Holy Vampire/C4 Robbing
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Holy Vampire/C4 Robbing
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C4 Robbing

The Hunchbacked Beast leisurely carried Little Zhao's family on its back as they walked on the dirt road. From time to time, waves of hearty laughter would come from the Hunchbacked Beast.

It was almost noon, and Little Zhao decided to stop and rest for a while. He laid the beast skin on the ground by the side of the road, letting his wife carry his son to sit down.

Big Baldy, who had been silently following behind Little Zhao and his family, was very satisfied with the place they were in and the place they were not in at all. He brought the short man and the others to surround them.

After a long period of hunting, Little Zhao had a keen sense of danger, so when he saw the four people surrounding them, he knew that it was not good. He immediately put down what he was doing, pulled out his machete, and rushed to his wife's side. What are you trying to do? "

The question caused the three cyan skinned men under the baldy's command to laugh out loud. Even the corners of the baldy's mouth curled up. It was as if every single person they robbed had asked this question without the slightest bit of novelty in them. Then, these people would obediently hand over the money to them.

"Who are we? What was he going to do?! Let me tell you, we are robbers! Robbing, do you understand!? "Haha …" The short man next to the bald man said. This made Little Zhao and his wife, who had never experienced this kind of thing before, pale. It seemed that in their past lives, the word "robbery" was very distant from them. How could they have imagined that they would encounter this kind of thing after just coming out of the mountains?

Looking at the expressions of the two, a few of the green-skinned men burst into laughter, feeling extremely carefree in their hearts. However, no one present noticed that the corner of the infant's eyes twitched, and his face flushed red from holding in his breath in such a strange manner.

"Let me tell you, it's not easy for us bros to come all the way here today. As long as you obediently hand over the money, we can still spare your lives. "Don't even think about resisting. You know that you're a hunter, but you might not know that my elder brother is an Origin Qi Scholar!" Although the hunter looked pale, he still held onto his machete tightly as if he did not want to give up. The short one became a bit angry and directly brought out his big bald head.

Hearing that the big bald man was an Origin Qi Scholar, Little Zhao was shocked. Origin Qi Scholars were extremely respected in the Duchy, but in that small mountain village, Origin Qi Scholars were legends. Very few people had seen them.

"What should I do?" Little Zhao was extremely anxious. He looked at the similarly pale face of his daughter-in-law and the swaddled son behind him and made a decision. If he had to blame someone, he could only blame his carelessness at that time for allowing others to find out the truth.

Seeing that the hunter didn't say anything, the short, green-skinned man gave him a look, and the nearby green-skinned man quickly jumped on the Hunchbacked Beast tied to the side, rolling about on it. He didn't know if it was intentionally, but the things that Little Zhao and the others bought yesterday were all messed up, and they even found the underwear that Little Zhao sold to his wife.

"What you want, is under the Hunchbacked Beast's mat!" Little Zhao felt his heart ache. That was a whole 10 gold coins! Before in the village, a man who had only come into contact with copper coins and seen silver coins had never received such a large amount of "money." How could Little Zhao not feel sad? In the span of two years, the amount of furs that he had saved with all his might only amounted to ten gold coins, five silver coins, and some copper coins. Yesterday, he had spent less than a silver coin. He turned around and looked at his wife again before sighing. Let her be. As long as she was still alive, she could earn it back sooner or later.

Only after receiving Little Zhao's reminder did his skin turn over and over again. Only then did he dig out a small packet from beneath the seat cushion. When he opened it to take a look, his eyes immediately bulged out! The orange, golden thing almost dazzled the green eyes. This, this was the light of gold coins. Qing Pi confirmed the guess in his mind at the first moment. He felt a wave of excitement that he had never felt before. How great would it be if all of it belonged to him! His heartbeat quickened, and he could almost hear it. Faintly, there seemed to be a distant voice calling out to him. He tilted his head and saw "Dwarf" standing there, calling for him.

"What did you find? He, he … why aren't you quickly coming down and letting your big brother see!"

Cold sweat immediately appeared on his back when he saw the bald man looking at him coldly. One must know that, not long ago, a companion of his who was greedy for only a silver coin was slowly crushed by the bald man's hand that was holding the money in front of everyone's eyes. The mournful cry still echoed in his ears. "Qing Pi felt a lingering fear. He must have been blinded by a ghost just now. How could he have forgotten that this evil star was still here?

As he thought of this, Qing Zi didn't dare to dawdle any longer. He immediately jumped off the Hunchbacked Beast and respectfully handed the small bag to Baldy. Looking inside, he was also surprised for a moment. He never thought that there would be such a harvest today, one silver coin was enough for a family of three to eat and drink for a month. The gold coins in this small bag was equivalent to a huge sum of money for those who were at the bottom of the bottom. The baldy could be considered a person who had seen much of the world. However, after being blinded by the gold coin, he immediately covered it up and put it away. The short guy who was the closest to the baldy forcefully swallowed his saliva. If he hadn't seen wrongly just now, that was gold coins! Gold coins!

However, after glancing at the expressionless baldy, the short man knew that it was impossible for this item to be shared with him. Thus, he suppressed his sinister thoughts.

The bald Boss was clearly very satisfied with his harvest this time. He waved his hand, preparing to leave.

"Hold on, boss!" The short, azure-skinned obviously didn't want to leave like this. He glanced at the bosom of the baldy. There was no hope for the gold coin, but it was too boring to return with no benefits. Since this hunter dared not act rashly due to his reputation as a "warrior", he might as well maximize the benefits.

"Boss, since the Hunchbacked Beasts have gold coins on them, do you think they don't have it on them!?" Seeing the baldy looking at him, the short, green-skinned man quickly spoke out his thoughts. If he was not fast, he would be slapped if he was slow.

The baldy was clearly moved as he turned to look at Little Zhao. Little Zhao even had the heart to kill the short guy, Qing Pi. With a few silver coins on him, it seemed like he wouldn't be able to protect himself. Little Zhao looked at his wife and son, then took out the small bag holding the money and threw it at the short man's feet. He said coldly: "This is our last bit of money, take it all. Can we go now?"

The short guy quickly picked up the small bag and looked inside. He was disappointed. There were only a few silver coins and copper coins inside. After seeing the gold coins and then seeing the "small money", he felt that it was completely meaningless. He gave the small bag to the baldy, but the bald man only glanced at it once, then gave it to the short man, giving it to the three of them to share. Normally, this amount of money was no small amount. After all, since he had come out on this trip without even doing anything and had easily obtained a sum of money, why wouldn't he do it!? However, after seeing the shiny gold coins, they felt that something was off. Even the silver coins that had excited them in the past had lost their appeal.

After rolling his eyes a few times, he came up with an idea and suggested to the baldy: "Boss, it's not easy for us to make a trip. Look, this little family is so rich, why don't we take down that woman and child and let this hunter get some gold coins when he gets home!"

This time, the baldy directly agreed. It was most likely because he saw that Little Zhao was able to happily take the gold. He probably wouldn't care about the gold coins.

"Did you hear that, hunter? Leave your woman and children behind as hostages. Go back home and get them. Give them 100 gold coins in exchange!" Obviously, there were very few businesses like this one. The short guy with green skin casually said a number.

If he didn't die in silence, then explode forth in silence!

Originally, Little Zhao thought that as long as the people were fine, they would be fine. How could he have imagined that these people would be so greedy that they would advance so much. Not to mention not having the hundred gold coins, even if they had, they would still request for more. Thinking of this, Little Zhao made up his mind. In these two years, the long term hunting activities had erased the traces of dirt on Little Zhao's body and stimulated the blood energy hidden within his body.

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