couldn't even shed a few tears. I don't have any relatives in this world, just in that time and space, and I wish they would live better in that time and space.

Yang Hu's family didn't expect this to be a person from the future. In front of them, there was only a student in distress, a homeless and destitute scholar. The virtue of our national tradition made them understand Yang Lin's suffering, and Yang Hu Niang was kind enough to persuade Yang Lin.

"Don't be sad, since there is no one left, we won't be living there. If you still want to study, then leave. If you don't want to study, then stay here with us." In any case, we rely on hunting to survive, so it's not too much to have one extra person, and it's not too little to have one less person. "

Yang Hu's mother looked at Yang Lin with admiration. These days, there weren't many people who could study, much less go out to study. It was the kind of leisure and pleasantries that only the rich and influential families had.

When Yang Bao heard this, he became even more excited. In the future, they would have one more companion to hunt, so it would be more lively in the mountains. Unlike his father and brother, Yang Bao would not say anything after entering the mountains.

"Yes, you stay here. From now on, you will follow us into the mountains to hunt. Say that you are my cousin. "You also happen to have the surname Yang, just say that my cousin's family is in trouble and is here to rely on us. They don't know my cousin's name anyways, and no one has seen my cousin before."

After Yang Hu's mother heard what Yang Bao said, she seemed to recall a sad past. She stopped eating and immediately revealed a sad expression. She looked at Yang Lin and muttered.

"That's right. Ten years passed in a flash. Your uncle's family never came again. I wonder how they are doing." "Alright, in the future when we meet people from the village, just say that your cousin is here."

"Thank you so much."

Seeing the family that they had coincidentally met being so kind to him, putting themselves in his shoes everywhere for his own benefit, this was a simple and honest mountain villager. Yang Lin's heart felt warm.

"No need to thank me. Do you know how to hunt? No? Then teach me how to read, and I'll teach you how to hunt. "I tell you, my arrows are better than my brother's, and there is no one in our village who can shoot better than me."

"You're bragging again. Dad's better at shooting than you."

Seeing the two brothers arguing, Yang Lin carefully sized up the entire family. This was truly a family of giants. As a basketball player, he was also a tall person in that world. But he didn't expect that Yang Hu and Yang Bao would be around the same height as him.

Yang Hu's father was not that old and was about the same height as him. However, his wrinkled face was covered with wrinkles and his eyes were brimming with vigor. Although Yang Hu's father was pretty, the hardships of life were written on his forehead. Only Yang Hu and Yang Bao were tall and filled with vigor.

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