I Am A Tadpole/C12 Dance of the Demons!
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I Am A Tadpole/C12 Dance of the Demons!
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C12 Dance of the Demons!

The voice in Su Bai's head was clear: he could only begin his cultivation after his next evolution.

He was just 20 energy points shy of evolving, but to accumulate those, he would need to consume either 200 wild boars or 200 wild wolves.

Lately, his diet had consisted largely of these animals.

The mere sight of wild boar and wolf meat now made Su Bai feel nauseous.

If only he could get his hands on a demon beast, he was certain that devouring one would trigger his immediate evolution.

Having transformed from a tadpole into a toad, Su Bai wondered what his next evolutionary form might be.

Meanwhile, the search on Mount Bloodhowl was intensifying.

The search area widened daily, and it seemed inevitable that they would eventually stumble upon Su Bai.

But the search party's presence wasn't just causing problems for Su Bai and his companions.

Mount Bloodhowl was home to numerous demon beasts, some under the Wolf King's command and others merely temporary residents.

The Wolf King's extensive operations were bound to disrupt these creatures' lives.

The weaker ones had no choice but to suffer in silence, while the more powerful beasts would lose their tempers.

And when a demon beast got angry, it often meant a brutal fight.

This turmoil only added to the already chaotic atmosphere on Mount Bloodhowl.

Some demon beasts, particularly those on the neighboring mountain, reveled in the unfolding drama.

"Hey, boss, did you hear that the neighbor's son kicked the bucket?"

"That no-good son of theirs was overdue for death. If it weren't for his father's protection, the grass on his grave would be towering by now!"

"Our king has had his eye on the mountain next door for a while. I wonder if the boss will make a move this time."

"It's tough to predict. The other side has a strong protector, and even our king has to behave submissively in their presence!"

"Shush, remember our king is a dog demon and he despises being called a dog. Keep it down; we can't afford to be overheard."

On Mount Bloodhowl, the old Wolf King reigned supreme.

Even if some demons were defiant, they could be subdued through brute force.

The weaker demon beasts weren't much of a problem, but encountering stronger ones inevitably led to a skirmish.

Some of the mightier demon beasts even compelled the wolf king to emerge from his lair.

Su Bai's patrols in the region soon became entangled in these conflicts.

One day, while Su Bai was on patrol outside his cave, he stumbled upon a wolf demon searching for the trio.

From a distance, Su Bai lay hidden behind a massive rock, eyeing the wolf demon with a hint of hunger.

Concerned about the Fox Demon siblings' injuries, Su Bai refrained from making any rash moves.

Reluctantly, he watched a potential meal slip away.

Returning to the cave with a sense of regret, Su Bai decided it was time to relocate with the Fox Demon siblings.

"They've found us in just a few days; it looks like we need to find a new hiding spot."

The Fox Demon siblings' wounds had healed somewhat, but they were still far from fully recovered.

Transforming into his human form, Su Bai had a small fox perched on each shoulder as the trio departed the cave, heading eastward.

Since leaving the cave, Su Bai had been traveling east, towards the edge of the Primeval Wastes.

The periphery of the Primeval Wastes was where humans resided.

Preferring the company of humans to the solitude of the Primeval Wastes, Su Bai was eager to join a human settlement.

Navigating the vast expanse of Mount Bloodhowl, he managed to avoid trouble by staying out of sight.

That day, Su Bai descended from the mountain and entered a forest nestled in a depression below.

Barely inside the forest, he heard distant sounds of combat.

Pausing to listen intently, he discerned the clash of battle punctuated by human cries.

A sense of curiosity stirred within Su Bai.

After a moment's hesitation, he decided to stealthily approach and investigate.

Previously, in the swamp, he had profited from a fight between an old Taoist priest and a massive crocodile, playing the role of the opportunistic fisherman.

Now, Su Bai hoped to quietly observe and perhaps benefit from the fray once more.

Drawing nearer, he could even make out the voices ahead.

"You pack of beasts, do you have any idea who we are? How dare you obstruct our path? Clear off or face the consequences!"

"I don't care who you are; the king's orders are clear. Anyone suspicious on the mountain is to be captured and brought up for inspection. If you don't surrender now, we'll have no choice but to bring your bodies up instead!"

"Ha! Quite the big talker, aren't you? You're not afraid your tongue will snap off in the wind?"

"Roar! I've said it before, I am a noble wolf, not some common cur!"

After exchanging a few heated words, the two groups plunged back into a fierce melee.

Su Bai, with his rear end sticking out of the bushes and his head buried in the foliage, watched the brawl unfold with great interest.

The fray before him involved three humans and three wolf demons, their strengths appearing evenly matched.

The attire of the humans suggested they hailed from the same place.

But Su Bai knew the fight wouldn't last; this was Mount Bloodhowl, the wolf demons' domain.

He was certain that it wouldn't be long before a pack of wolf demons would come running.

When that happened, the three humans would be at a disadvantage, and defeat was inevitable.

As expected, barely three minutes passed before another wolf demon arrived.

The arrival of this new combatant tipped the scales, turning a deadlock into a rout.

"Roar! Our brother has arrived. This is your final chance: come with us to the mountain willingly, or be beaten and dragged up as corpses!"

"Senior brother, these wolf demons seem formidable. Maybe we should go with them up the mountain?"

"Nonsense! Following them is a sure path to death. If we fight now, we still have a chance."

Finally, the speaker turned to reassure his younger brother.

"Don't worry, I've signaled our master for help. I'm sure he'll come to rescue us soon."

"Really? If that's the case, then we can rest easy."

The humans conversed openly in front of the wolf demons, provoking their ire.

"Roar! It seems you won't come quietly. Roar! Brothers, let's kill them and claim our reward from the king!"

The four wolf demons encircled the three humans, launching relentless attacks.

The humans were quickly overwhelmed.

"Senior brother, when will our master arrive?"

"We're not going to die here, are we? I haven't even taken a wife yet!"

The senior disciple among the trio could do nothing but grimace and repeatedly assure them that they were almost there.

"Rip! Tear!"

Their clothes were swiftly shredded by the razor-sharp claws of the wolf demons, leaving gashes across their skin.

To their utter despair, a fifth wolf demon emerged from the forest.

"Roar! Roar! Another brother joins us! This time, you're definitely done for!"

The sight of yet another wolf demon caused the trio's faces to contort in dread.

While they might have stood a fighting chance against four wolf demons, facing five left them with no hope of victory.

All they could do now was fervently hope that their so-called master would arrive in time.

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