Journey Through The Animation World/C31 Lovely Anna
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Journey Through The Animation World/C31 Lovely Anna
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C31 Lovely Anna

Liu Tianyu cut off half of the remaining four catties of roast beef and put it on the plate for Anna: "Here, eat it, little girl, you must have something to do, right? If you don't have the strength, you can't do it no matter how much you want to, right? Hurry up and eat!"

Anna looked over at the plate Liu Tianyu handed to her. She had already been attracted by the smell of the roast beef, and her stomach was growling. When she saw the piece of roast beef that looked like a piece of art, she couldn't help but have stars appear in her eyes.

After all, she had been summoned out because she did not have a master to supply her with magic power, so she could only maintain the current boundary by eating. In this forest, other than the Devil Beast, there were only wild fruits, and she had always been eating wild fruits to barely maintain the current boundary.

Naturally, she was very happy that such an exquisite delicacy had suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Ah!" Anna used her little hand to pick up the roast beef and took a small bite. She immediately couldn't help but scream out loud. Luckily, this was a proper novel, otherwise the spirit of XX would have already left.

After Anna tasted the deliciousness of the roast beef, she immediately began to eat it little by little. Not long after, she had finished half a kilogram of roast beef.

Liu Tianyu could not help but be a little puzzled. He could not understand how this petite figure could fit in such a large plate of roast beef. After all, other than a certain ahoge king with a "gut."

The appetite of the other heroic spirits should be about the same as ordinary people. After all, the heroic spirits only ate to replenish their magic. Eating too much would be too much.

"I am full. Thank you for your hospitality. I am leaving now."

Anna clearly knew that she would be embarrassed if she ate, so she lowered her head and prepared to leave.

When Liu Tianyu saw Anna wanting to leave, how could he let her go? Wouldn't that mean that he had come here in vain? He immediately signaled with his eyes for the experienced Merlin to coax Anna to go back with them.

When Merlin saw Liu Tianyu's expression, he really wanted to tell him that he was good at dealing with young girls and noblewomen, not lolis. But when he saw Liu Tianyu's terrifying gaze, he could only bite the bullet and go on the offensive.

"At least tell us your name and what you intend to do in this dangerous forest."

Merlin immediately stopped in front of Anna and said with a smile.

Anna looked at Merlin's kind smile and didn't know why, but she suddenly wanted to wave the sickle at his face, but she resisted the urge.

Lowering her head, she said coldly, "My name is Anna. As for the reason why I'm here, I can't say."

"Aha, then Miss Anna, look at this forest, it's very dangerous and there are a lot of Devil Beasts. Why don't you come with us to Uruk?

You know how strong we are, and the big brother is going to cook you good food, and don't you want to try the big brother's cooking? '"

Anna was about to leave when she heard the first half, but when she heard that she could still eat Liu Tianyu's food, she immediately stopped and a struggling expression appeared on her cute face.

After all, although she hated humans, the chances of her doing something by herself were still too slim.

Moreover, she could only eat wild fruits in the forest. Compared to Liu Tianyu's extremely delicious food, she quickly came up with the answer.

"Alright, I can agree to follow you guys, but the prerequisite is that he has to cook food for me."

Anna sighed, then coldly agreed to Merlin.

"Hey, that's great. The gentle and handsome big brother is me. My name is Merlin, and that cold and sharp-tongued big brother who is handsome and capable of literature and martial arts is called Liu Tianyu. In that case, Anna, please guide me."

Merlin smiled warmly and was about to introduce himself when he saw Liu Tianyu's kind smile and immediately praised him.

"Alright, since you've found it, let's go back to Uruk."

After Liu Tianyu finished the rest of the roasted beef, his right hand emitted a gust of cold air and instantly extinguished the flame. He then put the picnic tool into his exclusive space and said to the two of them lightly.

"Ah, go back to Uruk immediately. Emperor Liu, do you want to use the energy of the whirlwind? That's not necessary. We won't need long to walk back and enjoy the scenery."

Merlin laughed. It was obvious that the last time Liu Tianyu had used the whirlwind energy to bring him from Uruk to Mt Buf, it had left him with an incomparably strong psychological shadow.

"Did I say I need to use the energy of the whirlwind?"

"Not the energy of the whirlwind? Could it be? Wow! Emperor Liu, I beg you not to summon Odahving. I really can't endure a second round of destruction! And Anna is still a child. Can you bear to destroy her?"

When Merlyn heard that he didn't need the whirlwind energy, he immediately felt that Liu Tianyu wanted to summon Odahving. He almost knelt down and begged him to be a human. After all, if the whirlwind energy was a shadow, being grabbed by Odahving's claws would be a nightmare!

And he even hinted that Anna, who had just joined, was also here. He couldn't let her experience the dragon's claw, could he?

Liu Tianyu facepalmed and said, "I don't need you to say that. Don't worry, White Furred Beast, my dragon's roar is not something you can imagine. Just watch and see."

Liu Tianyu immediately signaled for Merlin and Anna to retreat, and he was about to release a new dragon's roar.

"Rustle, rustle!" Suddenly, there was the sound of footsteps approaching. Merlin and Anna immediately became vigilant.

The newcomer was wearing a simple robe, barefoot, and had long green hair. Without a doubt, it was Jin Gu, who occupied Enkidu's body.

"'Well, that's a pleasant surprise. I thought I was here to catch a man, but I never thought I'd get two gifts, Merlin and the ant, eh? Well, you've run away from me last time, and now that I've caught you, you're going to be worse off than dead!"

Jin Gu first looked at Merlin and let out a cold snort, and after seeing Liu Tianyu, he became furious. After all, the ant in his eyes had run away from him. This was undoubtedly a humiliation to him.

"Oh!" Merlin called out and then looked at Liu Tianyu with a teasing smile.

A dark line flashed across Liu Tianyu's face. After all, when he first met Jin Gu, he didn't remember much about the moon, but now he remembered most of it.

Of course, he didn't want to play with Jin Gu any longer. The way he had acted weak and ran away in front of Jin Gu had become a part of his dark history.

Liu Tianyu silently took out a staff called "Magnus's Staff," and used "I am a legend." This skill allowed him to become a Caster. He held the staff with his left hand and clenched his right hand into a fist.

"Hmm? You, you ant, can actually change your profession to Caster. It seems that you have quite a few secrets, but it doesn't matter. I look forward to what kind of Devil Beast you can hatch into when I bring you back."

Jin Gu laughed in disdain. Although Liu Tianyu's ability to change his rank was indeed a little surprising, that was all. After all, he still thought of him as an ant.

"Bang!" A fist the size of a casserole quickly approached Jin Gu's handsome face and hit the right side of his face. In an instant, he was sent flying.

Twenty-eighth -

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