I Am A Tadpole/C15 Dog Demon Mountain
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I Am A Tadpole/C15 Dog Demon Mountain
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C15 Dog Demon Mountain

After devouring roughly a dozen fish, Su Xiaomu let out a satisfied burp and patted his stomach to signal he was full.

"Feeling your strength coming back?"

"Yep, all back. Oh, I'm stuffed!"

"Boss, where exactly are we?"

Su Bai gave a noncommittal shrug.

"I'm not sure, but we're likely still at Mount Bloodhowl!"

Su Xiaoman nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, we must be at Mount Bloodhowl. And look there, that's Mount Fang!"

Su Bai followed the direction of Su Xiaoman's pointing finger.

In the distance stood a mountain as impressive and grand as Mount Bloodhowl.

"Mount Fang? Surely that mountain isn't ruled by a dog demon, is it?"

Su Bai's face twisted into an odd expression.

A formidable wolf demon and an equally formidable dog demon—could it be that these two clans don't frequently clash?

Regaining a bit of their strength, the fox demon siblings hopped onto Su Bai's shoulders.

"Boss, what's our next move?"

Su Bai paused to consider, then rose to his feet and started walking.

"Let's continue eastward!"

A major event had recently unfolded at Mount Bloodhowl.

The mountain had been subjected to a brutal slaughter!

The culprits behind the massacre at Mount Bloodhowl appeared to be from a certain sect.

It seemed the incident was sparked by the deaths of three sect disciples at Mount Bloodhowl.

Forced to watch his followers being slain before his eyes, the wolf king's heart was heavy with sorrow.

"Isn't this enough? I've only recovered the bodies of two of my five trusted aides; the whereabouts of the other three remain unknown!"

"Hmph, killing a few of your offspring should serve as a lesson. If not for the presence of the Demon King, you'd be dead today!"

The speaker was an elderly man dressed in a green robe.

The wolf king, now in human form, was seething with rage but merely snorted coldly, choosing to remain silent.

"Take today's lesson to heart—it will prolong your life!"

With those parting words, the green-robed elder stepped onto his flying sword and became a streak of light, zipping off to the east.

Only after the elder had been gone for quite some time did the surviving wolf demons dare to shakily rise to their feet.

"Great King, what's our next course of action?"

"What else can we do?"

A fierce gleam shone in the wolf king's eyes.

"The slain brothers are yours to claim!"

The surviving wolf demons immediately knelt down in jubilation.

"Thank you, Great Lord!"

With the opportunity to devour the corpses of their fallen comrades, they believed their strength would greatly increase.

Due to the arrival of the formidable elder, the mission to locate Su Bai was put on hold.

The noxious air of Mount Bloodhowl finally settled into a brief calm.

Su Bai had evolved to level three, transforming into a Three-legged Golden Toad.

His power had multiplied several times over since becoming the Golden Toad.

Now, should he encounter any wolf demons, Su Bai was confident he wouldn't find himself in such a dire situation.

Traversing the forest, Su Bai made his way to Mount Fang.

The ruler of Mount Fang was a dog demon, whose power was comparable to that of the wolf demons from Mount Bloodhowl.

Unaware that the Wolf King had called off the hunt for him, Su Bai ventured into Mount Fang.

Upon his arrival, he came across two dog demons on patrol.

These dog demons hadn't taken human form, but they radiated a potent demonic aura, indicating their considerable strength.

In comparison to the wolf demons he had previously battled, Su Bai gauged that these dog demons were likely around level two.

Having evolved to level three, Su Bai was not intimidated by the pair of level two dog demons.

Approaching Mount Fang in human guise, Su Bai hesitated briefly before proceeding.

"Hey, who are you?"

Sensing someone drawing near, the two dog demons spoke in human tongue, blocking Su Bai's way.

"Just a traveler!"

Su Bai halted, maintaining a distance of about ninety feet from the two dog demons.

"What brings you to Mount Fang?"

The dog demons appeared highly alert.

But that was to be expected.

Since the upheaval at Mount Bloodhowl, the entire area had been thrown into disarray. Numerous demonic beasts were attempting to infiltrate Mount Fang.

The influx of beasts into Mount Fang was met with resistance from the local demons, who were not keen on sharing their territory.

The arrival of more beasts meant fewer resources for those in Mount Fang.

Thus, the demons of Mount Fang banded together, intensifying their patrols to prevent the creatures from Mount Bloodhowl from stealthily slipping into their domain.

Su Bai, of course, was unaware of the underlying reason for the situation.

"Just passing through!"

He offered a straightforward response.

The demonic beasts of Mount Fang, however, were not convinced.

"This path is closed. You'll need to find another way around!"

But a detour was out of the question.

Su Bai was intent on traveling east, yet the sprawling expanse of Mount Fang, stretching over ten miles, lay before him, making a detour impossible.

"There's no way around it. If you insist on blocking my path, then I have no choice but to kill you and feast on dog meat!"


"You must have a death wish!"

The two dog demons nearly burst with fury upon hearing Su Bai's declaration.

"Foolish human, you will pay dearly for your insolence!"

Charging at Su Bai with frenzied aggression, the two dog demons were met with a swift response.

"Bang! Bang!"

With two swift strikes, Su Bai's fists, aglow with a golden radiance, effortlessly sent the dog demons hurtling through the air.

They landed with a thud, lying still on the ground, their canine legs twitching occasionally.

Su Bai chuckled and gave Xiaomu, perched on his shoulder, a playful pat.

"Xiaomu, we're having dog meat stew tonight!"

Xiaomu and Xiaoman, the two fox demons, were still in shock.

They could hardly believe that Su Bai, post-evolution, possessed such formidable power.

These were bona fide level two demonic beasts, and yet they had been vanquished by a mere pair of punches.

Their ignominious defeat only underscored the terrifying extent of Su Bai's strength.

"Snap out of it. Go and skin the dog meat. We're having dog meat for dinner!"



The prospect of feasting on demon beast meat had the two fox demons visibly excited.

Once on the ground, Su Xiaomu and Su Xiaoman, now in their human forms, eagerly approached the fallen dog demons, grinning as they hoisted the carcasses onto their shoulders.

On the border between Mount Fang and Mount Bloodhowl, Su Bai set up a pot right there and began to cook the two dog demons.

It must be said that while Su Xiaoman and Su Xiaomu, the fox demons, might not have been particularly formidable in combat, they certainly excelled in the art of skinning and deboning.

Su Bai found the situation quite puzzling.

Given the limited strength of these two little fox demons, it was unlikely they often had the chance to eat. He couldn't fathom where they had acquired such adept skinning skills.

After he had finished chopping the dog demon's meat and placed it in the pot, each of the little demon foxes held a piece of dog skin, busily licking the blood from its surface.

The sight gave Su Bai a bit of a headache.

Noticing Su Bai's look of disgust, Su Xiaoman felt compelled to offer an explanation.

"The blood of the dog demon aids in our evolution!"

"I'm well aware that the blood of the dog demon is beneficial for your evolution, but is this really necessary?" Of course, this was a thought Su Bai kept to himself, never voicing it aloud.

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