I Am A Tadpole/C11 Artifact Spirit in His Mind!
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I Am A Tadpole/C11 Artifact Spirit in His Mind!
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C11 Artifact Spirit in His Mind!

Unsure of the other party's capabilities, Su Bai refrained from making any hasty moves.

"What level of power do you currently possess?"

"My brother and I are both level one demonic beasts. The wolf demon you killed was a level two demonic beast."

A level two demonic beast, huh!

Su Bai stroked his chin thoughtfully.

With this information, he felt considerably more at ease.

If the son was a level two demonic beast, he doubted the father would be much stronger.

"What level would you say I am?"

Su Bai pointed to his nose, posing the question to Su Xiaoman. He wasn't familiar with the demonic beast ranking system and was unsure of his own standing.

Su Xiaoman gazed at Su Bai for a moment, then gently shook her head.

"I can't detect any demonic energy from you!"

After a brief pause, Su Xiaoman locked eyes with Su Bai and added, "Typically, there are only two explanations for this. One is that your power far exceeds mine, and the other is that you possess no power at all!"

The second possibility was out of the question. He was now a formidable toad demon; it was inconceivable that he lacked strength!

That left the first explanation as implied by Su Xiaoman.

Yet, Su Bai harbored some doubts.

He didn't feel particularly powerful.

After all, not long ago, he was nothing more than a worthless tadpole. Even as a toad demon, given his weak foundation, he didn't believe he could be that formidable.

Su Bai suspected that Su Xiaoman's inability to sense any demonic energy fluctuations from him was likely due to the bell in his mind.

Maybe the bell was masking his demonic energy.

Lately, Mount Bloodhowl had been anything but tranquil.

The mountain's young master had been slain.

The death of his son had enraged the old wolf king, who then deployed all his followers to frantically search for the killer's trail.

With the demons emerging from the mountain, the once serene Mount Bloodhowl was now thrown into chaos.

Meanwhile, the instigator of all this turmoil, Su Bai the toad demon, had been living rather peacefully.

Inside the cave, Su Xiaoman and Su Xiaomu were healing from their injuries.

As the eldest, Su Bai had taken on the role of protector.

Besides his daily patrols to secure food for the siblings, his routine consisted mainly of watching over the recuperating fox demon brother and sister.

The strength of these two shape-shifted fox demons was pitifully inadequate. Su Bai pondered whether he should assist them in enhancing their abilities.

Yet, as soon as this notion surfaced, Su Bai dismissed it outright.

Demonic beasts differ from humans; they can't absorb the essence of heaven and earth to cultivate. They can only grow stronger by devouring.

Su Bai was already short on food, so sharing with the fox demon siblings was out of the question.

Still, Su Bai considered that since the siblings, along with himself as a toad demon, had already transformed into human forms, they should, in theory, be able to practice human cultivation techniques.

Regrettably, Su Bai didn't have any cultivation methods at his disposal. If he did, he would certainly give it a try.

In his past life, Su Bai had read his fair share of cultivation novels.

The protagonists were always incredibly powerful, with an abundance of resources at their disposal, including a vast array of cultivation techniques. Why did his own situation seem so dire in comparison?

"Could it be that I've experienced a false transmigration?"

Undeterred, Su Bai resolved to connect with the bell in his mind to see if he could acquire some cultivation techniques or similar treasures.

After ensuring that the fox demon siblings, who were quietly healing through meditation, were alright, Su Bai stood up and moved to a flat spot in the cave, where he sat down cross-legged.

He concentrated his consciousness and reached out to the bell within his mind.

It had been some time since he last delved into his sea of consciousness to examine the bell.

Now, upon closer inspection, it appeared different than before. The bell had grown larger and was now adorned with enigmatic patterns.

"Hello, bell!"

No response.

"Beautiful bell!"

Still no response.

"How about the domineering bell?"


"Hello, beauty!"


The bell quivered slightly.

A jolt went through Su Bai's heart as the bell responded to his call.

However, Su Bai was left speechless by the fact that the object, clearly a bell, required being addressed as a beauty to respond.

The bell's movement was promising, indicating it possessed consciousness.

"Hello, beauty, do you have any unparalleled cultivation techniques or something similar? Could you provide me with one?"

This time, the bell remained silent, simply hovering tranquilly in his sea of consciousness.

What's happening?

Is my sincerity not enough?

"Hey, gorgeous bell lady, could you hook me up with a cultivation technique? I'll take anything, even something minor!"

"I'm begging you here!"

"Or maybe I could offer myself in exchange?"

At last, the bell responded to him again.


Yes, the bell actually spoke, but regrettably, it uttered only a single word.


Su Bai's consciousness was expelled from his sea of consciousness.

Yet, Su Bai was not dismayed; he was actually delighted.

He quickly assumed a cross-legged position and steadied himself. Su Bai attempted to lower his consciousness and re-enter his sea of consciousness.

Sadly, he was unable to gain entry this time.

"What's going on here?"

Su Bai tried once more, but he still couldn't access his sea of consciousness.

"Come on, this is way too domineering. It's my sea of consciousness, and now I'm being denied entry!"

After several unsuccessful attempts, Su Bai resigned himself to the reality.

A look of resignation crossed Su Bai's face.

"Well, if I can't get in, then that's that. It's not like it would do any good anyway!"

Su Bai dusted himself off and stood up.

Out of nowhere, a sweet, childlike voice echoed in his mind.

"Hmph, I'll give you a cultivation technique when you evolve again!"

Su Bai's heart leapt with joy. He frantically tried to connect with his sea of consciousness once more, but to no avail.

"Beautiful sister, since you're going to give it to me eventually, why not just do it now?"

Su Bai brazenly suggested.

The voice in his mind, though melodious, was unmistakably childlike.

Who cares if it's childlike or not, as long as I get a cultivation technique!

The voice in his mind spoke up again.

"Not even if you call me grandaunt will it work. Just drop it!"

Su Bai was undeterred.

"Beautiful sister, beautiful sister, I'm willing to offer myself in exchange for a cultivation technique!"

"Creep, just forget about it!"

Su Bai touched his nose, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"Beautiful sister, how can you be this way? Since you're residing in my sea of consciousness, we're family. You get that, right? Family?"

"Moreover, you've been in my sea of consciousness for quite some time, and I haven't even charged you rent!"

Su Bai rambled on for a while, but unfortunately, the voice within his sea of consciousness fell silent and paid him no further attention.

After speaking his piece to no avail, Su Bai wisely clamped his mouth shut.

Reflecting on the information he had just received, Su Bai was brimming with hope for what lay ahead.

He suspected that the childlike voice in his sea of consciousness was likely emanating from the spirit of the bell.

Considering that the old Taoist's flying sword possessed a sword spirit, it wasn't at all surprising to Su Bai that the bell in his mind might have its own spirit.

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