I Am The Invincible One/C2 Being Looked down upon
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I Am The Invincible One/C2 Being Looked down upon
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C2 Being Looked down upon

The group stared at Faang Yu in utter disbelief, as though they were witnessing a madman who had escaped from an asylum.

They couldn't fathom where Faang Yu found the audacity to be so brazen.

Su Ningshang was so infuriated she was on the verge of tears, inwardly lamenting, 'Where did this maniac come from? Running into him today, it seems my luck has run out.'

The bald man with the scar on his face flew into a rage, veins on his forehead popping, his expression twisted into one of pure fury. "Damn you, you had your chance to live, but you want to push it..."

In a flash, Faang Yu raised his hand, and a long sword zipped out from his sleeve, grasped firmly in his hand. With a swift motion, the blade's pale light cut through the night, striking true at the man's throat. Blood sprayed forth.

The bald man with the scar, along with his two henchmen, were struck with shock and terror, their pupils dilated as they fixed their gaze on Faang Yu. Blood gushed from the man's throat like a fountain.

They were clueless as to how Faang Yu had produced the sword.

Su Ningshang, who had initially thought Faang Yu was out of his mind, was now utterly bewildered.

Yet Faang Yu, as if he had just performed the most mundane and simple of tasks, spoke up calmly, "I told you, you only get one chance. Did you think I was just talking to the wind?"

"You..." The scarred man, his face a mask of fear, was at a loss for words.

Faang Yu's sword disappeared back into his sleeve as if by magic.

He then approached the scarred man, took his right hand, and guided it to press against the sliced throat. "Hold it, don't talk. You might live a bit longer..."

Turning to the scarred man's underling, Faang Yu demanded, "Speak. Who sent you?" His demeanor remained serene, betraying no hint of emotion, yet that very calmness instilled a deep-seated fear in them.

It was as if an unseen, ancient chill had swept over them, leaving their bodies quaking uncontrollably.

"It's... the Wang family..."

One of them blurted out in response.

Faang Yu gave a slight nod, as if unfazed by the events, opened the car door, and settled into the passenger seat, turning to Su Ningshang.

"What are you waiting for? Drive!"


In that moment, Su Ningshang snapped out of her daze. She was about to stride past the thugs, who were frozen in place, not daring to make a move.

Though Faang Yu remained silent in the car, his presence was palpable, like an invisible hand gripping their throats.

They knew any sudden move would be their last.

Back in the car, Su Ningshang was inwardly shaken. She hadn't anticipated Faang Yu's formidable strength. She had pegged him as a minor soldier, riding on his family's coattails in the border warzone.

She had clearly underestimated him.

Simultaneously, Su Ningshang felt a surge of anger.

She, the esteemed Miss Su, was being commanded like a servant by Faang Yu. She couldn't recall ever being treated with such indignity.

Yet, her view of Faang Yu was beginning to shift, ever so slightly.

He wasn't the worthless man she had imagined.

In the Su family's grand hall in Diannan City, Su Ningshang's parents, Su Haoran and Lin Xueqing, sat on the couch, their faces etched with concern.

Su Haoran was visibly distraught. "Damn it, my father was perfectly fine just last month. How could he suddenly be on his deathbed?"

The hospital had issued a critical notice just yesterday, giving him only a couple of days at most and advising the family to bring the patriarch home.

Su Haoran was struggling to come to terms with this, his sorrow compounded by frustration.

"Dad, I'm back..."

At that moment, Su Ningshang, with Faang Yu in tow, approached the living room.

Su Haoran's expression soured upon seeing Faang Yu next to his daughter, his face darkening as if it could rain at any moment.

Standing before Su Haoran and Lin Xueqing, Su Ningshang introduced, "Dad, this is Faang Yu, he..."

"Get him out of here!"

Su Haoran commanded, his face dark with anger.

Su Ningshang immediately felt a surge of anxiety.

Lately, Su Haoran's temper had soured under the old man's influence. Yet, Su Ningshang had come to realize that Faang Yu was no pushover either.

If Faang Yu were to lash out, it could easily end in mutual destruction.

"This..." Su Ningshang's face was a mask of hesitation.

Su Haoran looked up, irritation bubbling within him, "Kid, what are you doing just standing there? Can't you understand plain English? I said beat it!"

Su Haoran believed that Faang Yu was here to demand benefits and compensation because the Su family had called off the engagement.

Faang Yu's brow furrowed, but he quickly regained his composure, "I'm here to see the old man."

At the mention of "old man," Su Haoran felt a rush of anger, but he checked himself, remembering that Faang Yu was his father's good friend's grandson.

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, striving to quell his rising temper.

"So, you're Faang Yu? I know why you're here. You're upset about the broken engagement, aren't you? That was an arrangement between my father and your grandfather. Now, my father's on his deathbed, and the engagement is obviously null and void."

"I understand that calling off the engagement is a blow to your family's honor. Rest assured, the Su family will provide full compensation. Stay at a hotel for a few days. Once I've taken care of my grandfather's affairs, I'll make sure you get a proper explanation. Now go..."

Despite his intense annoyance at Faang Yu, Su Haoran managed to keep his composure.

Faang Yu's expression grew stormy, anger rising within him.

But out of respect for the Su family patriarch, he held back.

"I came to see the old man..."

Su Haoran's fury escalated, his face twisting into a snarl, his lips twitching, "Are you deaf? My father's in bad shape. Stop bothering him and let him pass in peace, will you?"

"I can cure the old man's illness..."

Upon hearing Faang Yu's declaration, Su Haoran's fury was set ablaze!

Consider this: the patriarch had taken ill quite suddenly. Over the past month, Su Haoran had sought the expertise of innumerable specialists and renowned physicians.

He had exhausted vast amounts of money and effort, all to no avail.

Yet here stood Faang Yu, a mere youth in his twenties, brazenly claiming he could heal the elder. Su Haoran had been biting back his anger, but Faang Yu, oblivious to courtesy, shamelessly refused to back down!

"I can cure what now?"

In his anguish over his father's condition, Su Haoran let loose a string of expletives, throwing caution and his image to the wind.

"Do you even know what ails Ningshang's grandfather? The symptoms? Are you aware of how many experts and doctors I've consulted? None could offer a cure. And you? What will you use—your dog mouth?"

"Leave now! This is your final warning, or I swear I'll end you! Do you hear me...?"


But in an instant, a ghastly white sword light cut through the air.

Before Su Haoran could finish, a bone-chilling coldness enveloped everyone present.

They watched as Faang Yu produced a long sword from seemingly nowhere, pressing it against Su Haoran's chest.

Faang Yu had reached his breaking point!

In the Western Territory, within the Heavenly Dragon Hall, strength is revered above all else!

From a young age, warriors of the Heavenly Dragon Hall are taught that when conflicts cannot be resolved, it is strength that dictates the outcome!

It's the most straightforward approach!

Faang Yu was struggling to maintain his composure, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor.

Since he couldn't garner the respect he sought, Faang Yu resolved to command the Su family's respect in his own manner.

"Kill you? Right now, who do you think is closer to death—you or me?"

Faang Yu's voice was ice-cold, his demeanor unnervingly calm.

"Faang Yu, please, don't be reckless. What are you doing?"

Su Ningshang's voice was laced with worry as she watched Faang Yu, fearful of his next move.

Lin Xueqing's voice rang out, furious and sharp.

"Little bastard, what are you thinking? Drop your weapon!"

Su Haoran's face registered shock, but he quickly recovered.


He burst into raucous laughter.

His grin took on a menacing edge, instilling fear in those around him.

"Hahahaha~~" Su Haoran continued, his gaze fixed on Faang Yu.

But his laughter cut off sharply, his face turning ashen, his mood dark and treacherous as if treading on thin ice.

"Kid, you've got guts! Do you even realize what you're doing? Where you are? Who I am?

This is the Su family's turf! One of the top four powerhouses in Diannan City! And I'm the patriarch of the Su family, with a fortune of ten billion. See these bodyguards around you?

Any one of them could snap your legs like twigs! Drop your sword, or I promise you, you'll die without a clue how it happened!"

As he finished, a chilling aura of murderous intent radiated from Su Haoran.

He had weathered the world for over forty years, encountering every kind of tempest.

A mere youth in his early twenties couldn't possibly intimidate him.

In his eyes, Faang Yu was nothing but a backwater hick, trying to snag a wealthy bride to elevate his status.

Faang Yu's audacity, he was convinced, was nothing more than a ploy for personal gain.

He was sure Faang Yu lacked the courage to follow through.

Yet, Faang Yu's expression remained unaltered, his eyes devoid of any ripple of emotion. Despite his youth, Faang Yu was the one who had truly faced life's violent squalls.

Even against overwhelming odds, Faang Yu's composure was unflappable, making Su Haoran seem insignificant by comparison.

"Are you threatening me?" Faang Yu's voice was cool and detached.


Su Haoran's response was immediate and definitive.

"That's right, I am threatening you. So what? Smarten up, kid, and beat it! Or else, I swear you won't step foot outside the Su family's..."


Blood sprayed in a sudden gush!

Su Haoran couldn't even utter the word "door."

With one swift thrust, Faang Yu's sword impaled Su Haoran's heart, the blade protruding from his back.


Silence engulfed the living room in the blink of an eye.

Each person gazed at Faang Yu, their eyes widening in astonishment.

Time and space appeared to stand still.

The air felt as if it had solidified.

A hushed silence enveloped the room, so profound you could hear a pin drop.


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