Struggle History Of The New God/C2 Norman Osborne
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Struggle History Of The New God/C2 Norman Osborne
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C2 Norman Osborne

The following day, within the chairman's office at Osborne Industries, Norman Osborne attended to his duties with his usual diligence, though his countenance betrayed his distress. He appeared preoccupied, as if weighed down by vexing troubles.

On his desk lay documents summarily dismissed by the military, alongside shareholder rejections of the human enhancement drug project—developments that seemed to Norman as manifestations of the world's deep-seated malice.

"What a bunch of bastards," he muttered under his breath. "How did Osborne Industries fall under the control of these inept shareholders? If this continues, the company will slip from the Osborne family's grasp."

After rifling through the papers, Norman's frustration boiled over, and he slammed his fist onto the desk, bellowing with the ferocity of an enraged lion.

His anger was justified. He had developed the human enhancement drug as a potential cure for a hereditary family illness, only to be spurned by the military and undermined by his own shareholders.

The rhythmic knocking at the door interrupted his fuming. Norman paused, momentarily taken aback, then swiftly composed himself, reverting to his typically refined demeanor.

"Enter," he called out, his voice devoid of emotion, curious to discover who sought him out or what news they brought.

The door creaked open, revealing a young Asian man in a white lab coat, a slight smile playing on his lips. He strolled in with a nonchalant air and settled into a chair, his gaze calmly fixed on Norman.

Recognition dawned on Norman. This was Wang Yu, a senior researcher at Osborne Industries. Yet, there was something different about him today; his eyes were piercing, suggesting a transformation from his usual timid self.

Norman's irritation subsided somewhat as he regarded Wang Yu with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

It was common knowledge that Norman was facing a crisis, and no one dared to cross him—not even the bodyguards who had been summarily dismissed. Wang Yu's presence, therefore, was all the more peculiar. He didn't seem intimidated in the slightest; instead, there was an almost playful look in his eyes.

"Wang Yu, what brings you here?" Norman inquired with measured calm. "You're aware of how busy I am. Unless it's something of urgency, I must ask you to leave."

"Alright, let's cut to the chase, Mr. Norman."

Wang Yu propped his chin with both hands, pausing momentarily before continuing:

"I have a solution that can extricate you from your current troubles. You'll not only secure a substantial number of military contracts but also regain control of Osborne Industries."

With that, Wang Yu fixed his gaze on Norman, silently awaiting a response.

"And why should I believe you have that kind of influence?"

Norman regarded Wang Yu with an amused look. To him, Wang Yu was nothing more than a low-level employee, someone who could be dismissed by even an average shareholder, let alone by himself.

Clearly, Wang Yu was making a joke—a claim that seemed utterly impossible.

"Because of this!"

In the face of Norman's skepticism, Wang Yu remained surprisingly composed, not showing a hint of irritation as he lifted his hand. A burst of azure lightning suddenly crackled into existence in his palm.

"A mutant!"

Norman's heart skipped a beat, assuming Wang Yu was a newly empowered mutant, and he blurted out the term instinctively.

However, Wang Yu just shook his head with a smile upon hearing the word, gently correcting him, "No, you're mistaken. This is the result of the T virus serum I've developed. It enhances speed and strength comprehensively and can even grant superpowers. I intend to use it to draw in funding from the military."

Once Wang Yu finished his explanation, Norman's eyes shone with excitement. If Wang Yu's assertions held true, it could indeed breathe new life into Osborne Industries.

Yet, the issue with the shareholders remained a daunting challenge. As long as those inept partners remained, they could continuously hinder progress and potentially betray him.

Seemingly reading Norman's thoughts, Wang Yu confidently asserted, "The shareholder issue is easily resolved. If you have the guts to trust me, I'll enlist mutant mercenaries like Deadpool to take care of them."

With Wang Yu's full plan laid out before him, Norman realized he had grossly underestimated the young man. Wang Yu was not only bold but capable as well.

"Excellent. What's your price? Surely you're not doing this without expecting something in return?"

Norman looked at him intently, pressing for an answer without any hesitation.

"Fair enough, Mr. Norman. I want a 10% stake in Osborne Industries, and I need an upfront payment of 10 million USD. In exchange, I guarantee that within a week, you'll have the research data and samples of the T virus, positioning you to secure the military deal."

Finally, with Norman's agreement secured, Wang Yu spoke up cheerfully, laying out his request and awaiting Norman's ultimate decision.

Of course, should Norman decline, Wang Yu was more than willing to explore partnerships with other companies. After all, having acquired the T-virus from the Resident Evil world, he was in a position to negotiate with anyone he pleased.

"No problem, your request is granted. Just a moment, and you can head to finance to withdraw the funds you've asked for. Our partnership is now official!" Norman replied without hesitation, his face breaking into a smile as he poured a glass of red wine for each of them in celebration.

Norman had breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing Wang Yu's request. Had Wang Yu asked for nothing, it would have signaled he was after something bigger, and Norman would naturally have been hesitant to collaborate. But the benefits Wang Yu sought were fair, and Norman had no qualms about them. He was even content to offload the grunt work onto Wang Yu, distancing himself from any direct involvement and potentially regaining control of Osborne Industries. It was a clear case of all gain and no pain.

Despite this, Norman harbored some reservations about this unassuming Asian young man, who seemed to possess an unexpected level of cunning and confidence. Nonetheless, he would take necessary precautions.

For instance, to prevent Wang Yu from absconding with the money, Norman planned to have bodyguards keep watch over his residence, ensuring he couldn't just disappear. These tactics were typical of Norman, who wasn't the least bit worried about being duped.

Yet, if Wang Yu were to catch wind of Norman's inner thoughts, he'd likely be unable to contain his laughter. To Wang Yu, a newly minted Main God engaging in such unscrupulous acts? The very idea was preposterous.

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