Struggle History Of The New God/C8 Lightning Fist
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Struggle History Of The New God/C8 Lightning Fist
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C8 Lightning Fist

After eluding Spider-Man, Lizard Man secured the green lizard serum onto the Gadfly device, intent on using it to fulfill his grand ambitions. The device had the capability to disperse the serum throughout New York City in a short span, and creating his own army of lizard creatures was a crucial first step in his plan for success.

"System initialization successful. Gas dispersion will commence in two minutes!"

As the system whirred to life, the announcement rang in Lizard Man's ears, bringing a gleeful surprise to his face. Yet, he remained on high alert, eyes darting around, wary of Spider-Man or any other unforeseen adversary that might thwart his scheme.

Meanwhile, the elevator reached the 50th floor, and Spider-Man hit the pause button, sliding the doors open. He turned to Wang Yu, his face etched with earnestness, as if he had something important to convey.

"Wang, Gwen is working on the antidote. Go get it, quick! I'll handle Lizard Man."

Spider-Man's plea was heartfelt as he gestured for Wang Yu to split up and tackle the chaos unleashed by Lizard Man. But Wang Yu was not moved by Peter's noble gesture; instead, he sent Peter flying out of the elevator with a swift kick, his gaze stern.

"Enough, Peter. There's a limit to playing hero. You're no match for Lizard Man. I'm the right one to take him on."

Confusion painted Peter's face as Wang Yu resolutely pressed the button to ascend further in the elevator.

"Thanks, Wang."

Touched by the gesture, Peter watched the elevator doors close, then gritted his teeth and dashed toward Gwen's lab, determined to retrieve the antidote without delay.

Soon after, Wang Yu reached the top floor. Stepping out in front of the Gadfly device, he was met with the sight of Lizard Man smirking at him, his eyes brimming with malice.

"So it's you, you little punk. I didn't expect Spider-Man to bail, but here you are. Ready to face the consequences?"

With a slight stomp, Lizard Man cracked the ground beneath him, sending fissures sprawling out like a spider's web.

Clearly, Lizard Man was seething with rage. The thought of being bested by Wang Yu in just a few moves was infuriating—anything less would have been surprising.

Regrettably, the Lizard Man's intellect fell short of grasping the true extent of Wang Yu's strength. He mistakenly believed that Wang Yu's remarkable abilities were the result of some advanced technological device.


Little did the Lizard Man know, Wang Yu heard his musings and responded with a derisive chuckle, offering no explanation as he confidently stepped forward.

Sensing Wang Yu's readiness for combat, the Lizard Man snatched an extinguisher from the wall and hurled it at Wang Yu's head.

Time appeared to stand still. To Wang Yu, the Lizard Man's actions were painfully slow. With a slight tilt of his head, Wang Yu effortlessly dodged the incoming attack.

Undeterred by his failed strike, the Lizard Man swung the extinguisher repeatedly, a dozen times in rapid succession, but each attack was futile, ending with the Lizard Man's efforts in vain.

Thanks to the amplification from the Thunder Fruit, Wang Yu's neural reflexes had increased exponentially, rendering the Lizard Man's assaults utterly ineffective.

"Is that the best you've got? Lizard Man, without going all out, you stand no chance against me."

The Lizard Man unwittingly became Wang Yu's training partner, helping him to gradually master a portion of the Thunder Fruit's powers. Wang Yu was confident that with more time in battle, his repertoire of abilities would expand even further.

"Hmph, I am already fighting with all my might. I didn't expect to be outmatched by you. But do you really think my only aim is to duel with you?"

While speaking, the Lizard Man activated the Canary Device, unleashing a torrent of green mist that swiftly enveloped a one-kilometer radius of New York City.

"Perhaps!" Wang Yu replied calmly, his eyes betraying no sign of distress.

The Lizard Man, convinced his plan had succeeded, looked on smugly, eager to witness fear, regret, and guilt on Wang Yu's face as he transformed into another Lizard Man.

However, to his bewilderment, the lizard serum had no effect on Wang Yu. Instead, Wang Yu regarded him with an amused gaze, utterly defying the Lizard Man's expectations.

Indeed, the Thunder Fruit's enhancement had obliterated the lizard serum the moment it attempted to infiltrate his cells, making the prospect of turning Wang Yu into a Lizard Man an impossibility.

"Heh, Lizard Man, you're nothing but a reptile! Sorry to break it to you, but your lizard serum doesn't work on me. Plus, we've already evacuated the citizens for a ten-kilometer radius."

Wang Yu shook his head, approaching Lizard Man with a leisurely stride, his voice dripping with scorn. "Oh, and just so you know, Spiderman's off fetching the antidote. He'll be here any minute. So, you've lost this match, Dr. Connors!"

"Damn you, I haven't lost yet! I will create a world of my own!"

Overcome by Wang Yu's taunts, Lizard Man snapped, lunging at him with a ferocious snarl, only to grapple with a burst of lightning instead.

Once Lizard Man's assault subsided, Wang Yu dropped his Elemental Transformation. His fists crackled with electricity as he swung them with the speed of a thunderbolt.

"Take this, Lizard Man! Ultimate Technique, Lightning Fist!"

As soon as he called out the attack, Lizard Man was blasted into the air, his body flailing helplessly, unable to touch the ground.

It wasn't that Lizard Man didn't want to land; it was that Wang Yu kept launching him back up before he could.

In under a minute, Lizard Man's face was pummeled beyond recognition, resembling a swollen pig's head as he collapsed, utterly defeated.

"Ah, maybe I overdid it a bit! But then again, why should I care? He brought this on himself."

Wang Yu stroked his chin, looking down at the battered Lizard Man with a hint of malice.

He had zapped Lizard Man with enough electricity to knock him out for a while. Now, the best thing to do was to wait for Spiderman to wrap things up.

"Ding! You've successfully thwarted Lizard Man's scheme, altering the course of karma and restoring 2% of the Master God Space. Keep up the good work!"

Sure enough, after taking down Lizard Man, Wang Yu received the mental update about the Master God Fragment, signaling that the Master God Space was on its way to being mended.

"Ha! Looks like I've made a pretty substantial haul this time, especially with the Lizard Man incident wrapping up. Time to pick up the pace on my journey into Resident Evil."

Wang Yu murmured to himself, already formulating his next move in his mind.

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