I Am A Tadpole/C10 A Toad Descended from the Sky!
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I Am A Tadpole/C10 A Toad Descended from the Sky!
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C10 A Toad Descended from the Sky!

These wolves were untamed and lacked the intelligence of their domesticated counterparts, yet they instinctively followed the commands of their alpha.


The wolves snarled at Su Xiaoman and Su Xiaomu, their menacing posture suggesting they were ready to pounce and devour them.

"Sister, what should we do now?"

Su Xiaomu typically relied on Su Xiaoman's judgment rather than his own.

Su Xiaoman set down her bag and let out a wry smile.

Inevitably, what was meant to happen, would happen.

Yet the idea that a few wild wolves could take them down was laughable!

After all, both siblings had already transformed into demon beasts.

"Xiaomu, let's join forces and quickly deal with them!"

Meanwhile, Su Bai faced his own wolf encounter.

But to him, these wolves, not even demon beasts, posed no threat whatsoever. They were merely a source of starlight energy, practically served to him on a silver platter.

Su Bai transformed into his true toad form.

With a flick of his tongue, a wolf was swiftly consumed.

Dispatching twenty to thirty wolves was effortless for him!

Back with Su Xiaoman, the situation was more challenging.

Though both siblings were demon beasts, they were of the lowest tier.

Battling over a dozen demon beasts was proving to be exhausting.

Moreover, as the wolf pack swelled in number, the siblings' ability to fend them off couldn't keep pace with the wolves' reinforcements.

"We're done for. We're going to die here today!"

Su Xiaoman, now in her true form and drenched in blood, felt her strength waning.

"Xiaomu, when I create an opening, you escape. Don't worry about me!"

Su Xiaoman was prepared to sacrifice herself to save her brother's life.

"No, sister, I want to stay with you!"

Yet Su Xiaomu was more optimistic than Su Xiaoman.

"Sister, let's hold out. I'm sure the boss will come to rescue us soon!"

Su Xiaoman could only muster a bitter smile.

From her perspective, Su Bai was only looking out for himself and had likely fled. The thought of him coming to their rescue seemed far-fetched.

"Xiaomu, do as I say. You go first, and I'll hold off the wolves!"

This time, however, the usually compliant Su Xiaomu did not heed his sister's words.

"No, sister, I want to leave with you!"

"Fool, if you don't leave, we'll both die here."

Su Xiaoman couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration.

"Go, and when you're stronger, don't forget to avenge me."

The wolves were closing in, and Su Xiaoman's anxiety intensified.

With steely resolve, she transformed once more.

The transformed Su Xiaoman reached out, seized Su Xiaomu, and with all her might, hurled him to safety.

Drained of strength, Su Xiaoman slowly collapsed to the ground.

The oncoming wolves quickly overwhelmed her.

Yet, a hint of resignation and a faint smile graced Su Xiaoman's lips.

She may have perished, but her brother would live on.

Su Xiaoman gently closed her eyes, feeling the wolves' jaws upon her flesh.

She whimsically wondered if a knight in shining armor might swoop down and rescue her from the wolves.

Impossible! He had already left and would surely not return to save her.

"Dad, Mom, I'm sorry I couldn't protect my brother better!"

"Sister, sister!"

Su Xiaoman had fought desperately for her brother's chance to survive.

But Su Xiaomu seemed to take it for granted.

Perhaps, to him, life without his sister held no meaning.

No sooner had Su Xiaomu's feet touched the ground than he charged back toward the wolves in a frenzy.

"Hey, do you have a death wish?"

An annoyed voice echoed above Su Xiaomu's head.

Then, out of nowhere, a toad plummeted from the sky!



The grotesque toad's back erupted, ejecting streams of toxic liquid.

"Puchi! Puchi! Puchi!"

The venom sprayed like gunfire, and the wolves hit by it convulsed briefly before collapsing, foaming at the mouth.


The toad landed with a thud amidst a heap of wolf carcasses.

Su Bai extended a toad's forelimb, leveraging Su Xiaoman's fall from the heavens. With a wide-open mouth and a flick of his tongue, he devoured the remains of the wolves.

Su Xiaoman found herself in the embrace of a toad, her gaze somewhat vacant and her eyes slightly moist. She had never imagined that he would come to her rescue at the very last moment. Yet, in his true form, he was incredibly unsightly.

"Ugh!" Whether it was the force of Su Bai's landing or just the sheer ugliness of his toad form, Su Xiaoman couldn't help but vomit on the spot.

Su Bai was momentarily at a loss for words. But there were more pressing matters at hand.

With his free claw, he caught Su Xiaomu, who was dashing towards him. Leaping high, Su Bai made a beeline for the east.

After what seemed like an eternity, Su Bai, with the Su siblings in tow, sought refuge in a cave. Once he had settled them down, he quickly hopped out again.

Inside the cave, Su Xiaomu and Su Xiaoman exchanged puzzled glances.

"Sister, that toad must have been our leader, right?" Su Xiaomu asked.

"Yes, you're correct; it was him," Su Xiaoman confirmed.

"I knew it! Our leader would definitely come to our rescue!" Su Xiaomu exclaimed with confidence.

But then, tilting his head in thought, Su Xiaomu murmured, "The last time I saw our leader's true form, he was only as big as a basin. Now he's the size of an elephant!"

"That's our leader for you—his cultivation progresses so swiftly!"

In the time it took to brew and drink a cup of tea, Su Bai was back in the cave, swiftly reverting to his human form.

"I've checked all around us; there's no immediate danger," Su Bai announced, reaching out to grasp the bloodied, slender arm.

"You're so badly injured, yet you haven't tended to your wounds!"

Indeed, Su Xiaoman had suffered quite a bit. Su Bai had arrived just in time, but even so, she had been bitten numerous times by the wolves.

Ripping his clothes into strips, Su Bai quickly fashioned some makeshift bandages for Su Xiaoman.

Once the bandaging was done, Su Bai scratched his head in puzzlement.

"Do you have any medicine on you?" he asked.

Su Xiaoman gently shook her head.

Su Bai found himself in a quandary. Lacking medical knowledge and without any medicine for external injuries, he was unsure of how to proceed.

"Don't worry," he reassured her, "our kind have a strong ability to heal. You'll be back to full health before you know it!"

Su Xiaoman lowered her head and whispered softly.

"Well, it looks like this is our only option for the moment."

But Su Bai was not willing to spend his entire life hiding in this cave.

"What kind of power does the Wolf King possess?"

Su Xiaoman gently shook her head.

She appeared somewhat listless, likely due to excessive blood loss.


"This is the edge of the Primeval Wastes. The area is surrounded by a chain of thirty-six peaks, and each one is overseen by its own master!"

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