I Am A Tadpole/C5 This Jellyfish Knows How to Release Electricity!
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I Am A Tadpole/C5 This Jellyfish Knows How to Release Electricity!
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C5 This Jellyfish Knows How to Release Electricity!

Su Bai's back was covered in repulsive lumps, each filled with potent venom.

"Well, if I'm to be a toad, so be it. In the world of cultivation, I can simply transform once I level up enough!"

Su Bai swiftly came to terms with his situation.

He had consumed less than a third of the massive crocodile, leaving him uncertain whether finishing it would trigger his evolution.

Once he had assessed his physical state, Su Bai crawled out of the cave.

Surveying the area, he resolved to stay in the cave and continue devouring the crocodile meat to evolve!

But as soon as Su Bai retrieved the crocodile carcass from his storage ring, the thick scent of blood quickly lured a swarm of aquatic creatures.

Animals have keen noses, particularly for the scent of demon beast carcasses that could aid their evolution. The fish drawn by the blood had eyes as red and bloodshot as if they'd been up all night.

At this sight, Su Bai was not alarmed but delighted.

He no longer rushed to consume the crocodile carcass.

Since the carcass could attract food, he decided to use it as bait to catch even more.

Perched atop the crocodile, legs jauntily crossed, Su Bai waited until a sufficient number of fish had gathered before unleashing his toxic ability.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The lumps on his back opened, ejecting a sticky green poison.

The lower-level fish, upon contact with the venom, flipped belly-up, their eyes rolling back to reveal the whites, turning them into dead fish.

Grinning from ear to ear, Su Bai used his claws to pick up one plump, appetizing fish after another, crunching away contentedly.

There was no need to activate his Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth skill; the fish bones were as brittle as dry twigs to him.

Without spitting out a single bone, Su Bai devoured fish after fish until none remained.

His energy levels rose steadily.





As Su Bai contemplated moving to a new location to continue fishing with the crocodile meat as bait, the water below suddenly trembled with a violent shake. He quickly stowed the crocodile carcass to prevent it from being swept away by the current.

A powerful suction force emerged, and Su Bai felt his body being irresistibly pulled in a specific direction.

What was happening?

Su Bai glanced ahead and was terrified to his core.

A massive snake had appeared from the depths without warning.

At that moment, the snake was gaping, voraciously inhaling everything in its vicinity.

Watching a stone get sucked into the snake's maw and pulverized to dust, Su Bai nearly wet himself.

His skin was thick and tough, but he doubted whether it could withstand the snake's crushing power.

Desperately, he paddled with all his might, trying to flee the gaping jaws of the serpent.

But no matter how fiercely he struggled, he kept helplessly drifting backward.

This is it, he thought. I'm done for.

A cold shiver ran down Su Bai's spine as he felt the presence of death looming over him.

He closed his eyes.

In that moment, surrendering to his fate and awaiting the snake's bite seemed to be his only option.

Suddenly, his backward slide came to an abrupt halt.

What now?

Su Bai opened his eyes, only to widen them in shock.


He screamed as he was struck by a colossal tail.

The giant snake had snapped its mouth shut and, as it turned to swim away, its tail whipped Su Bai.

Like a projectile, his body was launched from the water into the air, then plummeted back down.

Battered and nearly broken, Su Bai quickly dove to the riverbed and sought refuge in an underground cavern.

"That hurt, but at least I'm alive!"

Rubbing his nearly fractured thigh, he was grateful to have escaped the jaws of death.

Su Bai was puzzled as to why the snake had closed its mouth at the last moment.

Upon reflection, he surmised it was likely because he had stowed away the crocodile carcass.

The absence of the crocodile's blood scent must have prompted the snake to close its mouth.

Counting his blessings, Su Bai realized he couldn't be reckless with the crocodile carcass anymore. If he had to take it out, it would have to be in a safer place.

Once the pain subsided, Su Bai cautiously peeked out from his subterranean hideout.

The river flowed on, but whether it was the same one as before, he couldn't be certain.

Nevertheless, the resources here seemed far richer than where he had encountered the snake.

The fish and shrimp in this area were significantly more robust and plentiful than those I had encountered earlier. The local wildlife seemed to harbor no aggression, allowing Su Bai to boldly leap out from the cave.

Perched atop a massive stone on the ocean floor, Su Bai surveyed his surroundings. A sudden glint of light caught his attention. Drawn to it, he discovered the source was a simple blade of grass.

"Could this be the fabled spiritual grass?" he wondered.

A powerful craving surged through him, urging Su Bai to consume the grass before him. The grass must be a treasure, he reasoned, or his body wouldn't be sending such insistent signals.

"Should I eat it? But aren't such divine treasures usually guarded by mythical beasts?"

Su Bai scanned the vicinity but found no such guardians. The urge from within grew more intense. Resolute, Su Bai bit down on his resolve and decided to eat the grass without further ado.

He opened his mouth wide and swallowed the luminous grass. It dissolved almost instantly, not even leaving a taste as it transformed into a surge of energy that spread to every corner of his body. Su Bai felt an enveloping warmth, akin to the comfort of a sauna.


"By consuming the Plant of Forming, you have acquired the Forming ability!"

The Plant of Forming!

A moment of astonishment gave way to an overwhelming joy. "It's the Plant of Forming! Hahaha!"


"Huh, what's that sound behind me?"

Instinctively, Su Bai turned to look and his eyes widened in shock. "Wow, that's a huge jellyfish!"

"And it can produce electricity!"

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