Struggle History Of The New God/C11 Beehive Base
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Struggle History Of The New God/C11 Beehive Base
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C11 Beehive Base

After seamlessly infiltrating Umbrella's special task force, the tram was gradually set in motion and quickly reached its destination—the entrance to the Hive.

Wang Yu couldn't help but smile as he gazed upon the Hive. Almost immediately after they disembarked, the entrance cameras flickered to life, tracking their every move.

It was clear that the entire Hive was under the watchful eye of the Red Queen, with every camera acting as her informant. They were at a disadvantage from the start.

"Halt. The Red Queen is monitoring us constantly, and she's utterly merciless. Kaplan, the electronic door is your responsibility to hack," James commanded, turning to his subordinate.

Given the Queen's vigilant surveillance over the Hive, it was unlikely they'd be allowed to open the door without a challenge. That's why James had Kaplan manually override the door's security.

"Yes, sir," Kaplan responded promptly. As a computer whiz, cracking such a program was child's play for him, as natural as breathing.

While Kaplan and James were discussing their plan, Wang Yu approached Alice with a smile.

"How are you doing? Any of your memories coming back? I just arrived, and I feel like I've regained a piece of my past. I remember your name is Alice, and before the Hive was locked down, there was an alarm. Seems like something was released."

Wang Yu spoke earnestly, seizing the moment while Kaplan worked on the door.

Of course, Wang Yu's words to Alice were a mix of truth and deception, as he sought to earn her trust and, ultimately, obtain her blood for research back in the Marvel universe.


Upon hearing Wang Yu's words, a spark of recognition flickered in Alice's previously vacant eyes. The name seemed to resonate with her.

James, overhearing Wang Yu's hint while waiting for Kaplan to bypass the door's security, approached Alice with eagerness.

"What about it, Alice? Do any memories come to mind?"

"No, I'm sorry, my memory is still a blank. But the name Alice... it feels like it should be mine. Beyond that, I can't piece anything together."

Alice shook her head, her voice tinged with regret.

"Commander, the gate is open. May we proceed?"

Before James could answer, Kaplan radioed in, seeking permission to enter the Beehive Base.

"Absolutely, move out!"

James nodded affirmatively and stepped forward to lead the way, confident in his ability to carry out the mission based on his experience.

The fact that Wang Yu, an Umbrella Corporation researcher, hadn't yet regained his memory did not hinder their mission to infiltrate the Beehive Base and capture the Red Queen.

Guided by James, they quickly reached an area resembling a ground-level office building. But a closer look revealed it was not actual ground, but rather a sophisticated 3D projection.

The technological prowess of the Umbrella Corporation was undeniably advanced, about two decades ahead of the technology in the Land of Anvilmar—truly a testament to their groundbreaking innovations.

Moreover, Umbrella's expertise in constructing underground facilities was unparalleled. In Resident Evil 5, they could even simulate an entire city, showcasing their technological edge.

"I can't believe I used to work here. It's such an elegant environment," Wang Yu remarked, gazing at the Beehive Base with astonishment.

"Haha, it's no big deal. Considering that 90% of the world uses Umbrella's products, it's only natural they provide their staff with such amenities," Kaplan replied with a smile, addressing Wang Yu's nostalgia.

To Kaplan, Wang Yu was merely a researcher with amnesia, yet they were all aware that this was, in fact, his first visit to an Umbrella facility.

"Right you are," Wang Yu agreed, smiling. He then turned to see James and Rennes inspecting the elevator, only to find it had collapsed and was clearly out of commission.

"The elevator's down. We'll take the stairs," James concluded, gesturing to Wang Yu and the others to follow him.

As they made their descent, the pace of the Special Task Force was brisk. Even Wang Yu, the imposter researcher, managed to keep up with James' stride, much to Alice and the rest's surprise.

Shortly after, they made their way into the laboratory below. Upon reaching their destination, Kaplan clutched his computer, his expression turning unnatural, even grim.

"What's the matter, Kaplan? Is the Red Queen up to something?" James asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Yes, the nearby cameras are tracking us. The Red Queen knows we're here; her data is constantly shifting," Kaplan replied, his face etched with gravity as he glanced at his computer.

"The Red Queen? That sounds familiar," Wang Yu murmured, clutching his head as if struggling with a painful resurgence of memory, his eyes clouded with bewilderment.

"She's the world's most advanced AI, overseeing all research at Beehive Base. Since its inception, the Red Queen has controlled everything here, including the defense systems," James explained thoroughly, hoping to jog Wang Yu's memory. Despite his efforts, he was met with the disheartening realization that the researcher's recollections remained elusive.

"So, the Red Queen is behind all this?" Wang Yu observed the water-damaged lab with astonishment and turned to James for confirmation.

"Exactly. Five hours ago, an unknown malfunction triggered the lockdown of Beehive Base, leading to the current state of disarray," James disclosed, sparing no detail to Alice, Matt, and Shibans, whose faces turned somber upon hearing the news.

Wang Yu, privy to the full storyline in advance, remained unfazed. His gaze drifted to a nearby surveillance camera, his mind seemingly preoccupied with other thoughts.

"Given the situation, we all need to stay alert. There could be traps laid out by the Red Queen," Wang Yu cautioned, sensing the tension in the air.

"Indeed. Caution is paramount. Our primary objective is to retrieve the Red Queen's mainboard. Only then can we consider our mission accomplished," James concurred, determined to prevent a repeat of the Beehive Base's grim circumstances.

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