I Am A Tadpole/C9 Kill the Wolf!
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I Am A Tadpole/C9 Kill the Wolf!
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C9 Kill the Wolf!

A gentle voice echoed once more from the cave.

"I'm sorry, we're just not a good match."

It was the second rejection he had faced. The wolf's patience was wearing thin.

If diplomacy failed, he'd resort to force.

He was hell-bent on claiming this enchanting fox demon.

Since laying eyes on Su Xiaoman by the riverbank a week prior, he'd lost all appetite, consumed with the desire to have the alluring fox demon beneath him.

The wolf demon decided to make one final attempt before his patience ran out.

"I am the young master of Mount Bloodhowl. If you join me, you'll be well taken care of!"

Silence fell within the cave.

The wolf demon swelled with pride.

The title of Mount Bloodhowl's young master was a tried-and-true trump card.

Flaunting this status, he'd seen rabbit demons and fellow wolf demons alike bow before him.

Because, in the domain of Mount Bloodhowl, his father's word was law!

But this time, the wolf demon faced disappointment.

"Sorry, I already belong to someone!"

The wolf demon's patience finally shattered.

"Awoo, you're rejecting the offer only to face the consequences."

He growled, preparing to storm the cave.


Something struck the wolf demon from behind.

He halted and whirled around, scanning his surroundings.

"Who's there! Show yourself!"

To think someone dared to throw stones at him on Mount Bloodhowl was unthinkable.

The wolf demon, with a fierce glare in his triangular eyes, was determined to find the culprit and have his father teach them a lesson in demon etiquette.

"It's me!"

Su Bai leapt from a large rock, dropping a wild boar and a wild wolf onto the ground.

The wolf demon, taken aback upon seeing Su Bai emerge, gasped.

"A human?"

Unable to sense any demonic energy from Su Bai, the wolf demon instinctively assumed he was human.

Su Bai, ignoring the wolf demon's question, fixed his gaze on the wolf, eyes gleaming with anticipation.


Su Bai sensed the demonic energy emanating from the wolf.

Devouring this wolf might just trigger his next evolution.

Sensing something off in Su Bai's stare, the wolf demon instinctively stepped back.

"My father is..."

It was about to invoke the name of its father, the old Wolf King, but Su Bai didn't give it the chance.


A bottle of poison was sprayed out, poison that Su Bai had collected himself.


After a scream, the wolf demon quickly collapsed to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

In its final moments, the wolf demon regretted not calling out its father's name sooner.

Su Bai, filled with excitement, ran over and pinched the wolf demon's hind leg, noting the solid muscle.

He hoisted the wolf demon over his shoulder, planning to find a new spot to devour it.

At that moment, Su Xiaoman and Su Xiaomu emerged from the cave.

Su Xiaomu bounded toward the wild wolves and boars still on the ground, while Su Xiaoman, with a furrowed brow, stood at the cave's entrance.

"Master, it looks like you've stirred up some trouble!"

Su Bai was puzzled. He had just slain a weaker wolf demon; what trouble could there be?

"This wolf demon claimed to be the descendant of the Old Wolf King of Mount Bloodhowl!"

Hearing Su Xiaoman's words, Su Bai instantly grasped the gravity of the situation.

He was unsure of what to feel, but one thought dominated his mind.

"So, it's all about who your father is here too!"

Su Bai shrugged. The deed was done; there was no bringing the wolf demon back to life.

Even so, he knew that the ruler of Mount Bloodhowl was not to be taken lightly.

There was only one sensible course of action.


"Pack up your things; I'll be back soon!"

With that, Su Bai vanished.

Su Xiaoman paused, then quickly grasped Su Bai's intent.

He was signaling for them to flee!

But seeing Su Bai's hasty departure, she couldn't help but think he had abandoned them!

Anger welled up in her, disrupting her breathing.

"Xiaomu, pack your things quickly. We need to leave!"

Su Xiaomu might not have grasped the situation, but he always listened to his sister.


Su Xiaomu set the food aside and turned to gather his belongings.

They couldn't stay in this cave any longer.

But where could they, so vulnerable, find refuge now?

At that moment, Su Xiaoman even regretted having met Su Bai.

Though Su Bai had provided them with food, he had also brought disaster upon them.

What good was food if they no longer had their lives?

Despite her complaints, the nourishment over the past few days had significantly improved Su Xiaoman's health.

Her once dull skin now glowed with a soft, tender radiance.

Su Bai, dragging the body of the wolf demon, found a somewhat secluded spot and transformed into a large toad. He swallowed the wolf demon whole, chewed a few times, and then gulped it down into his belly.

After rapidly digesting the meal, Su Bai's energy levels began to climb slowly once more.

"980 energy points, still short by 20," he muttered.

"This wolf demon was all show and no substance, looking formidable but only yielding 20 energy points. It's nothing compared to that big crocodile!"

After grumbling, Su Bai stood upright and reverted to his human form.

Upon returning to the cave, Su Bai was taken aback to find it completely empty; his two younger brothers were nowhere to be seen.

"They must have run off, fearing I'd drag them down!" he surmised.

Shaking his head, Su Bai felt a pang of sadness.

He had looked after them for some time, and now that he was in trouble, the siblings had cut ties and fled, leaving him feeling cold inside.

"A demon beast is a demon beast, after all."

With a sigh, Su Bai turned and swiftly departed.

The sisters, impoverished as they were, lacked luxuries like storage rings and had to carry all their possessions on their backs.

Su Xiaomu's small frame was dwarfed by a bundle several times his size.

From behind, he resembled a walking bundle.

Su Xiaoman fared slightly better; though she too was laden with goods, her long legs were still visible.

The old wolf king was yet unaware of his son's demise.

But as the ruler of Mount Bloodhowl, he had many under his command.

Before long, the news of the young master's death reached the old wolf king's ears.

It was a mouse the size of a cat.

It witnessed the young master wolf being slain.

After the news had been relayed through various channels, it finally reached the ears of the old Wolf King.

"Roar! Roar! Who is so bold as to dare kill the son of the Wolf King? Minions, search for them! We must find the perpetrator!"

Having mobilized his extensive network.

The two ambulatory bundles soon caught the attention of the wolves along the way.

Before they could even descend the mountain, they were intercepted by a pack of wolves.

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