I Am A Tadpole/C7 Difficult Sister Difficult Brother!
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I Am A Tadpole/C7 Difficult Sister Difficult Brother!
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C7 Difficult Sister Difficult Brother!

I was overthinking things. First and foremost, I needed to ensure my own survival.

Su Bai appeared to have evolved into a prince, although he seemed unaware of it himself.

"This is Mount Bloodhowl!"

"Mount Bloodhowl?" Su Bai echoed internally. This was his first encounter with a place name since arriving in this world.

Turning his attention back to the slender sister, he inquired, "I notice you've begun your transformation, but why is your aura so faint?"

Su Bai was determined to unravel this mystery.

The demon fox sister fixed Su Bai with an odd look that made him squirm. After a glance at his attire, she seemed to come to a realization.

This formidable-looking young man must have just emerged from the deep mountains!

"Demon beasts have three transformation methods. One is for demon clan descendants, who naturally appear as half-human with animal traits. Another is through cultivation, reaching a certain strength before they can hide their features. The last method involves using spiritual medicine to transform," Su Bai realized.

The slender sister caught the look on Su Bai's face and nodded knowingly. She became even more convinced that this powerful young man before her had been cultivating in a remote forest for a century and had only recently emerged.

Su Bai surmised that the two demon beasts before him were likely the first type, meaning they had simply inherited their parents' transformation abilities but possessed little cultivation.

Feeling reassured, Su Bai proceeded to ask the frail sister several more questions.

The conversation with the frail sister proved immensely enlightening for Su Bai, giving him a rough understanding of the world and the cultivation community.

"Gu Gu…"

The frail sister's stomach growled loudly.

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she covered her belly.

"Sister hasn't eaten in days," the little boy said softly. He had thought they'd caught a big toad, finally allowing his sister a hearty meal, only to discover they'd brought home a master in disguise. This left the young fox feeling quite disheartened.

Su Bai scratched his head, remembering he had food in his storage ring—crocodile meat he had acquired in the swamp.

However, crocodile meat was the evolved toad's preferred food, and he was not keen on sharing it with anyone else.

"How about this? I don't have a place to stay, so let me stay here with you for now. In return, I'll share some of my food with you!"


The little boy didn't wait for his sister's approval before he leapt out excitedly.

To the little boy, the toad-turned-human before them was a godsend. Not only had he spared them from being eaten, but he was also offering to share his food.

His sister was frail and thin, making it hard for her to forage for food. Relying solely on herself to get enough to eat was an almost impossible task.

Su Bai's face broke into an enchanting smile.


Upon receiving Su Bai's affirmation, the little boy jumped for joy.

"Sister, we won't have to go hungry anymore!"

Indeed, the little boy's optimism was well-founded.

Su Bai's prowess in defeating monsters far surpassed that of the little demon fox.

In under an hour, he had brought back a wild boar to the cave.

Su Bai set the wild boar down at the cave's entrance, and the little boy bounded toward it.

"Sister, we've got food now!"

The little boy was eager to pull the wild boar inside the cave, but as he was about to hoist it onto his shoulder, he paused and turned to Su Bai for approval.

With Su Bai's nod, the little boy lifted the hefty boar onto his small frame and scampered into the cave with glee.

Su Bai observed from the side.

He had assumed the siblings would consume the wild boar raw, as was the custom of demon beasts.

To his astonishment, the siblings produced pots, pans, and utensils, kindled a fire, and set about preparing a cooked meal.

Su Bai was taken aback as he watched the little boy deftly skin and debone the boar, then skewer the meat onto an iron sword and roast it over the flames.

Something about this picture seemed off.

But he decided to let it go.

Wait a second, that iron sword skewering the boar couldn't possibly be a treasured blade, could it?

It looked like he would need to investigate that sword more closely after the siblings had satisfied their hunger.

In fact, Su Bai's storage ring contained a flying sword, a relic of the Taoist priest who had met his end alongside the crocodile.

But when it comes to treasures, one can never have too many. If that iron sword turned out to be a treasure, Su Bai would slip it into his pocket without a second thought.

"Big brother, why aren't you eating?"

Su Bai certainly wasn't going to tell the little boy that he had already savored the succulent crocodile.

So, he made up an excuse on the spot.

"I've put on too much weight lately; I'm trying to slim down!"

Having no competition for the food was an ideal situation. The boy was secretly delighted, eagerly grabbing a roasted pig leg and devouring it with gusto.

Su Bai observed the frail sister thoughtfully.

He suspected that the siblings were likely fox demons. If they had been weasel demons, the cave would surely reek, but Su Bai hadn't detected even a hint of such an odor. And they couldn't be cat demons—their tails were much larger than any cat's.

Of course, this was an alien world. The knowledge Su Bai possessed might not be applicable here.

"By the way, what are your names?"

It seemed that Su Bai would be spending some time with the siblings, and having a way to address them would certainly be more convenient.

"I'm Su Xiaomu, and this is my sister, Su Xiaoman."

"Then I'll call you Xiaomu and Xiaoman from now on!"

Su Bai nodded, though he found it odd. Typically, the surname Li was human, and demon beasts usually had more peculiar names.

But then again, nothing in this world seemed normal. Demon beasts adopting human names wasn't the strangest thing.

"And what's your name, big brother?"

Su Bai pondered for a moment. He had arrived in this world in the form of a tadpole. Should he choose a new name for himself?

After scratching his head and failing to come up with an appealing name, Su Bai decided to stick with the name from his past life.

"I'm Su Bai."

"Wow, we have the same surname! But my sister and I are fox demons; why are you a toad demon?"

"I still want to know why I'm a toad demon," Su Xiaomu mused aloud.

Su Bai internally rolled his eyes but chose not to respond to his brother's query.

Noticing Su Bai's silence, Su Xiaomu tactfully dropped the subject and focused on devouring his meal with gusto.

Despite belonging to the refined fox clan, the siblings' table manners left much to be desired. Su Bai found their eating style utterly lacking in aesthetic appeal, prompting him to stand up and step outside the cave.

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