I Am The Invincible One/C1 Hidden Dragon Entering the World!
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I Am The Invincible One/C1 Hidden Dragon Entering the World!
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C1 Hidden Dragon Entering the World!

In the heat of summer, within the southern war zone...

"Yu, it seems like just yesterday you began your training here, and now it's been eight years. You've dealt with our enemies—killed some, crippled others. It's time for you to return and savor the mundane world. Here's a card with thirty billion yuan for your expenses.

"If that's not enough, ask your mother for more. She's made a fortune in the capital—hundreds of billions. She can spare it," said an elderly man in simple clothes, his eyes sparkling with vigor as he handed a bank card to Faang Yu.

He continued, "This Heavenly Dragon Token will verify your identity. It serves two purposes: first, if you encounter any criminal or someone who dares to bully you, regardless of their status, you can put an end to them.

"Second, upon its use, the soldiers of the local war zone will follow your command without question, awaiting your deployment."

With that, the elder produced a purple-gold token.

Engraved on the front were the characters for "Heavenly Dragon," bold and imposing. On the back, a five-clawed golden dragon was depicted with such realism it seemed to come alive.

"There are also six letters of marriage proposal from prominent families looking to align with ours. Take a look at these girls; if any catch your eye, give it a chance. You're not getting any younger, and it's about time you thought about marriage...

"However, you must first visit the Su family in Diannan City. They've had the audacity to speak of annulling the marriage agreement I had with Elder Su. Go see if something's amiss with the Su family."

At this, a muscular and imposing general standing beside the old man spoke up in anger, "The nerve of the Su family! You, the old War God, founded the Heavenly Dragon Hall and have defended our borders. Three generations of your family have been war heroes, earning countless honors.

Your wife heads the billion-dollar conglomerate in the scorching summer. Yet the Su family shows such ingratitude, daring to break off the engagement! Just say the word, and I'll lead our forces there. In less than half a day, the Su family will be no more!"

The elder shook his head, "You don't understand, Elder Su isn't one to break his promises. Yu, on your visit, check if the Su family is in trouble and lend a hand if possible."

Faang Yu accepted his grandfather's items and gazed at the six marriage letters with a detached air, deep in thought.

The elder seemed to read Faang Yu's mind. "Go ahead. I'll hold down the fort here in the south. There won't be any chaos! Your father was last seen in Diannan; you might want to look into that."

Faang Yu gave a slight, nonchalant nod.

"Grandpa, take care of yourself..."

Faang Yu was sparing with his words, but his tone betrayed his deep concern for the old man.

As Faang Yu departed, the legions of iron-blooded soldiers from the southern border saluted in perfect unison.

"Farewell, War God!"

Their voices boomed, piercing the heavens!

The elder watched Faang Yu's retreating figure with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

A general, noticing the elder's reluctance, suggested, "Old War God, if it's hard to let him go, why not keep him here with you?"

The elder shook his head, "You don't understand. Faang Yu, raised in the war zone, is decisive and aloof. It's time for him to venture out and socialize more. And those daughters from the families seeking an alliance with us are exceptional, true scions of nobility. He needs to settle down eventually. Am I to never hold a great-grandchild?"

At the Diannan City International Airport, a young man in his twenties, dressed in plain clothes, made his way toward the exit.

This young man, with his cold, chiseled features and simple attire, carried an air of innate authority.

He was Faang Yu.

The thrum of an engine reverberated, capturing the attention of all around.

Heads turned as a red Ferrari SF90 sped into view, coming to a halt beside Faang Yu.

A woman then stepped out of the car.

The woman was clad in a rice-yellow split dress, her hair tied up in a bun, her figure graceful, with a face that was a study in delicate features. She radiated an air of innocence, yet there was an undeniable allure of a mature woman about her. She was seductive without being overt, innocent without being naive. In an instant, she captured the gaze of many onlookers.

She scrutinized Faang Yu from head to toe, noting his plain, homespun attire that bordered on provincial. Her brow furrowed in disapproval.

"Faang Yu?" she inquired.

He nodded in confirmation, then returned the question, "Su Ningshang?"

"Yes, it's me. Get in the car!" Su Ningshang gestured.

Without a verbal response, Faang Yu simply got into her car.

Su Ningshang, the esteemed daughter of the Su family from Diannan City, was renowned as one of the city's three great beauties. She was the object of countless admirers' fantasies and, coincidentally, Faang Yu's betrothed. This encounter was prompted by the matter of their impending annulment.

Once inside the vehicle, Faang Yu settled himself with a composed air, closing his eyes to rest, and pointedly ignoring Su Ningshang.

Su Ningshang, for her part, held Faang Yu in low regard. Faang Yu's grandfather, in his youth, had been a comrade-in-arms with Su Ningshang's grandfather, Su Zhenhua, on the frontlines. They had fought shoulder to shoulder, and Su Zhenhua had even saved the life of Faang Quan. However, Su Zhenhua retired after just five years of service, while Faang Yu's grandfather devoted his life to the military, growing in strength and rank. Over time, their contact dwindled.

The Su family's knowledge of the Fa family was limited; they were aware that for three generations, the Fa men were soldiers with a modest degree of influence. Despite the infrequent interactions, the bond between the two elder statesmen remained unbroken, their friendship as strong as ever.

To Su Ningshang, however, Faang Yu was nothing more than a backwoods yokel, unacquainted with the ways of the world—a man utterly unsuitable for someone of her stature. Yet, Faang Yu's nonchalant demeanor irked her deeply. Throughout the ride, he never once glanced her way.

It was as though he had rendered her invisible.

Su Ningshang couldn't help but feel irked. She was, after all, one of Diannan City's top three beauties, and yet Faang Yu had completely disregarded her presence. This slight to her pride stung a bit.

Twenty minutes later, Su Ningshang exited the airport expressway and reached the city's outskirts. Faang Yu's eyes snapped open, his brow furrowing.

"Isn't this the wrong way to the Su residence?"

Su Ningshang's annoyance was palpable.

"My grandfather is gravely ill; it's likely a matter of days now. My parents have been extremely stressed about it.

Faang Yu, I'm not trying to belittle you, but my parents have never approved of you. They see you as nothing more than an unsophisticated country bumpkin. So, don't bother coming over and adding to their stress, got it?"

"To the Su family! I will treat Elder Su's illness!"

Faang Yu couldn't be bothered with further discussion. He issued the command, his voice brooking no argument, and didn't spare Su Ningshang a glance.

Su Ningshang found it utterly ridiculous.

To her, Faang Yu was a complete yokel. She couldn't fathom where he got the audacity to boss her around.

"Faang Yu, don't overestimate yourself. With what will you treat him? You, a mere border soldier? Do you really think you're capable? Try to be reasonable. Do you enjoy spouting nonsense?"

But just then, two vans raced up, swiftly encircling Su Ningshang's vehicle.

She slammed on the brakes, narrowly avoiding a collision, and erupted in anger. "What's the matter with you? Don't you see there are people here?"

In the next instant, six strapping men alighted from the vehicles and closed in on Su Ningshang.

The ringleader, a bald man with a scarred face, brandished a handgun, aiming it at both Su Ningshang and Faang Yu.

"Out of the car!"

He barked the command, his voice seething with fury.


Su Ningshang's face paled at the sight of the gun, and she complied, stepping out of the car.

The man with the scarred face stared at Su Ningshang.

"Miss Su, I'm going to need you to come with me."

Su Ningshang furrowed her brow, struggling to maintain her composure.

"Who are you people?"

The scarred man gave her a taunting look.

"That's not something you need to know."

His gaze was like that of someone observing a helpless little rabbit.

Su Ningshang's frown deepened as she pressed on, "Who sent you?"

"That's not something you need to know."

It was the same response.

Beside the scarred man, his fierce companion barked furiously, "Damn it, you little tramp. Quit your yapping and get in the car. If you waste our time, believe me, we'll make you regret it!"

Su Ningshang's face blanched with fear at the man's tirade.

Thankfully, they seemed to be ignoring Faang Yu.

Maybe they just saw him as another bodyguard.

Since Faang Yu wasn't intervening, they didn't bother with him.

Once she was gone, Faang Yu, unless he was a complete fool, would surely seek help for her.

Preparing to follow the men, Su Ningshang's frown remained.

"Stop right there!"

That's when Faang Yu finally spoke up.


Suddenly, the attention of the bald man with the scarred face and his crew shifted to Faang Yu.

"This fool!"

Su Yushan's face went ashen, tears welling up in her eyes.

Faang Yu had gone unnoticed. Once she was gone, he could have sought help for her.

But now, Faang Yu was making his presence felt, practically inviting danger.

The bald, scar-faced man turned to Faang Yu, his eyes flashing with lethal intent.

"Kid, this doesn't concern you. Best stay out of it, or we won't hesitate to give you a tour of the crematorium for the day!"

The bald man and his five cohorts radiated a menacing, brutal energy.

Yet, Faang Yu remained utterly composed, betraying no hint of emotion.

He stepped out of the car leisurely, fixing his gaze on the bald, scar-faced man.

"Kneel down, beg for mercy, and reveal who's behind you. You've got one chance, or else... you're dead."


Upon hearing Faang Yu's declaration, everyone was momentarily taken aback, their faces a mix of astonishment and disbelief as they stared at him.

Their gazes were peculiar, as if they were beholding a fool.

It was common knowledge that the bald man with the scar and his crew were six hulking brutes armed with guns.

And there stood Faang Yu, seemingly frail, prompting them to wonder if they had misheard. Was Faang Yu actually turning the tables and threatening them?

Su Ningshang felt a surge of irritation coupled with a sense of the absurd.

Her annoyance stemmed from Faang Yu's missed opportunity to call for help, drawing the attention of the bald man with the scar and his gang towards her.

Yet, witnessing Faang Yu's unwavering confidence, Su Ningshang couldn't help but find the situation utterly ludicrous.

The adversaries were armed, and Faang Yu was just one man—yet he had the audacity to challenge them. It was downright preposterous.

"Faang Yu, have you lost your mind? Why provoke them? Are you asking for trouble?"

Su Ningshang couldn't contain her outburst of criticism.

Faang Yu simply shook his head, maintaining his serene demeanor, "A bunch of garbage, hardly worth fearing..."

At Faang Yu's retort, Su Ningshang, along with the band of thugs, were left utterly flabbergasted.

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