I Am A Tadpole/C14 Another Evolution!
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I Am A Tadpole/C14 Another Evolution!
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C14 Another Evolution!

It was a dire situation; holding out for five minutes seemed impossible, let alone three, given the current circumstances.

Thankfully, these demonic wolves lacked long-range attacks, or they would have overwhelmed us even quicker.

Yet, for Su Bai, it was a case of his worst fears coming true.

As he steadied himself, the three demonic wolves opposite him suddenly opened their jaws.

Air rushed into their mouths, and with a sudden exhalation, a compressed wind blade hurtled towards Su Bai.

Being too large had its disadvantages, as Su Bai was learning the hard way.

The three demonic wolves launched wind blades at him, and he had no choice but to brace himself with his body.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The wind blades struck him in succession.

Su Bai tensed, bracing for severe pain.


"Wait, it doesn't hurt that much!"

"It's like being bitten by a tiny ant!"

A wave of relief washed over Su Bai.

It appeared that the demonic wolves' wind blades couldn't inflict significant damage on him.

"Ha! Take my poison arrow!"

"Splat! Splat! Splat!"

A small opening formed on one of the bumps on Su Bai's back, and he sprayed a torrent of venom at the demonic wolves as if it cost him nothing.

The wolves seemed to fear Su Bai's venom, dodging and weaving to avoid it.

Su Bai didn't have the luxury to worry about precision at that moment. He kept spraying the venom relentlessly, aiming to last the full five minutes.

He was confident that his body's supply of venom could sustain this assault for the required time.

But reality can be harsh.

As Su Bai reached the four-minute mark, his venom supply abruptly ceased, as if a pump had been shut off, leaving only sporadic spurts.

Bleeding and overexerting his venom spray, Su Bai felt as weak as if he had overexerted himself in a flight simulator, his limbs limp and his body drained.

Yet the two demonic wolves didn't seize the chance to attack the vulnerable Su Bai.

The reason was the copious venom Su Bai had expelled, which now pooled on the ground, creating a barrier of toxic liquid that cut off the wolves' path.

One wolf tentatively reached out with its paw, and upon contact with the venom on the ground, white smoke began to sizzle up immediately.

Su Bai felt a wave of relief as he noticed the two demonic wolves hesitated to approach.

Elsewhere, the junior brother was struggling mightily against the two demonic wolves. To protect his eldest senior brother as he cast the flying sword, the junior brother had lost an arm to the ferocious beasts. Thankfully, he managed to hold on until the eldest senior brother was ready to act.

"Beast, meet your end!" the eldest senior brother roared as he summoned the flying sword from behind him. He struck his chest forcefully, coughing up a mouthful of blood onto the sword. The addition of his blood essence caused the sword to tremble with excitement.

"Go forth!" With a flick of his fingers, the sword darted back and forth, swiftly beheading the two demonic wolves before the junior brother.

The demonic wolves in front of Su Bai sensed danger and turned to flee. But in the instant they moved, a flash of light streaked by, and they were decapitated.

After dispatching four demonic wolves with lightning speed, the eldest senior brother staggered and eventually collapsed to the ground. The immediate threat had been neutralized.

Su Bai had no desire to linger in this perilous place. He extended his tongue, scooping up the demonic wolf before him into his mouth, and quickly departed.

Accompanied by the fox demon siblings, they headed eastward and found a burrow to take refuge in. Although his wounds had stopped bleeding, they were far from healed.

Having consumed three demonic wolves, Su Bai needed to sleep and undergo evolution. With his last ounce of strength, he sealed the cave entrance with mud before succumbing to deep slumber.

Back in the cave, Su Bai lay dormant, enveloped in darkness. The only sounds were the soft whispers of the two demon foxes.

"Sister, sister, what's happening to him?"

"Shh, it looks like he's evolving. Let's keep our voices down and stay still."

This marked Su Bai's third evolution. The first transformed him from a tadpole into a young frog. The second turned him from a young frog into an adult, becoming a large toad.

Su Bai was uncertain about the changes this third evolution might bring.

"Sister, how long does Boss need to evolve? I'm starving!"

"Xiaomu, just hang in there a bit longer. If you're really that hungry, try to get some sleep for now!"

"Alright, I guess."

Time passed, unmeasured.

When Su Bai groggily awoke, he found the siblings fast asleep in the burrow. The darkness enveloped them, yet Su Bai's large frog eyes shone with an unusual brightness. Clutching the slumbering siblings with his claws, Su Bai stepped forward, sensing that something was amiss.

"Hmm, something's not quite right."

Advancing another step, the realization hit him.

"Shoot, why do I have three legs?"

Su Bai's mind reeled as he hastily checked his status.

"Host: Three-legged Golden Toad, Level: 3, Skills: Venom Spray, Iron Teeth, Golden Body, Energy Value: 300-10,000."

"Ten thousand energy points."

Su Bai's eyes rolled back as he nearly collapsed. The thought of needing 10,000 energy points for the next evolution was as uncomfortable as a sharp jab to the rear.

He couldn't determine how long the evolution had taken, but it was certainly not brief, as the cave entrance was now overgrown with moss due to the passage of time.

Clearing the soil that blocked the cave's mouth, Su Bai was greeted by sunlight. Narrowing his eyes, he adjusted to the brightness before glancing at the fox siblings. They lay there as if in hibernation, their vital signs faint yet distinctly present.

"Do foxes hibernate too?"

Transforming into his human form, Su Bai scratched his head, then picked up the siblings to continue searching for food. He wasn't particularly hungry, but the siblings hadn't eaten in who knows how long; they might have passed out from hunger.

Nearby, the roar of cascading water reached his ears. A waterfall must be ahead. Su Bai hastened towards the sound.

He discovered a waterfall about thirty feet high, its forceful descent stirring up a fine mist. At the water's edge, Su Bai cupped his hands and gathered some water.

The water felt cool and invigorating as it touched the skin, clear and pure enough to cleanse the heart and spleen.

Su Bai cradled the water in his hands, allowing it to trickle slowly into the mouths of the fox demon siblings.

As the water flowed in, Su Xiaoman gently smacked her lips, her throat quivering as she swallowed the refreshing liquid.

Water, the essence of life, brought revitalization; with the pond's hydration, the fox demon siblings' eyes fluttered open.

Yet, they appeared somewhat frail—likely a result of prolonged fasting.

"Boss, boss..."

"Shh, don't speak. I'll find you something to eat."

Su Bai made his way to the pond's edge, skillfully catching several fish. He then carefully shredded the fish flesh and fed it to the fox demon siblings.

Nourished by the food, the fox demon siblings swiftly began to regain their strength.

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