Highly Skilled Country Doctor/C7 Deep mountain visit
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Highly Skilled Country Doctor/C7 Deep mountain visit
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C7 Deep mountain visit

"Why can't I sit here? You don't allow me to eat or drink in the kitchen until I'm full? " Yang Erlang kept staring at her, "I'm the owner of a thousand yuan!"

"Even if you follow One Thousand Yuan, you still can't enter here!" Yang Shufen angrily stared at Yang Er. She didn't know why, but when she saw the look in this baby's eyes, she got angry! Especially when she thought about how this baby wanted to cover her ass, she couldn't help but get angry.

"Yo, Shufen, what are you doing?" I dragged him in. "

Although Li Shangxiang didn't understand what was going on between them, he quickly won over Yang Erlang.

"Hmph, tell him to eat his fill and quickly scram!" Yang Shufen pouted her lips as she hatefully glanced at Yang Erlang who was eating and drinking. She didn't want to offend Li Shangxiang. According to seniority, Li Shangxiang was her cousin.

Yang Shufen came out with an angry look on her face as she thought of a plan to make Yang Erlang come out. But for some reason, when she thought about how this brat was going to go easy on her, her thoughts froze. Even until now, she was still shocked by Yang Er. That thing had given her a strong visual impact.

About half an hour later, Yang Erlang walked out of the kitchen with a complacent look on his face. He also carried some leftovers and a bottle of undrunk earth bubbles. These were all given to him by Li Shangxiang.

Everyone began to speculate about Li Shangxiang's attitude. Perhaps it was because Yang Erlang had a thousand dollars with him, but for this reason, he could not think of any other reason. After all, Li Shangxiang was a prideful person and wouldn't casually treat a man well.

Only Yang Er knew the reason. Li Shangxiang had made an appointment with him to work at his hut tonight! Give him enough to eat and drink, only then would he have the energy to work at night!

Having been disturbed twice, especially this time, made Li Shangxiang hold his breath. No matter what, he had to eat Yang Erlang's mouthful of fresh food tonight!

Yang Erlang was initially worried that Li Shangxiang might be afraid of the burial site, but after seeing Li Shangxiang's enthusiasm, he agreed. Great, pick her up at the bottom of the hill so she won't be frightened.

When he returned to the thatched cottage, Yang Erlang was once again indulging himself in random food and drinks. This soak is really strong. If I knew earlier, I would have gone through more bottles. When he thought of the thousand dollars he had left, he felt his heart ache again.

If not for Yang Shufen going to university, he definitely wouldn't have followed so much money. He had used up more than ten years of his savings! He always treated Yang Shufen as his wife. From the day she was spanked, he had vowed to get her.

However, their status and position were far too lacking! Moreover, after she went to university, she might not return to the village anymore. Thinking of this, Yang Erlang's feelings became complicated. He held the wine cup and drank a few more mouthfuls of mud bubbles.

It was already 11pm when he woke up again. Yang Erlang lit up a cigarette and looked at the clock on the wall. Only then did he recall his agreement with Li Shangxiang. A woman's voice came from outside the door before he could set off down the mountain.

"Are you in a daze? I'm your Sis Shang Xiang. " Li Shangxiang called out from outside the door in a low voice. This girl really did remember him. It's already so late, why aren't you coming! This mountain road was hard to traverse, so the mass graves were even more frightening.

Hearing Li Shangxiang's voice, Yang Erlang responded and then pulled open the door. Sure enough, Li Shangxiang, who was outside the door, was looking at him. Perhaps he had just been thinking about Yang Shufen's buttocks. His place had already changed, causing Li Shangxiang to feel a surge of envy.

After what happened in the afternoon, she spent half the night thinking about Yang Erlang. If he were to start working, wouldn't that be even more amazing?

Just now, the men of her family had been called to drink wine by the village chief, Yang Lagan, before sneaking out of the house. He stomped up the hill. In front of the huge bath, the burial site didn't seem so scary anymore.

"Hur hur, are you missing me?" A "Zi Zi" sound came from the corner of Li Shangxiang's mouth.

"Come in quickly, Sister Shang Xiang." Yang Er was overjoyed. Yang Shufen might not be able to eat it, but wasn't the person in front of him, Li Shangxiang, at the mouth? It was good to taste her first.

He unceremoniously walked around her, causing Li Shangxiang to pant heavily.

"Softer, are you trying to make trouble for me?" Li Shangxiang struggled, but he couldn't break Yang Erlang's strange hands.

Yang Erlang ignored everything and continued exploring. The more Li Shangxiang struggled, the more interested he became. In any case, since it was someone else's wife, it didn't matter if she slept soundly, so he wouldn't feel any heartache.

"Don't move, you're sick. I'm here to see you. " Yang Erlang smiled warmly as he studied her clothes and body. In particular, the cover attracted his great interest.

"Am I sick? Are you trying to trick me? " Li Shangxiang panted and retorted, "Besides, you're not a doctor, even if you're sick, you won't look!"

After being tossed around by Yang Ergong, her whole body felt uncomfortable! Noticing Yang Dian slightly loosen his grip, he grabbed at Yang Erlang's flagpole! Perhaps it was because he had eaten his fill, but this place was even more overpowered than it was in the afternoon. Li Shangxiang's breathing became more rapid.

"How is it, Sister Shang Xiang? Shall we continue with what we didn't finish at noon? " Yang Dian rubbed her chest with one hand and pinched her little face with the other.

It seemed like Yang Lei Hu's calf could no longer satisfy her! This woman was born with great expectations. Especially when her body was in a bad condition, there was no end to it. With Yang Lei Hu's hollowed out body, he definitely wouldn't be able to serve her!

Yang Erlang chuckled and pinched her chest to the point that it was somewhat deformed.

"Er Ran, don't be like that. I will kill you in disaster! " It was unknown where Li Shangxiang got the energy from, but she struggled to pull open Yang Erlang's strange hands and tore off his underpants.

The moment she pulled down Yang Er's underwear, her expression became very wonderful. Just now, he could feel the change through the clothes, but he didn't expect it to be this great! He could not help but take in a breath of cold air.

"I say, why have you changed so much? We f * cking caught up to the donkey carving! " Her voice was a little shaky, and when she called out the two words "Second Haze", it was filled with boundless gentleness.

At noon, this was within the category of normal men. Although it was a 'cow wall', it was understandable. However, in her current state, besides making her excited, there was also a faint trace of fear!

If her Thunder Tiger was compared to Erlang Shen, it would truly be called a matchstick! Even if he had taken the pill, Lei Hu wouldn't be able to compare to Erlang Shen! They were on completely different levels! Thinking of this, Li Shangxiang's eyes emitted a green light.

In the past few years, the Thunder Tiger had been acting recklessly outside, so it had almost no combat strength at home. I only deal with it a few times when I'm in a hurry. He simply did not care about his own life! I haven't been a real woman in years!

Now, she only wanted to use this to satisfy her craving and wanted to be a happy woman! She used her trembling little hands to slowly reach underneath Yang Er.

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