I Am The Invincible One/C17 Utter Despair
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I Am The Invincible One/C17 Utter Despair
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C17 Utter Despair

"It's fake, it has to be. How can the sky just fall?" Zhao Linlin stared at her father, Zhao Gaang, unable to grasp that any of this could be true. She was utterly bewildered.

But just then, a group of uniformed individuals entered from the venue's entrance. Shortly after, one approached Zhao Gaang, brandishing an arrest warrant. "Mr. Zhao Gaang, apologies, but we're from the Business Crime Investigation Department. We suspect you've played a key role in orchestrating a commercial crime. Please come with us for questioning."

"I—" Zhao Gaang was taken aback.

Before he could say more, yet another group of uniformed officers arrived. "Mr. Zhao Gaang, we believe you're linked to a batch of smuggled goods. We need you to come with us for an investigation."

The room fell into a stunned silence, Zhao Linlin included, her confusion deepening. Up until now, their information had trickled in through text messages and word of mouth.

But the situation had escalated. With officials on the scene, the allegations seemed to be taking a concrete shape.

As they were still trying to process this, a new wave of officials entered. "Mr. Zhao Gaang, we're from the Public Security Bureau. You're suspected of involvement in a homicide. Please come with us to assist with our inquiries."

"It's finished! Completely finished!" The onlookers gazed at Zhao Gaang, void of any sympathy. No one could have imagined his connection to so many grave offenses.

If the charges stuck, it looked like Zhao Gaang's final decades would be spent behind bars.

Yet, another group of newcomers swiftly entered the hall, their arrival casting a wave of surprise. "More?" they murmured.

This time, however, they bypassed Zhao Gaang and headed straight for Zhao Linlin. The group's leader spoke with a chilling tone, "Miss Zhao Linlin, you're suspected of involvement in a fatal hit-and-run while under the influence. We need you to come with us to the traffic bureau for questioning."

The crowd was shocked silent by the revelation. It wasn't just Zhao Gaang in trouble; Zhao Linlin was implicated too.

How many reckless acts had this father-daughter duo committed? Now that their misdeeds had come to light, the cases were piling up one after another.

There was no escaping it.

It was nearly a foregone conclusion for everyone that Zhao Gaang and Zhao Linlin's lives were utterly ruined.

Yet, Faang Yu remained the picture of ease, his expression untroubled.

Seated on the couch, he serenely lifted the glass of red wine before him, savoring a small sip with evident contentment.

It seemed as though nothing could ruffle Faang Yu, not a ripple of emotion crossed his face.

And now, they were about to take Zhao Gaang away.

With a "thud," Zhao Gaang, struggling to endure the pain in his thigh, fell to his knees before Wang Kai.

"Young Master Wang, I implore you, help us out. I can't face ruin like this!"

Upon hearing Zhao Gaang's plea, Wang Kai could only shake his head in resignation. Dealing with Zhao Gaang's predicament...

If the Wang family chose to get involved, it wasn't that they lacked solutions, but it would be incredibly complicated.

The problem was that Zhao Gaang was embroiled in too many issues, and even Wang Kai hesitated to wade into such troubled waters.

Seeing Wang Kai's reluctant demeanor, Zhao Gaang fervently kowtowed three times before him.

"Young Master Wang, please, I beg you to help me. If you can free me from this bind, we will transfer all my assets to you in the future!

I will loyally serve at your side, never to betray you!"

Wang Kai visibly shuddered at Zhao Gaang's offer, clearly tempted.

It was common knowledge that the Wang family's wealth was in the tens of billions.

But within the family, it wasn't just Wang Kai and his father; there were also his second uncle, third uncle, and his aunt's families.

The funds Wang Kai himself could command were merely in the hundreds of millions.

Yet Zhao Gaang was worth billions. Securing Zhao Gaang's fortune would significantly bolster Wang Kai's influence.

With that, his position as the next head of the Wang family would be solidified.

In that moment, Wang Kai's resolve wavered.

After all, we're talking about billions in assets!

"Young Master Wang, what do you say? If you agree to help me, I assure you, I'll keep my word. I won't renege on my promise!"

Zhao Gaang looked pleadingly at Wang Kai.

Moved, Wang Kai gave a nod, "Let me see what I can do first."

Pulling out his phone, Wang Kai addressed the gathered officials, "Folks, could you spare a few minutes? I've got good relations with your boss, and I'd appreciate it if you could wait a bit longer out of respect for them."

Upon hearing Wang Kai's request, the group exchanged uneasy glances but ultimately agreed, "If Young Master Wang is asking, we can wait a little longer."

They were familiar with Wang Kai's influence. They understood that Zhao Gaang's fate was sealed today, and a few extra minutes wouldn't change the outcome.

Besides, the end result would be the same, so why not extend this courtesy to Wang Kai?

After all, Wang Kai was acquainted with their leader, and snubbing him today could lead to uncomfortable repercussions at work later on.

Meanwhile, Faang Yu appeared completely at ease, casually remarking, "Why bother delaying the inevitable? I've already said that today, not even the heavens can save the Zhao family."

Wang Kai, however, looked at Faang Yu with scorn, "Kid, keep it shut. What do you amount to?

If my family decides to step in, there's nothing in Diannan City that we can't handle!"

Soon after, Wang Kai was on the phone with his father.

But shortly, Wang Kai's face turned sour.

"I got it, Dad," Wang Kai acknowledged, then ended the call.

Eagerly, Zhao Gaang looked to Wang Kai, "Young Master Wang, any luck? Is there a way out?"

Wang Kai's expression was one of sheer helplessness, "Zhao Gaang, it's out of my hands. I'm powerless to help this time..."

"What?!" Zhao Gaang's voice spiked with emotion upon hearing Wang Kai's response.

"How can this be? Young Master Wang, what's the problem? Isn't the Wang family all-powerful in Diannan City? Why can't even you resolve this?"

Zhao Gaang found it utterly impossible to come to terms with the situation.

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