I Am A Tadpole/C13 Battle! Battle!!
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I Am A Tadpole/C13 Battle! Battle!!
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C13 Battle! Battle!!

"We're done for, we're done for. Even if our master gets here in time, he'll likely only find our dead bodies!"

"Xiao Cui, I haven't confessed my feelings to you. If I had another chance, I'd shout it out loud: I love you!"

"Damn, you dare to make a move on Xiao Cui? Spill it, when did you two start seeing each other?"

Su Bai watched the three bickering in the grass, feeling utterly dumbfounded. With everything going on, they were still caught up in this mess?

"Should I save them?"

Su Bai considered that with his current abilities, he could probably rescue the trio.

But that would mean revealing himself.


A scream pierced the air.

A junior brother had been struck by a wolf's claw, tearing a bowl-sized chunk from his abdomen. Blood gushed out, and without immediate treatment, he was sure to perish.

After a moment of internal debate, Su Bai quickly instructed the fox demon siblings and transformed into a giant toad, descending from the heavens.


The massive creature landing with a thump startled everyone.

Both the wolf demon and the three humans instinctively froze. Only the wounded junior brother continued to wail in agony.

The unexpected turn of events cast an eerie pall over the scene, especially since Su Bai's power appeared to surpass theirs.

"Hey, who are you? You'd best not meddle in our affairs!"

Ignoring the wolf demon, Su Bai addressed the humans, "Let's take them down, fast!"

The humans were ecstatic at the suggestion.

Even the injured junior brother seemed to relax his furrowed brow a bit.

"How dare you defy the Wolf King? I'll skin you alive!" roared the wolf demon as it leapt towards Su Bai.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Su Bai sprayed venom rapidly at the wolf demon.

The wolf demon, agile in mid-air, swiftly backed away, evading Su Bai's assault.

These wolf demons were no joke, proving to be far more formidable than the one Su Bai had previously slain.

Having dodged the attack, the wolf demon grew more cautious, avoiding head-on confrontation and opting for a more circuitous approach.

Five wolf demons encircled Su Bai and three other humans, poised to strike at any moment.

"Junior brother, sit down and tend to your wounds. We'll form a protective circle around you!"

The junior brother nodded in agreement, quickly sat down cross-legged on the ground, and closed his eyes.

After a brief moment, the five wolves launched a coordinated attack on Su Bai and his companions.

The wolf demon nearest to Su Bai took a circuitous route, charging at him with its sharp claws aimed at his head.

Su Bai countered with his toad-like claws, but the wolf's claws still managed to slice through the air, causing a stinging sensation on Su Bai's face.

Blocking the wolf demon's attack with one hand, Su Bai swung his other claw at the assailant.

Suddenly, another wolf demon leapt forward, sinking its teeth into Su Bai's claw.

The sensation of teeth piercing flesh shot through his mind, and Su Bai realized he was wounded.

"I've underestimated these wolf demons," he thought to himself, filled with regret.

He had assumed he could quickly dispatch the wolf demons, but instead, he found himself in a dire situation.

It was only when the pain registered that Su Bai gained a sobering appreciation of his own strength.

Bearing the pain in his claw, Su Bai opened his mouth and attempted to bite the nearest wolf demon.

The wolf demon, however, was quick and agile. After delivering a bite, it swiftly retreated.

"You think you can bite me and just run away?"

Su Bai's mouth opened wide, and his long tongue lashed out, coiling around a wolf's leg.

The ensnared wolf demon made a decisive move. Realizing its predicament, it bit off its own leg to escape.

Su Bai chewed the wolf leg briefly before swallowing it, digesting it rapidly.

With no time to check how much energy he had gained, Su Bai quickly adopted a defensive stance, ready for the next onslaught from the wolf demons.

Su Bai's presence had once again brought the battle to a standstill.

However, if they didn't swiftly eliminate these wolf demons, the tide would quickly turn against them.

"Brother, thank you for your assistance. It looks like our chances are slim," one of the humans said.

"I'll unleash my flying sword soon, but I need five minutes to prepare. I'm counting on you to buy me that time!"

The senior disciple was gearing up to unleash his ultimate technique.

But it seemed the move required some preparation time.

That meant Su Bai and another uninjured junior disciple were left to fend off four half-wolf demons.

With no better options available, Su Bai reluctantly nodded his head in agreement.

At that moment, Su Bai was filled with regret.

Had he known the trouble he was getting into, he would have never stepped forward.

Nevertheless, Su Bai now had a rough estimate of his own abilities.

He figured he was about on par with a level two demonic beast.

In truth, Su Bai had always overestimated himself, influenced by Xiaoman's comment, "I can't gauge your strength."

Now, Su Bai was certain that Xiaoman's inability to discern his power was not because he was exceptionally strong, but rather due to the bell in his head.

That's right, the bell!

"Beautiful sister, beautiful sister, I'm about to be killed. Please show your might and take down these wolf demons for me."

The bell inside his mind remained silent.

"Ah, relying on others is never as good as relying on oneself!"

Su Bai steadied his spirit, bracing for the wolves' frenzied assault.

As if on cue, three wolves lunged at Su Bai, while the remaining two went for the junior disciple.

The wolf demons were fearsome when they went all out.

The one-legged wolf demon, undeterred by its disability, dragged its three legs and charged at Su Bai.

Su Bai certainly understood the wisdom of targeting the weakest first.

Ignoring the onslaught from the other two demons, Su Bai extended his front paws, seized the injured wolf demon mid-pounce, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Puff! Puff!"

The disabled wolf demon dissolved into blood in Su Bai's mouth, transforming into pure energy that was swiftly absorbed by his body.


A prompt sounded in his mind.

"Energy Value: 1100-1000. Would you like to evolve?"

Without a moment's hesitation, Su Bai chose 'No.'

Evolving in such a place would be like dozing off on the Grim Reaper's doorstep—utterly foolish.

"Roar! Roar!"

The remaining two wolf demons continued their attack, one clamping down on Su Bai's left claw, the other biting into his abdomen.

With a violent tug, two bowl-sized chunks of flesh were brutally ripped from Su Bai's body. The wolf demons, having gulped down the flesh torn from Su Bai, opened their jaws wide, eager to continue their assault. Su Bai lashed out with his claws, fending off the two attackers. He quickly retreated several steps. Blood oozed from the gaping wounds, spattering the ground and quickly pooling into two small puddles.

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