I Am A Tadpole/C17 Dao Protector
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I Am A Tadpole/C17 Dao Protector
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C17 Dao Protector

"Ah, my tooth is killing me!"

"My claw is broken!"

"My hand is swollen!"

Su Bai was radiating a golden glow.

The claws and fists that struck him felt no more bothersome than a tickle.

Su Bai was inwardly bursting with glee.

"This isn't just a solid wall; it's a titanium alloy wall!"

He yawned.

"Are you done yet? I'm almost asleep here!"

The demons were so infuriated they were practically tying themselves in knots.

"Damn, this kid is way too cocky!"

"Exactly, let's teach him a lesson!"

"We'll concentrate our attacks on his eyes!"

Su Bai opened his mouth and inhaled gently, drawing a demon beast into his maw.

"Crunch, crunch!"

After a few chews, Su Bai swallowed the demon beast whole.

The demon beasts, previously seething with rage, suddenly felt a cold fear at the sight.

"This toad is too strong. We need to pull back!"

"Quick, inform the king. He needs to come and show this creature how to be a proper demon!"

Unable to breach Su Bai's impregnable defense, the demon beasts opted to retreat.

"Trying to leave?"

"After enjoying the fight so much, isn't it my turn now?"

Su Bai flicked out his long tongue, effortlessly snaring seven or eight demon beasts and pulling them close.

He was about to devour them when a sudden thought stopped him, and he refrained from eating the creatures.

With a flurry of his tongue, Su Bai bound the struggling beasts and dispatched them with ease.

As a pile of more than a dozen demon beast corpses grew before him, the rest kept their distance, watching from a safe vantage point.

The demon beasts Su Bai was guarding were now beyond their reach.

Some of the demons, eyeing their wounded peers, had a glint of predatory instinct in their eyes.

A few exchanged knowing looks.

They understood what had to be done!

"Ah, what are you doing to me!"


Before one of the injured demon beasts could react, it was slain by a comrade standing next to it.

Once the first fell, a second quickly followed.

Suddenly, a chaotic melee erupted in front of Su Bai.

Su Bai was in high spirits, having stumbled upon a free spectacle. If only he had a bag of sunflower seeds or peanuts, the experience would have been perfect!

Tonight was bound to be a night steeped in bloodshed.

The dozen or so demonic beast corpses sprawled before Su Bai were a ghastly sight.

Beyond, the scene was akin to hell itself.

Over a hundred demonic beasts were locked in a brutal melee, with severed limbs scattered about and blood staining the grass and trees crimson. The beasts that survived, having feasted on their fallen kin, would surely grow stronger.

Shifting slightly, Su Bai glanced back.

Inside the cave, Su Xiaomu was still undergoing his evolution.

Su Bai exhaled deeply, his gaze lifting to the crescent moon above.

The scent of blood in the air seemed to cast a reddish hue over the moon.

At that moment, Su Bai couldn't help but feel concerned.

The demonic beasts that had fled might seek out the Wolf King to relay what had happened.

Su Bai was uncertain whether he could best the Wolf King in combat.

With each passing moment, his anxiety intensified.

"Xiaoman, how much longer until Xiaomu's evolution is complete?"

From within the cave, Su Xiaoman's voice came softly, "I'm not sure, but it should be finishing up soon, I think."

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief, hoping the process would conclude swiftly. Every second they remained was a second fraught with peril.

"Xiaoman, come outside. There's some food here. If you consume it, you might be due for an evolution yourself!"

Su Xiaoman hesitated before gently shaking her head.

"Let's not."

Su Bai didn't press the issue.

He understood that now was not the time for evolution.

If Su Xiaoman were to evolve after eating, Su Bai wasn't confident he could safeguard them both.

What was meant to happen would happen, regardless.

As Su Xiaomu's evolution neared completion, Su Bai sensed a potent demonic presence racing towards him.

His expression darkened.

It was likely the Wolf King on his way.

A lithe figure descended from the moonlit sky, touching down on the earth and transforming instantly into a middle-aged man.

The man halted at a cautious distance, his gaze fixed on Su Bai. His eyes shone brightly in the night.

"Did you kill my son?"


"You certainly possess the power!"

Even though Su Bai knew the answer in his heart, he still felt compelled to ask the question.

"Are you the Wolf King?"

The middle-aged man gave a slight nod, confirming, "Yes, I am the Wolf King."

After his declaration, he glanced around, his brow furrowing slightly.

"How cruel. Did you kill all of these?"

Su Bai quickly gestured with his claws.

"No, I don't have that kind of power. They killed each other!"

The Wolf King nodded in acknowledgment.

"I figured you didn't have the leisure for that!"

After a brief pause, the Wolf King added, "The little one behind you has an odd aura. He doesn't seem like a regular demon beast."

Su Bai, with wide toad-like eyes, remained silent.

Since the Wolf King seemed intent on buying time, Su Bai was more than happy to oblige.

"You knew I might come, yet you stayed put. Do you really think you can defeat me?"

Su Bai gave a nonchalant shrug.

"How would I know without trying?"

"Ha, excellent!" The Wolf King chuckled, his gaze fixed on Su Bai.

"You're only a level three, but there's something odd about your aura. It comes and goes. You must have some kind of treasure that conceals it!"

Su Bai felt a jolt of surprise.

For the first time, someone had recognized his true power.

Clearly, the Wolf King had some serious skills.

Su Bai instantly became more vigilant.

"I haven't stretched my muscles in a while. Today, I'll use you for practice!" The Wolf King mused before making his move.

"If someone had shielded me back in the day, perhaps I wouldn't have fallen to such lows."

With those profound words, the Wolf King extended his palm and flicked it lightly.

A burst of energy whistled through the air and struck Su Bai, leaving a shallow gash on his golden skin that had previously been impervious to the attacks of level two demonic beasts.

Su Bai was taken aback.

Yet, he remained motionless.

"You're quite the competent guardian," the Wolf King commented, flicking his palm again, sending several more energy streams at Su Bai.

Each one left a shallow scar from which trickles of blood began to seep.

"I'm curious to see how much damage you can withstand!"

With that, the Wolf King fell silent, his hands moving in a flurry, sending waves of energy slicing through the air towards Su Bai like blades.

Su Bai clenched his teeth, bearing the slicing agony without uttering a single groan.

After ten minutes had passed.

Su Bai's originally golden skin was now stained red with the blood that had seeped from his wounds.

At that moment, inside the cave, Su Xiaomu's evolution was at last complete!

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